15 Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Something Blue


You may have recently come across the trend that describes what people mean to you based on certain colors.

For instance, when someone is your something red or a red person to you, it means that they have a certain genuineness about them that you easily click with.

Nevertheless, in this article, we will be focusing on what it means to be something blue to someone.

When someone else asks you to be their something blue, they’re simply saying that they are at the point of their lives when they need someone the most and they want you to be that person.

It further means that you are someone that they can count on and who actively listens to them. Some may go as far as saying that their lives wouldn’t be the same if they hadn’t met you.

Everyone needs someone who will be their something blue, so, when you need someone to be your something blue, how do you go about it? In this article, you will learn fifteen (15) ways to ask someone to be your something blue.

Table of Contents

15 Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Something Blue

  1. I just went through a bad breakup, can you be my something blue right now?
  2. I’m looking at the situation through a singular lens, if you can become my something blue, I’ll probably see things through another perspective.
  3. Will you do me the honour of being my something blue cause you always tell me the truth about life?
  4. I’m sending you the location for the meeting, and I need you to be my something blue.
  5. Hey, I need someone to watch my children, can you please be my something blue?
  6. This is a 911, I need someone to vent to and I would love if you were my something blue.
  7. My mum was always my something blue before I lost her, can you just take her place for a day cause I need someone to talk to?
  8. I keep pretending to be who I’m not around these girls, can you be my something blue and keep me in check?
  9. My sis is usually my something blue, but at this point, I will need someone to stand in that place, can you be the one?
  10.  Fate made us find each other, and now you complete me. Can you be my something blue for ever?
  11.  If I become your something red, will you be my something blue?
  12.  I know you have something important to do right now, but can you be something blue while I rant?
  13.  I just need you to be my something blue for this evening, no one does it as good as you.
  14.  My therapist traveled and I need someone to talk with about an important issue, would you be my something blue?
  15.  What would I ever do without you, my wonderful blue person? Would you do me the honors for one more night?

I Just Went Through a Bad Breakup, Can You Be My Something Blue Right Now?

According to science, the amount of pain one feels when they have a major physical injury is exactly the same to when they experience a heartbreak.

Instead of going through that pain alone, you might as well use this statement to ask someone reliable to be your something blue. I’m sure anyone that you use this statement with will be very keen to help especially if they love you.

  • ‘I just went through a bad breakup, can you be my something blue?’
  • ‘I’m sorry darling and of course, I will be your something blue.’

I’m looking at the situation through a singular lens, if you can become my something blue, I’ll probably see things through another perspective

When someone is your something blue, they help you to see situations or life in general from another perspective. This helps you not to be narrow in making decisions or giving your opinion about something.

  • ‘I’m looking at the situation through a singular lens if you can be my something blue, I may see things through another perspective.’
  • ‘Of course, I’ll always put you on track.’

Will you do me the honor of being my something blue cause you always tell me the truth about life?

When you ask someone to be your something blue, they always consider it as being something honorable because you are entrusting them with a very important responsibility.

  • ‘Will you do me the honor of being my something blue ’cause you always tell me the truth about life?’
  • ‘I’ll do you the honors alright.’

I’m Sending You The Location For The Meeting, And I Need You To Be My Something Blue

This phrase is used in situations when you are meeting someone for the first time and you just wish to take safety precautions.

So, you send your location to someone and let them know that if they don’t hear from you within a specific period of time, then they should alert the authorities.

When you find someone who is vigilant enough to handle that, then you can use this statement to ask them to be your something blue.

  • ‘I’m sending you the location for the meeting, and I need you to be my something blue.’
  • ‘I’m here for you.’

Hey, I need someone to watch my children, can you please be my something blue?

Imagine having your sitter cancel on you last minute or maybe an emergency comes up and you have to find a sitter last minute.

If you can’t find one but you have a relation, friend, or neighbor who you think might do the job, then you should use this statement to ask them to be your something blue.

  • ‘Hey, I need someone to watch my children, can you please be my something blue?’
  • ‘That will be $15 an hour…just kidding.’

This is a 911, I need someone to vent to and I would love it if you were my something blue.

Sometimes, all we need is someone to vent to and a safe place to pour our hearts out or release a scream that shows our pent-up frustration.

If your head is barely above the wall and it is urgent that you vent to someone else you break down, then use this statement to ask someone to be your something blue.

  • ‘This is a 911, I need someone to vent to and I would love if you were my something blue.’
  • ‘I’m on my way.’

