⁠20 Approaches to Ask Someone to Sell Their Car


Several situations can warrant that you counsel someone to sell their car. They may also consider your request for them to sell their car as a headway when they have weighed the circumstances they are faced with and observed that it demands their compliance.

As much as they may seem vulnerable at this point in their lives, there is a way to put it to them and convince them that that is the exact thing they should do, and you can learn 20 ways to ask someone to sell their car in this article. Let’s ride in!

Table of Contents

1. I Haven’t Found A Car With The Exact Specs I Ever Wanted, Like Yours. I Noticed Your Eyes Are On Another Brand; Can You Sell This To Me?

How to Ask Someone to Sell Their Car

One of the first things most people do when they want to get a car is to know the kind of car they want and take note of certain specs. First, the specs determine the choice of car that people desire to have.

To ask someone to sell their car to you, you will need a valid reason, and since it is not a bad idea to have an exact specification that you want to go for, you can tell the car owner that their car is just exactly what you want to get and that they should sell it to you since their eyes are on another brand, if you have overheard them talking about their love for a newly made car from another brand.

2. There Is An Opportunity To Sell Your Car At A Rate That is Almost the price you Paid For It. I’ll Ask That You Consider It. 

When a car owner has outgrown their car or are contemplating changing it, and there is an opportunity for them to sell it for a fee almost the same amount they bought it for, it is great to ask them to sell their car because they may not stumble on that offer again or at the exact time they need to see it.

So, persuade them to sell their car, with emphasis on the fact that they are giving it out almost at the same rate they bought it, which is quite rare and unlikely to happen after that time.

3. I Wish I Could Render More Help Than I Am Right Now, But I Think It’s Best To Sell Your Car And Settle Your Debt Before The Debtors Come After You.

As someone who has a close friend’s interest at heart, you can ask them to sell their car to settle their debts before things get out of hand.

This could be the best thing you can ask them to do when they ask you for support, and you may not be financially able to render help to them as much as required. When other means you recommend that they should get help from are not working as well, you can ask them to sell their car.

4. Your Car Now Has The Latest Version, Which I’m Sure You Want To Try. Why Not Sell This And Get That?

An encounter with someone who loves trends can prompt this statement. You can ask them to sell their car because the latest version looks better and is more efficient than what they currently have.

If needed, go further to tell them what the latest feature comprises in such an enticing way that they want to have it already.

Furthermore, take them to where the latest version is sold and let them have a look, or better yet, show them a video or picture of it on your phone.

5. You Can Raise Some More Capital By Selling Your Car, Since It Is A Liability At The Moment

Without mincing words, you can tell someone that they should sell their phone in order for them to raise capital for a more profitable venture since their car is a liability.

Not all cars are liabilities, but if there is a financial state in which one can find themselves, it can be a burden to maintain and fuel their car.

You can advise someone at this level who needs to step up financially that they should sell their car and raise some money for a profitable business.

6. For How Many Years Have You Used This Car? Won’t You Consider A Change? Without Stress, I Can Buy Yours, So You’ll Get Another Of Your Choice.

Many people are quite occupied with weighty matters but less concerned about changing their old car. In some instances, they need someone to share it as concerns before they begin to work towards a new car.

Someone close to you in this category may need you to ask them how many years the car they are in at that time has served them. Afterwards, seek to know if they want a change. Include an offer that you’ll buy it.

7. You Should Care Less About What People Say. Sell Your Car And Get A Smaller One That Can Perform Similar Roles In The Meantime.

One of the pressing reasons why someone may feel ashamed to sell their car and get a smaller one is pondering the image they will create in the hearts of the people around them.

And so, in order to maintain their position and perception in the minds of people, they may keep battling a lot secretly.

On this note, you can advise them closely to walk up to them and encourage them to care less about people’s comments but to sell their car and get one that can perform similar roles while they use the money to settle important things.

8. You May Not Need To Rally Around To Raise Money To Clear Your Debts Anymore. I Am Willing And Ready To Pay For Your Car. 

At the point of getting stranded due to going around looking for money to clear one’s debt, you can ask them to sell their car instead.

This is one great piece of advice you can offer them if their car is not serving a pressing function and you have not built a circle of relationships that can help them settle their debts temporarily or permanently.

Let them know that they should protect their dignity and save themselves the stress, especially when help seems far-fetched. If you like their car and you’re willing to pay for it, bring it to their attention as well.

9. You Have A Fleet Of Cars In the garage. What If You Sell The Least Of Them Since You Need the Money urgently?

There may be a need to work on something that will open up more opportunities. It could be to do a program for an extra certification, hire a PR, or pay for professional consulting.

When someone gets to this point and they do not have some cash to spare, you can ask them to sell the least car they have in their garage to raise money urgently.

10. You Don’t Need To Include Moving Your Car Into Your Travel Budget; You Can Sell It To Me. I’m Ready To Pay Already

How to Ask Someone to Sell Their Car

Migration can take a toll on anyone who doesn’t plan for an efficient means to put things in order both when leaving and in the place they are migrating to.

