15 Funny Ways to Ask “How Was The Party?”


When you miss out on an event, curiosity will force you to want to find out how it went down or what happened that may have validated your feeling of losing out on the action. Wanting to find out how a party went is not out of place but instead of the boring “How was it?” or “How did the party go?” I have listed 15 funny ways to ask these questions.

In this article, you’re going to find a range of suggestions from witty to downright hilarious statements that can get you started about the gist of a party or an event. Whether you attended the party or not, these suggestions can help you get the details about any events in the most funny way possible.

With these statements, anyone who you try to question will be quick to open up because of how funny you sound. Ready? Let’s get into it.

I Am Not Falling For Your Excitement. Was The Party Dope Or Just Children Goofing Around?

Funny Ways to Ask How Was The Party?


I know you have friends who can attempt to make something like attending a party feel like a big deal because you did not go. They could come off as being excited about how the whole event went down but you can call off their bluff with a statement like this “I am not falling for your excitement, so you better tell me the truth. Was this party good or was it just a kid affair?

If The Party Was As Good As You Hoped, I’d Be Seeing Snaps Already. Wagwan Buddy?

Social media updates are usually used to measure how good an event was. You can sneer at them when they return from the party and ask whether the party was good. Typically, people would love to share memories about a superb party through their Snapchat or Instagram and if you have not seen anything like that this is a good way to phrase your question about how the party went.

Did You Meet Your Ex At The Party? Or Found Out Your Girl’s Cheating?

Another lighthearted way to inquire about a party is to ask someone about their experience if they return without the expected excitement. You might humorously ask them if they crossed paths with their ex at the party or if they unexpectedly encountered their girlfriend after she had claimed she wouldn’t be attending.

On A Scale Of 1-10, How Was This Stinker Of A Party?

This line rubbishes the idea of the party being a success from the start. It makes it look like the party was a failure because you’re calling it a stinker of a party. The idea behind this is to allow your friend or whoever you are questioning to change your mind about how the party went down. If the party was really good, they’ll be forced to correct your notion.

Was It A Funeral You Attended? What’s The Update?

If they return home from the party and they did not attempt to tell you how it went down or they came back unexcited, you can assume that the party was a failure or boring. By asking if they attended a funeral, you will get them talking about why they are not excited after returning from the party. Maybe the reason they aren’t excited may not be connected to the party.

  • Did you attend a burial service or wasn’t it a party you said you were heading to?
  • The look on your face betrays the idea you have been at a party all evening

You Were Quite The Publicist Before The Party. How Come You’ve Become An Introvert?

Some people can be full of energy about parties and if the person you are speaking to is somebody like that, they must have raved about how big of an event the party was going to be. When they return without the same energy they had before leaving for the party, you can ask them whether the party didn’t go as planned by asking them when they became introverted. They are going to try and share what went down at the event.

You’re Smiling Like A Five-Year-Old Who’s Seen Chocolates. Is That From The Party?

If you come back home feeling all excited about the party, you can use a statement like this to inquire about how the party went. By liking them to a 5-year-old who has seen chocolates, they are going to find this funny as they share what they are excited about from the party.

  • The way you are grinning from teeth to teeth. Was the party that good?
  • It has been a while since I saw you this excited. The party must have been pretty great.

Don’t Mention Those Things We Say To Try And Make People Feel Like The World Has Ended For Them Because They Didn’t Attend A Party. Just Say What Happened Without Exaggerating

There are ways we can make people feel bad about not attending an event. We can exaggerate some facts just to make them think that they missed out on a whole lot of things. If you know that this is something your friend can do, you can ask him how the party was by saying that they should not try to be like that but just tell you what the party was like.

You’re Back? First, The Headlines. Keep ’em Short. News In Detail Would Follow

This is a very witty way to ask someone how the party was. It follows the pattern of a news report starting with a snippet of the details of the news before going into the full details of what transpired. It can be a fun way to get the gist or conversation started on what the party was like.

Describe This Party With A Line From Any Of Shakespeare’s Plays

If your friend understands literature or reads the works of Shakespeare, you can use that to comically get details about the party. They should use the Victorian style of English to communicate some of the funny details about the party. You could be hearing things like “Thou missed out on a lot of mirth and merry, sorrows, pure sorrows.”

Seeing The Pictures And Videos On Ig, I Knew I Made The Wrong Decision. Don’t Patronize Me. Just Tell Me What Went Down

If you have seen pictures and videos from the party before your friend got home or before you had a chance to ask them how the party was, you can start by saying that you knew you made a wrong decision by not attending the party judging from what you’ve seen. It is typical for them to want to make you feel even worse. This is when you should say “Don’t patronize me and just tell me what went down.”

If You Want To Tell Me About This Party, I’ll Need It In A PDF. Not More Than 4000 Words. Just Kidding. Spill Everything, Dawg

You can make your request a bit funny by telling your friend that if they want to tell you about the party you need it in a PDF. This will come in handy when your friend is offering to tell you about the party even before you ask. When you request to be told in a PDF, you can quickly add that you were joking and tell them to tell you everything.

I Can’t Believe What I Just Heard This Dude Say. Talk about This Party Being The Best Thing After Pizza?

So, let’s assume that somebody gives you a hint on how awesome the party was and you meet your best friend to give you the deets. You can start by saying that you don’t believe what the other person just told you and that you wish they’d be more plain with you.

Typically, your friend is going to either support the idea or tell you what went down. The comment that makes this line interesting is when you say that the party is the best thing after pizza. You can use something else if your friend won’t relate to the pizza joke.

Don’t Bore Me With Details. In One Word, How Was The Party? Was It? Oh, I Must Hear The End Of It

Funny Ways to Ask How Was The Party?

This is another way to inquire about the party. You can ask the person to sum the party up in one word while imploring that you wouldn’t want to be bored with too many details. If their one-word description seems positive or intriguing, you can express excitement and ask for all the details. While there’s nothing funny in the words that you speak, the gesture and your sudden desire to get everything in detail is what’s going to be amusing.

I’ve Been Sitting At The Edge Of My Bed Waiting On You Like I Was Waiting For Jesus To Return. I Hope This Party Gist Will Be Worth It

If before they stepped out for the party and promised to tell you everything about it, you can use this line to show how you’ve been anticipating their return. Talking about waiting for their return like you’re waiting for Jesus is hilarious and they’ll get the joke immediately. You are better off using this line on somebody who is a bit religious. Furthermore, adding that the gist better be worth it is going to add some extra flair to the conversation.

Final Thoughts 

It’s important to keep things interesting and engaging when you’re trying to hold conversations with your friends, classmates, or people around you. If there’s a scenario where you missed a party and you are keen on getting all the juicy details about what you have missed, you can infuse some humor or wit just so the conversation can be more lively and fun.

Even if you attended the party and you want to know what they think about the event, especially because you dragged them to come along, the suggestions provided in this article will help kick off the conversation.

This piece aimed to offer fun ways to ask the simple question “How was the party?” I am confident that you now have a variety of options to try out the next time you need to start this conversation.

Funny Ways to Ask How Was The Party?

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