15 Funny Ways To Ask Someone If They Are Sleeping


Sleeping during work hours or reading hours can be unethical and unprofessional, however, we all understand that the body needs rest sometimes and sleep is important because it lowers the risk for serious health problems.

If you need to inquire if your coworkers, friends, or colleagues are getting enough sleep or they are sneaking out time to sleep, this article provides amusing ways to find out if your employees are sleeping on duty or your friends are dozing off in your hangouts or reading hours.

In this article, I have created a list of 15 funny ways to ask someone if they’re sleeping, from silly puns to outrageous suggestions that’ll make you chuckle as you try to stave off sleep.

Hey, Are You Sleeping? If You Can Hear Me Say “I’m Sleeping”, If You Can’t, Say “I’m Not Sleeping”

If you know of a sleepyhead who loves to sleep and yet denies that he doesn’t sleep anytime he is being caught, then you should use this trap question for him: “Hey, are you sleeping? If you can hear me say “I’m sleeping”, if you can’t, say “I’m not sleeping”

If he is truly sleeping, he won’t get the utterances well and will end up saying the last statement he heard which is “I’m not sleeping” just to defend himself. Eureka! You have finally trapped him. Don’t forget to use this statement in a light-hearted way and to prove to them that you are not judgemental about them.

Are You Sleeping Or Just Pretending To Be A Horizontal Statue?

If you have a friend like mine whose anthem is “I’m not sleeping” even though we hear him snore loudly, he would still deny that he isn’t sleeping then you can switch up the conversation into a more hilarious one for you and your friends.

The next time you see him sleeping ask them this question “Are you sleeping or just pretending to be a horizontal statue?” This question is also bait for him because if he says he isn’t sleeping then he is pretending to be a horizontal statue.

Are You Taking A Nap Or Are You Just Trying To Avoid Me?

Okay, assuming you came to visit your friend and you find them closing their eyes even after announcing that you are around then you can use the above lines to know if they are truly in deep sleep or not.

If they are in deep sleep, they won’t twitch their eyelids but if they are they might out of reflex respond to the question. Boom! You already got your answers.

Hey, Sleeping Beauty, When’s The Prince Gonna Wake You Up?

If you have a naughty sister who is so silly and loves to feign she is asleep then you can use the above lines to know if she is truly asleep or not. Walk into her room and say- “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, when’s the prince gonna wake you up?”. This question is a trap because if she is not asleep, she won’t be able to conceal the blush, and then, you get your answer!

Are You Catching Some Zs Or Just Taking A Break From Reality?

Funny Ways To Ask Someone If They Are Sleeping

You can identify if your employee is dozing off at duty with this funny question; “Are you catching some Zs or just taking a break from reality?” While this will jolt them up if they are sleeping, it is also a funny way of knowing if they are asleep without being judgemental.

Hey There, Sleepyhead, Are You Taking A Catnap Or Are You Hibernating

If your bestie is such that he usually brags about staying up late into the night but in reality, he is already the first to doze off in any hangout, you already know he would always deny it whenever he is being accused of sleeping.  So, instead of putting him in that awkward situation where he would have to be defensive, ask funnily to just lighten everyone’s mood.

The moment you notice your friend is already shutting his eyelids, peer hard into his face and say “Hey you sleepyhead, are you taking a catnap or you are hibernating?” 

Are You Communicating With The Holy Spirit Or You Are Sleeping?

I have a friend who loves saying she is meditating anytime we catch her sleeping. She does it every time that we don’t wait for her to complete the statement before meeting her halfway. If you have a friend in this category then the above lines are a suitable question to ask if she is sleeping or not.

Asking her sarcastically if she is communicating with the Holy Spirit or if she is a mere mortal will draw chuckles from anyone listening.

Oh Dear Me, You Are Sleeping Already And I Wanted To Give You Your Favorite Domino Pizza. Guess I Just Have To Eat It Alone

If you want to know if your friend who is a foodie is pranking you that she is asleep, the above lines are a trap question to know the truth.

