⁠25 Ways To Ask Someone If They Want To Keep Talking

Faith Ejeh

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and sensed that they might want to back off or, conversely, want to keep talking but need some form of validation? It’s often awkward to ask certain questions, especially because you don’t want to sound offensive or rude. Simply saying, It’s essential to be in the know of more graceful ways to ask. In this article, I will explore 25 engaging ways to ask someone if they want to keep talking without any awkwardness. Let’s dive right in!

Table of Contents

I’m Enjoying Our Conversation; Do You Want To Keep Going?

“I’m enjoying our conversation; do you want to keep going?” Is it a great way to ask someone if they want to keep talking? It tells so much about how you feel about the conversation and would want it to go on. Perhaps they are hesitating to give out some more information, they’ll do so unhesitatingly just because you expressed how much you enjoy the conversation.

This Chat Has Been Great. Would You Like To Continue?

This is another superb way to ask someone if they want to keep talking. No one would want to keep talking if they don’t get a mutual indication that what they’re saying is appreciated. You can use this statement to either get them to keep talking or make them feel great about initiating the conversation.

I Feel Like We Have So Much More To Talk About. Shall We Keep Chatting?

Keeping the person curious is another great way to ask them if they want to keep talking. When you say you feel like you have so much to talk about, they’ll see no need to end the conversation at that point but proceed with it.

I’m Loving This Discussion. Do You Have Time To Talk A Bit Longer?

When a person initiates a discussion, they take time to deliver their thoughts on the subject matter. One excellent way to ask them if they’d love to keep the conversation on is to let them know how you feel about the conversation. Further, ask if they have some more time to spare for the conversation. This way they’ll get to know that you don’t only acknowledge the conversation but appreciate the time they’ve invested in talking and will be glad if they share some more.

There’s Still So Much I Want To Hear From You. Can We Keep Talking?

If you want to ask someone if they’d like to keep talking, you can do so straightforwardly or directly and that’s where this statement comes in. It plays off the idea that there’s much more information they’ve got and you’re ready to hear. This way you pass on your desires In a graceful yet direct way.

I’m Finding This Interesting. Do You Want To Keep Discussing?

Asking someone if they’d want to keep talking can be easy peasy if you let them know why you’re asking the question. One intriguing way to keep them talking is to let them know that you find the conversation really interesting.

I’d Love To Hear More Of Your Thoughts. Are You Up For Continuing?

Perhaps you are discussing a subject and the person has made an input, however, you know that they’ve got a wealth of knowledge on that subject and you’d love them to keep talking, then you won’t go wrong with this expression.

This Is Such A Great Exchange. Shall We Keep It Going?

This is such a great exchange. Shall we keep it going? Is an outstanding way to ask someone if they’d want to keep talking. It suggests to the person you’re conversing with that you’ve had great value from your conversation thus far and would love it to go on. They sure will be delighted!

Oh Dear! I Never Knew You Were This Knowledgeable About This Topic. Do You Want To Keep It Up?

You can show utmost  surprise for the subject matter just before bringing forth the question “Do you want to keep talking?” It is a great way to first show appreciation for the conversation and then value the information you have so far. It goes further to let them know that expanding more information is solely dependent on their willingness to.

I Think We’re Onto Something Here. Want To Talk A Bit More?

If you were in the middle of a conversation and you reached the eureka moment, you may want to let the speaker know so they can go on. This expression lets them know that your conversation with them has come to a point where you’ve realized a lot. They’ll be motivated to talk some more.

Our Chat Has Been So Engaging. Can We Continue For A Bit Longer?

Stating the obvious before bringing in your question is a reasonable way to ask someone if they’ll want to keep talking. Perhaps your conversation with them was quite engaging, simply state it and further ask if they’ll want to continue for a bit longer. This is a straightforward way to know if the person is still interested in the conversation.

I’m Intrigued By What We’re Discussing. Do You Have Time To Keep Talking?

Oftentimes, engaging in a discussion can be draining because the other party doesn’t seem to be interested in the subject matter, and in such cases, the speaker may be demotivated to speak further. So one way to know if someone would want to keep talking is to let them know the impact of the conversation on you. Also, make it known to them that you’ll be delighted to hear some more if they’ll spare you some of their time.

I’d Love To Go Deeper Into This Topic. Are You Free To Chat More?

