20 Funny Questions to Ask Uber Driver


What exactly is the right thing to do when you enter an Uber and perhaps your journey is far away? Do you mind your business and stay silent or do you engage the Uber driver in a conversation?

The first group of people would prefer that the driver stay silent and drive. They would even give an extra tip and a 5-star review if the driver does exactly that. However, the second group of people will find the silence disconcerting and would love to break it.

For the second group of people, the best way to break the silence and start the conversation would be to ask a question, and what better question than a funny one as a conversation starter?

In this article, I will be writing twenty (20) hilarious questions that you can ask an Uber driver to get the conversation going. Read till the end and do let me know what you think in the comment section below.

Table of Contents

I Am Going For An Interview And I Forgot To Use A Deodorant, Do You Have One That I Can Use?

You may not know it, but even before you ask this question, your bad odor may have betrayed you and gone ahead of you to let the driver know that you need help smelling good.

It would be rare that an Uber driver has a deodorant in his care, but wouldn’t you want to find out? Or at least have the Uber driver give you that weird look through the rearview mirror?

Do You Believe In Terrestrials, God, Or The Ufos?

This question, though funny, can be a great conversation starter. Of course, the person may be wondering why you need to know what they believe in, and will probably look through the rearview mirror to know if you are okay.

The funny fact is that the person may be an atheist, a Muslim, or simply a traditionist, but don’t let them scare you away.

What’s The Best Joke You Have Ever Received From Uber This Week?

Most times, the aim of asking a funny question is to receive a more funny response. I’m completely sure that the Uber driver has heard so many weird jokes or had so many weird things happen to them, and they will be more than willing to share.

What’s The Weirdest Incident That Has Happened To You As An Uber Driver?

This question covers the weirdest or most hilarious incident that an Uber driver has ever experienced. The response to this question could go two ways –  either he shares a very hilarious incident or he shares a very touching one.

What are the odds that it could be one or the other?

Have You Ever Picked A Celebrity In Your Car, And Didn’t Recognize Them?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve come to understand that people enjoy talking about celebrities a lot. Most times, the conversation circles the celebrities they’ve met and how they were treated by those celebrities.

It is advisable not to use this unless you want your Uber driver talking the whole ride.

I’m Thinking Of Becoming An Uber Driver Too, Do You Think It’s Worth It?

Well, another piece of advice –  if you don’t want your Uber driver to tell you their life story or bore you to death with tales of their experience as an Uber driver, then this may be the one question that you should avoid.

What Extra Juice Do You Receive From Nice Clients – A Tip Or The Tip?

If you are avoiding the previous question, then you may want to go a little bit naughty with this one.

This question is quite risky and can get you a laugh or a look. This question will only make you gay if the Uber driver is gay (Wink), or it could pass you off as a pervert.

I’m Trying To Get To The Equator, What’s The Farthest You Can Drive?

Well, this is the conversation starter that you were looking for cause it is extremely hilarious and will make the Uber driver have a good laugh.

This is because unless you are planning to freeze to death, there is no reason why you should be driving to the equator, and if you are planning to freeze to death then you should probably just step into a cold room or a freezer for dead bodies.

I Have An Interview In Thirty Minutes, Is It Okay If I Shower At Your Place?

Woaw…way to cross the line! Well, if you wish to play it dangerous, I’m not going to stop you. The look on the Uber driver’s face when you say this will be hilarious and will have you choking with laughter.

I Have My Cobra Pet That I Would Love To Hang Around Your Headrest, So Is Your Uber Pet-Friendly?

In most countries, most Uber drivers are pet-friendly as in they don’t mind you riding with your pet as long as they don’t mess their Uber up.

But is it practical that a dangerous pet like a cobra will be allowed into an Uber? This may not be healthy as it is only those who get off on people’s fear that will find this hilarious.

My Dad Usually Holds My Hand When I’m Sad, But He’s Gone Over To The Other Side, Do You Mind Holding My Hand While You Drive?

While this may seem touching asking a total stranger to stand in place of your dad is a hilarious way to start your day.

Well, there may be some Uber driver who will be touched enough to hold your hand…that is if they don’t know the true story behind your request.

Have You Ever Had Passengers Offer To Pay You To Do Dirty Things In Your Car?

Well, well, look who is fishing for naughty tea. What exactly makes you think that an Uber driver would want to give you such private information?

However, you never know, he may be as chatty as you and will divulge such information. At least, I know most lonely Uber need a chance like this to share their weirdest experience with anyone even if it is a stranger.

Would You Like To Do This Again Tomorrow With Wine, Chocolates And Tickets To The Movies?

Asking your Uber driver out on a date, are you? If you feel okay with pulling your Uber driver’s legs and have a laugh out of it then this is the right question for you.

Don’t be surprised if he accepts your invitation, and don’t tell him it was a prank unless you are planning to break this stranger’s heart.

I Love Weather Seats That Make It Easy To Clean Blood Off Of, And Yours Is The Perfect Example Of What I’m Looking For, So Where Did You Buy Them?

Watching true crime series may be addictive, but it could get you asking questions like this that will freak people out.

If your Uber driver looks at you weirdly, be sure to let him know that you were just joking before he calls the police on you or drives you to the police station himself.

If I Give You An Extra $50 And A 5-star Rating, Would You Come Upstairs And Swim With Me?

Some Uber drivers have shared stories of when they received requests such as this from their passengers. Few of them took up the offer and had a great time while the rest dared not enter into a trap set by a serial k*ller.

Let’s just hope that your Uber driver belongs to the former group.

It Is Said That Those With Lips As Beautiful As Yours Are Bloodsuckers, So Whose Blood Have You Tasted?

I don’t know how you noticed your Uber driver’s lips out of everything there is to notice but complimenting his/her lips by assuming that they are vampires may be the most hilarious question you will ever ask your Uber driver.

I Have Three Handkerchiefs Soaked With Different Products And I’m Confused About Which One Has Chloroform On It; Do You Mind Forcing Them To Tell Me Which One Has Chloroform On It?

Imagine asking your Uber driver to perceive chloroform just to confirm if it is chloroform. I mean, we all know what chloroform is right – so it’s either you want your Uber driver to think that you are really stupid or you just want to die.

If I Buy You Rihanna’s Fenty Wear, Do You Promise To Give Me Your Skin To Wear Instead?

This question is a weird and funny way of complimenting your Uber driver’s skin – if his/her skin is clear. If he/she takes you up on the offer, can you afford Rihanna’s Fenty wear? Hmm.

You Look Like You Have Spent Thirty Hours On The Wheel – So, Are You A Coffee Or A Tea Person?

Funny Questions to Ask Uber Driver

Most Uber drivers spend so much time on the wheels and sometimes work past their hours trying to make ends meet, so while this may be a hilarious question/assumption, it is a nice way to bond with your Uber driver.

Your Steering Wheel Looks Unique, Do You Mind If I Control It For A Moment While Your Feet Still Do The Major Driving?

This question is just a funny way to ask someone if they want to die ‘cause why would you hold the steering wheel while the Uber driver pedals? Seems like someone has been watching too much crime and action movies – which is what the driver will probably think.

In Summary,

The questions listed and explained above are among the set of most hilarious questions you can ever ask an Uber driver. It can get certain reactions from them which you are sure will make you have a great laugh.

Even when retelling the story at a later time, they still have the potential to make you break out in strong fits of laughter. You can either share with us the experience you had when you used any of our questions or some questions you’ve used that you believe are equally hilarious in the comment section below.

Funny Questions to Ask Uber Driver

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