Walk in and say loudly “Oh dear me, you are sleeping already and I wanted to give you your favorite Domino pizza. Guess I just have to eat it alone” and then pretend like you are retreating to the door. I bet she will jump up if she isn’t sleeping for real.

The Earthquake Is Happening, But My Friend Is Asleep. How Do I Save A 90kg Man? Guess I Will Just Have To Leave Him Behind And Save Myself.

Do a natural disaster prank on your colleague to see if he is asleep or he is pretending. Perhaps you see his head on the desk, about loudly “Earthquake is happening, but my friend is asleep. 

How do I save a 90kg man? Guess I will just have to leave him behind and save myself.” If he is asleep he would jump up but if he isn’t he would only smile at you because he already knows it is a prank.

Hey Night Owl, I’m Sure You Are Not Sleeping But Counting The Minutes Until You Have To Wake Up.

Here is another funny way to know if your friend is asleep, especially if he claims to be a night owl but he falls asleep almost the moment he rests his head on the chair’s arm.

If you are unsure if they are sleeping or not, move closer to them and whisper “Hey night owl, I’m sure you are not sleeping but counting the minutes until you have to wake up.”

There Is A Food Delivery For You… Oh, You Are Sleeping, I Will Just Have To Eat The Food With The Guys.

Another food prank to bait your friend. You have just walked into the sitting room and you met your friend sleeping, don’t break the fun rather make it more interesting by infusing humor into the situation. Be audible enough then say “There is a food delivery for you… oh, you are sleeping, I will just have to eat the food with the guys.”

If he isn’t asleep, trust him to dash out of bed the moment he hears you and the guys are about to finish the food meant for you.

Anyone Who Is Sleeping Will Be The One To Do The Dishes

If you have a sibling who hates to wash the dishes then give the dishes prank to take him out of bed and to know if he is truly asleep or pretending.

The moment he hears “Anyone who is sleeping will be the one to do the dishes”, trust him to be on his feet, awake and wide-eyed.

Asleep? Absolutely No. I Know You Are Pondering The Stock Market Issue 

“Asleep? Absolutely no. I know you are pondering on the stock market issue” This is a funny question to ask your friend who is into the stock exchange and is dozing off while pressing his phone. This is a very harmless question to make them laugh.

I Know This Seminar Is Boring But You Aren’t Drifting Into Dreamland Yet, No?

Perhaps you and your buddy are in a seminar and you are already noticing your friend’s eyelids drooping, try to stir him back awake by asking this funny question- “I know this seminar is boring but you aren’t drifting into dreamland yet, no?”

By asking this funny question, you are not only trying to know if he is asleep but you are also trying to keep him awake so he can keep you in company for the duration of the seminar.

I Told The Florist To Go Back With The Flowers Since You Are Sound Asleep.

“I told the florist to go back with the flowers since you are sound asleep” is another funny way to detect if they are sleeping or not, and it is apt if such a friend of yours loves flowers. Instead of using the boring “Are you asleep already”, just bait him with the above lines. He will confess to you if he is asleep or not.


Not only can you lighten the mood but also make communication interesting and entertaining by coming up with funny and inventive ways to ask someone if they are sleeping. The 15 funny ways listed in this article offer a great repertoire of options for those looking to inject some humor into their conversations.

Whether it’s through clever wordplay, playful teasing, or quirky observations, these methods can help break the ice and spark laughter between friends, family members, or even strangers. Asking someone if they are sleeping funnily can also serve as a gentle reminder to stay awake and present in the moment, especially during long or boring conversations.

Overall, humor has the power to bring people together, relieve tension, and create memorable moments. So next time you suspect someone is sleeping and you want to ask if they are sleeping, this article is there to guide you.

Funny Ways To Ask Someone If They Are Sleeping

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