So, when you meet someone who is migrating, you can ask them to sell their car so they don’t have to deal with moving their car over to another city, town, or country. This is to reduce costs and for certain other reasons.

11. Since You Can No Longer Cope With The Maintenance Of Your Car, I Will Advise That You Sell It. No Need To Bother About Sales; I Am Ready To Pay For It Right Away.

When car maintenance becomes a big issue for someone, you can ask them to sell their car. This is so important because if they continue to spend so much on the car without returns or a steady means of earning, they may get indebted.

On the other hand, since the car is not an asset, it has added double responsibilities for them, which they do not need to shoulder if only they can sell it. You can offer to pay for it if they decide to put it on sale.

12. Beyond The Obvious Reasons For Your Complaints, I’ve Noticed You Do Not Enjoy Driving This Car, So You Can Sell It Off To Me.

Complaints about a brand or someone are an indication that the complaining man may not be comfortable with something.

In this instance, when you find someone who complains a lot about their car, it could be that they no longer want it or that they have found something better.

If you admire the car and want it for yourself, after you question them and confirm this, simply tell them that they can sell it off to you.

13. I Think Changing Those Car Parts Will Be Burdensome For You, Considering Your Current Financial Situation. Why Not Sell It?

The more costly a car, the higher the cost of maintenance. Some people simply budget to get a car, forgetting that it needs to be maintained after purchase. When you stumble on someone in this category, there are no two ways about it.

Either they begin to earn much more than they used to and then plan a budget to look after the car or sell it. If the first is not feasible, ask them to do the second.

14. I Will Suggest That You Tackle Other Pressing Problems After Selling Your Car.

There may be pressing issues like paying off house rent, getting food and groceries, paying for surgery, or something else that comes up as time progresses.

When someone reaches out to you, they are faced with a lot of expenses to make, and as they make efforts to make ends meet, they are spending more on their car. At this point, you can ask them to change their car.

15. Consider How Much Profit You’ll Make If You Sell Your Car To Raise Money For This Business Now That You Are Broke And The Market Is Good. 

Engaging in business accurately begins with calculating losses and profits. If someone who is in need of financial intervention reaches out to you and says that finances are not forthcoming, you can ask them to sell their car and invest it in a business.

This should be after an analysis of profit and loss. If the market is good and people are cashing out, ask them to invest in a real business they can see and lay their hands on.

16. You Can Move Into A Better Apartment. Simply Sell Your Car To Raise Some Funds

There are quite a number of reasons why you can ask someone to sell their car. A significant one on the list is so that they can get a better apartment because the place they are currently in is not comfortable or safe for their lives and properties.

When you get an idea of how they have been trying to get out of their house due to the threats they are facing, you can ask them to sell their car. Then raise some money that will afford them to move to a better place.

17. I’m Smiling Because I Have Just Found The Exact Car I Have Always Wanted. Would You Love To Sell Yours Or Refer Me To Where I Can Get It? 

Oh, what joy it is to have found the exact car you have always wanted right in front of you. It is important to share what brought the overflowing joy in your heart that found expression through your face with the person who cares to know, which may be the car owner.

You can directly say that you have found the exact distance you have always wanted. Then show interest as you seek to know if they want to sell their car or refer you to a place where you can get it.

18. If You Need The Money Urgently, I Can Pay For Your Car At The Exact Price You Paid For It

Asking someone to sell their car should be done tactfully, especially if you are interested in it, so they don’t take your approach otherwise.

Before telling someone that you can pay for their car since they urgently need some money, make sure that they understand that you are doing it to support them.

19. Truthfully Speaking, I’ve Not Seen This Car Serve You Excellently Well For One Day, And You Need Something More Productive, So Sell It Off, Please.

You can draw closer to the chairs of sincerity with someone you want to ask to sell their car. Tell them that their car has been more of a burden to them.

They’ve been fixing and fixing or having to tackle issues with their car every now and then. At this point, ask them to sell their car and get something better that will serve them better and make them more productive.

20. If You Sell Your Car Now, You Can Always Buy It Again Or Get A Bigger Ride, But Not Your Reputation Or Your Family.

There are trying moments when people can go through hard times, which could be as a result of debt, not going for a life-changing meeting with peers or colleagues, and when one’s family member needs money for treatment.

In the same vein, you can ask someone to sell their car so they can jump on a lifetime offer.

On this basis, you can ask them to sell their car to protect their reputation and family.

Final Words

In this article, there are 20 ways to ask someone to sell their car. Some are direct while others are engaging, and you should consider doing this while talking to someone about selling their car so that they feel carried along and are not being taken advantage of.

If you desire to own their car and there are tendencies that they want to sell out, you should ask them to sell it to you.

The bottom line is that when you want to ask someone to sell their car, ensure you pay attention to the situation they are surrounded by and let them know that you care.

How to Ask Someone to Sell Their Car

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