It is good to know if the person has time to spare for the conversation to go on. This is a clear indication that you are not only interested in the information but you’d love for them to do it at their convenience because you value their time.

This Is Fascinating. Shall We Carry On With Our Conversation?

Ways To Ask Someone If They Want To Keep Talking

“This is fascinating. Shall we carry on with our conversation?” is one of the best ways you can ask if someone wants to keep talking. It suggests that you are fascinated by the conversation so far and can’t wait to have some more detail about what the subject matter is.

I’m Really Into This Discussion. Want To Keep It Going?

“I’m really into this discussion. Want to keep it going?” is also a nice way to ask if they want to keep talking. It doesn’t merely ask them if they want to keep the conversation going but lets them know that they should keep it going.  It is a literal expression of how much you’re engrossed in the conversation and would love it going on and on.

I Feel Like We’ve Just Scratched The Surface. Can We Keep Talking?

“I feel like we’ve just scratched the surface. Can we keep talking?” Is a good way to ask someone if they’d love to keep talking, especially if they’ve shown a sign that they’d want to end the conversation. It lets them know that you are not yet satisfied with the level of your conversation with them and would love to go in-depth.

Your Insights Are So Interesting. Do You Want To Continue Our Chat?

Perhaps you want to give the person a befitting feedback by keeping it simple, you can try this statement. It is a genuine way to let them know that you truly enjoy their take on your conversation, but it’s not all about you. Hence you need to know if they want to keep on with the conversation. This indeed is a soothing way to ask someone if they want to keep talking and they will surely appreciate it.

I’m Enjoying Our Talk So Much. Shall We Keep Going?

A comment is as simple as ‘I’m enjoying our talk so much. Shall we keep going?’ is a beautiful way to let someone know if they want to keep talking. In literal words, it gives them the idea that you are into the conversation and would want it to keep going on. However, it depends on whether they want to or not, hence the question.

I’d Love You To Tell Me More On This Topic. Can We Continue?

You can try bringing up your desires when you want to ask someone if they want to keep talking. Especially in cases where they’d want to refrain from speaking already, you can let them know your interest but still ask if they’d want to continue.

This Conversation Is Engaging. Do You Want To Keep Talking?

This is a graceful way to ask someone if they’d want to keep talking without them having a rash feeling from directly saying “Do you want to keep talking?.” This gives them an idea of how you feel about your conversation so far. However, moving on will depend on what they are willing to do.

I Feel Like There’s A Lot More To Say. Shall We Keep Chatting?


In cases where there’s more to say and the speaker keeps refraining because of one reason or the other, this is a great way to ask if they’ll love to keep speaking.  It gives them the idea that there’s a lot more they’ve not said and that’s basically what you are interested in.

Our Discussion Is So Stimulating. Can We Keep It Up?

This is another graceful way to ask someone if they want to keep talking. It expresses how you feel about the conversation and also gives them the option to either go on with the conversation or end it soothingly.

I’m Invested In What We’re Talking About. Do You Want To Continue?

One of the best ways to ask someone if they’d want to keep talking is to do so gracefully and leave them with the option to answer and this is where this expression comes In. It expresses how you are so interested in the subject matter, however the decision to continue with the conversation lies with the speaker.  This way, they’ll be pleased to know that they are not compelled to keep talking.

This Is Such An Enlightening Conversation. Shall We Keep It Going?

Sometimes, when you are conversing with someone, all they need is validation that you find the conversation enlightening. Once you mention this, you first off get them excited about themselves and the speeches they’ve made so far. So asking if the conversation should go on isn’t going to be anything awkward because you’ve already established that you find it worthwhile.

I’m Finding This So Worthwhile. Do You Have Time To Talk More?

Last but not least, you can try ‘I’m finding this so worthwhile. Do you have time to talk more?’. It is a great way to ask someone if they want to keep talking because it shows that you prioritize their time over whatever conversation you are having with them. Hence you’ll be glad to listen to them if they’ve got some time to spare for you. This will let them know that you truly value the conversation.

Final Words

When you want to tell someone to keep talking, there are different ways to go about it. In this article, I made it easy for you so you do not have to go through the stress of having to find the best ways to ask someone if they want to keep talking.

Ways To Ask Someone If They Want To Keep Talking

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