My mum was always my something blue before I lost her, can you just take her place for a day cause I need someone to talk to?

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Something Blue

The best mums are always there when we need them, but what happens when they get tired of this earth and decide to rest permanently in heaven?

Well, you can do nothing about it but mourn them, however, when you need someone to take their place and be your something blue, you can use this statement to make your request.

  • ‘You know my mum was always my something blue but I need someone to talk to right now.’
  • ‘Whatever you need darling.’

I keep pretending to be who I’m not around these girls, can you be my something blue and keep me in check?

When you ask someone to be your something blue in situations like this, you are simply asking them to ensure that you don’t get carried away with trying to please others and that you lose sight of yourself.

Whoever you are asking to be your something blue at times like that has to be someone you respect and who is strong-minded enough to put you in place.

  • ‘I keep pretending to be who I’m not around these girls, can you be my something blue and keep me in check?’
  • ‘Oh, I will keep you check, not to worry.’

My sis is usually my something blue, but at this point, I will need someone to stand in that place, can you be the one?

Just like the person who loses his mother, this statement is used when you have a sister who was always your something blue but for some reason, they are not around anymore.

This does not necessarily mean that they are deceased. It could just mean that they have changed location or that they finally got into college and are not at home anymore.

  • ‘I need someone to stand in place of my sister and be my something blue.’
  • ‘Alright.’

Fate made us find each other, and now you complete me. Can you be my something blue for ever?

Just like it sounds, it is used in a romantic setting between two lovers. The statement shows that the person you are speaking to has always been your something blue, and now you want to make it a forever deal with them.

Oh my, who’s cutting onions? Well, feel free to steal this line as you prepare to propose to that special someone.

  • ‘Can you be my something blue for ever?’
  • ‘Yes!’

If I become your something red, will you be my something blue?

In the introduction, we established that when someone is your something red it means that you click with them immediately probably because you both share something in common.

So, if the person tells you that you are their something red, you can use this statement to ask them to be your something blue so that you can both compliment each other.

  • ‘If I become your something red, will you be my something blue?’
  • ‘What a way to trade, but of course.’

I Know You Have Something Important Doing Right Now, But Can You Be My Something Blue While I Rant?

Well, they may be busy but that does not mean they can’t listen while you rant. I mean, all you need is their ears to listen and probably their mouth if what you need is advice.

You can only use this for someone very close to you who will not be irritated by your continuous disturbance and who can multitask.

Also, you have to ensure that whatever it is you need to speak to them about is more important than what they are doing.

  • ‘I know you have something important to do right now, but can you be my something blue while I rant?’
  • ‘What else are my ears for?’

I Just Need You To Be My Something Blue For This Evening, No One Does It As Good As You.

This sounds like it is a one-time thing, but both you and the person you are speaking to know that you will be coming back sooner than later.

A little compliment is thrown in to make your request irresistible as people tend to be more compliant when they are flattered.

  • ‘I just need you to be my something blue for this evening, no one does it as good as you.’
  • ‘Nice try, but flattery will get you Everywhere.’

My therapist traveled and I need someone to talk with about an important issue, would you be my something blue?

When you use this statement to ask someone to be your something blue, remind them that they are not getting paid. They may be replacing your therapist for the mean time but they are not entitled to the pay that comes with it.

Let’s hope that they are sarcastic enough to handle it when you tell them and sympathetic enough to go with it and be your listening ear.

  • ‘My therapist travelled and I need someone to talk with about an important issue, would you be my something blue?’
  • ‘Of course, and after we are done, I’ll forward my invoice.’

What would I ever do without you, my wonderful blue person? Would you do me the honors for one more night?

If you intend to use flattery to get someone to be your something blue, then this is the best way to ask them. They will know that you are about to reel them in but they cannot do anything about it cause of course, you are such a sweetheart.

For you to use this, it means that the other person already understands that they are your blue person. They may be probably tired of you, but what can they do? You are there to stay forever and are going nowhere.

  • ‘What would I do without you, my wonderful blue person?’
  • ‘Uh…nope, I’m not fallling for that.’

In Summary

Now that you know what it means to ask someone to be your something blue, asking them to be that person should not be such a hard thing to do especially now that you have fifteen (15) statements to guide you on how to do that.

This should help you easily make your requests and now you know how to ask someone to be there for you without feeling like such a burden.

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Something Blue

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