20 Ways to Ask Where Someone Lives Without Being Creepy


There is some personal information people may not be comfortable sharing especially when they do not trust you enough. One such piece of information is about where someone lives. People want to be sure their home address or city of residence isn’t public information to not attract unwarranted attention. Hence, when you attempt to ask someone where they live, they may find it creepy and decline to spill that information with you.

As always, I am going to show you some genius ways to ask where someone lives without being creepy. You are going to learn some of the best hacks, tested and proven to drive home the results you want. Do not get caught in the web of creepiness when you are innocently trying to get to know someone.

You Look Like Someone Who Lives In Boston? Is That Where You Stay?

Ways to Ask Where Someone Lives Without Being Creepy

I have heard this line too many times by my male friends when they are trying to frizz up a lady. They just randomly mention something about them being familiar and while they aren’t trying to know the person’s location, they end up with the location, their name, and even their contact.

The goal is to build some form of familiarity. By assuming you are mistaken and asking them “Where do you stay?” they’ll be compelled to let you know.

Can I Ask Where You Reside?

Being polite in asking where the person resides is another good way to get to know about their place of residence. As simple as “Can I ask where you reside?” will go a long way. Except the person doesn’t want to tell you, when you are polite in your request, there’s a good chance you’ll be told.

Do You Stay Downtown Or Farther Away From The City?

Another way you can ask someone about where they live especially if you are sure they live in a particular city is to ask what part of the city they live in. Since you already know that they live in the city, you could either ask them whether they stay on the west side or east side, downtown or in the city center.

You Must Drive A Long Way Before Getting To Work. Where Do You Stay?

If your colleague always comes to work late, you can use that opportunity to find out where they live. This is a good way to ask them. You can also flip this inquiry if the person seldom comes late to work. For example,

  • I always find you at work no matter how early I think I am. You don’t drive too far to get here, do you?

Did The Earthquake Affect Where You Live?

The occurrence of a natural disaster is another avenue to find out where someone resides. If there has been an earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, or any eventualities like that, you can show your concern and follow it up with an inquiry about where they stay. Your concern could get them to lower their guard and spill information about their place of residence.

I Live At “Mention Your Area Of Residence.” I Was Wondering If You Lived Close To Me

When you are getting to know someone, you can get them to tell you where they live by making the move first. So, you could say “I live at Orono, Maine. Close to the University of Maine. I was wondering if you lived close to me.” This will force them to want to reciprocate this gesture by telling you about themselves.

If You Don’t Mind Me Asking. Where Do You Stay?

One of the scenarios where I’d advise you to use this line is when you have been in talks with the person. The consistency in communication will allow your question to enjoy favorable conditions in their books. It also proves how being polite when making requests can make you get your way around people.

Let’s Say You Had The Resources To Live Wherever You Want, What’s Your Dream Location? So, Where Do You Live Now?

This is a trick way to get them to tell you where they live. You could be in a discussion and then ask them “Let’s say you had the resources to live wherever you want, what’s your dream location?” They are going to go on and on about their dream destination. When they are done, follow up with “So, where do you live now?” They are going to say it.

I Overheard You Talking About What A Good Housing Deal You Just Got. What Area Is That? Are Houses There Always That Cheap?

Ways to Ask Where Someone Lives Without Being Creepy

This is a tried and true way to find out someone’s address. If they speak about real estate prices in their locality or anything related, you can seize your chance to find out the location they are talking about. Aside from the example, I provided you could say “How much is your house rent per year?” When they answer, use the information to ask where they live.

For instance

  • That’s an outrageous sum or is it the standard? What area is that?
  • That is the cheapest I have heard for a semi-terraced apartment. Where do you reside?

I Am Wondering What Areas Would Be Great For A Family. What Is It Like In Your Neighborhood? 

Another unsuspecting way to know someone’s address is to act like you are looking for housing options. For this example, you can direct this question to someone who has been married for quite some time. They will not mind sharing some tips with information about where they live.

Do You Live Around Biddeford? 

There are scenarios where wild guesses like this work like magic. You could be in a discussion with the person and they keep referring to a particular city or place. If you observe such a trend, you can use this response. They may ask why. That’s when you tell them about your observations. They may not live there but chances are that they do.

I Frequent That Route. Is That Where You Live?

Someone may be narrating something that happened somewhere and it could be a place you are familiar with. This is a good chance to say “I frequent that route. Is that where you live?” as you attempt to find out where they reside. They are also going to feel safe telling you about their location since you already have an idea.

I Thought That Restaurant Was Only In Miami And I Am Pretty Sure You Don’t Live In Miami

Another opportunity that can present itself is when a person is talking about a location that you thought was only in a particular place. It could be a Chinese restaurant or office branch that they said they were at. You could say “I thought that “mention the place” was only in Miami and I am pretty sure you don’t live in Miami.” You can tweak it to any location though.

What Is Wrong With Where You Are Staying Currently?

Someone might be complaining about something happening in their current residence or talking about their plans to move. You can act concerned and ask them what is wrong with where they are staying. If they want, they could talk about it. After that, you can ask them where exactly they live. Easy day.

It’s Been A Long Time. Where Do You Stay Now?

For someone who you lost contact with and you are catching up with, I don’t think you should fear being considered creepy. Just so we don’t give off that impression, your question could be phrased like this “It’s been a long time. Where do you stay now?” That way they know you want to know because you are trying to catch up.

I Think We Should Meet Somewhere That’s Convenient For The Two Of Us. What Part Of The State Do You Live In?

When you are talking with someone, maybe over a dating app, and y’all are about to meet up, one way to ask where they live is to come off as being empathetic. “I think we should meet somewhere that’s convenient for the two of us. What part of the state do you live in?” is going to do the trick.

I’d Like To Send Something Over. What’s Your Address?

If you’ve built a rapport with this person but aren’t confident about them giving you their address if you randomly asked, this is another way to get it. Well, you are making a sacrifice and if you don’t think it is worth it, you can stick with other options. A box of chocolates or a bouquet wouldn’t hurt though.

I Bet You Do Not Come From These Parts. Where Are You From?

This one is going to work on strangers and acquaintances. There’s a way someone will dress or talk and you can tell they are from another region. “I bet you do not come from these parts. Where are you from?” is a perfect way to know where the person is from in this context.

Are You Some Sort Of Secret Agent? Why’s Your Location Not Turned On?

If you have been texting someone on social media, maybe on Snapchat where the location can be seen but theirs isn’t appearing, you can use that to ask about their location. “Are you some sort of secret agent? Why’s your location not turned on?” is a funny way to do so. They’d either be forced to turn on their location or tell you what it is.

Those Events Are Bizarre. Hope You Aren’t Staying Anywhere Close To “Mention A City”

Finally, you can use this line to also find out where a person is staying. This comes in handy when a shocking news or event is happening. If it is streamlined to a particular city and you are talking with someone who you aren’t sure if they live in the locality where the events are happening, you can say “Those events are bizarre. Hope you aren’t staying anywhere close to (mention a city)?”

Final Thoughts

A total stranger wouldn’t be comfortable telling you about where they live. Asking someone you just met where they stay when there’s no legitimate reason why you are asking is downright creepy. You want to avoid this by first building a rapport with them and when friendliness is established, you can ask them about their house address.

Also, understand that not everyone would be detailed to say they live in House 2, XYZ Street, ABC. Depending on what they perceive to be your intent, they could give you a street name, a county, or a state. Except there is a reason to know their exact home address, you mustn’t pressure anyone to reveal that piece of information.

Ways to Ask Where Someone Lives Without Being Creepy

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