20 Perfect Answers to “Why Do You Love Me?”


There is quite a long list of reasons why you can love someone. It could be as a result of something they gifted you, or they were so supportive during critical moments in your life.

You can admire the way they smile, walk, talk, and their zeal and excellence while performing a task or organizing one.

It is so powerful to have someone in your life who constantly has your interest at heart. When you have an opportunity to tell them what you love about them, say to them that you are blown away by the way they pursue you to become the best version of yourself.

In all, as you read on, this article admonishes you not to be shy or forget to give someone who you love their flowers.

1. You Are So Into Making Me Realise How Good I Am

how to answer why do you love me

When someone asks you why you love them, you can confess about how instrumental they have been in helping you to realize your strengths.

Most times, people tend to highlight other people’s weaknesses, but when you find someone who does so much to sing your praises, you should appreciate them for always appreciating your strength.

Saying to someone that you admire the way they appreciate your strength will make them raise you higher as time goes on.

2. You Understand Me So Well, Much More Than Everyone Else

Not so many people will take out time to understand you, know about your personality, and other things that concern you so you can relate better.

However, when you find someone who is super interested in knowing you better and doesn’t make it seem burdensome, you should tell them that it is a part of why you love them.

You can also add that their understanding of you surpasses one else, which is a rare quality that you see as super honorable from them.

3. You Are So Kind, Warm-hearted, And Welcoming

You can give someone their flowers by saying to them that they are so kind and welcoming to you. Obviously, this is more than enough reason to fall in love with someone.

Furthermore, if they are warm-hearted, you should let them know that you appreciate the fact that they are the opposite of hostile to you.

You can further share an unforgettable experience you had with them that has strengthened the bond between you two up until that time.

4. You Challenge Me To Be A Better Person

An individual among a group of people can make efforts to grow and make a mark on their own, not minding the progress of others on their team.

On the other hand, you can meet with someone who wants you to not just do your best but believe you can do much more at every point in time.

An encounter with such a person should give them a brief idea of how much you admire and love them for who they are and most especially their efforts in your life.

You shouldn’t fail to give instances of how stagnant you were at some point—not until they challenged you to do the unthinkable.

5. You Have A Way To Put Smiles On My Face At All Times

There are people who are fun. They make others laugh at the detriment of others. They can use someone’s posture, their experience, or their struggles or weaknesses to make others who are around them laugh.

On the other hand, there are people who intentionally do not want anyone around them to be sad. And so, you can tell someone that you love them because, behind the scenes and with all their might, they make the lines fall in place for you and do not trivialize your happiness one bit.

6. You Have Always Been There When I Needed You The Most. It’s Something I Truly Appreciate

The experience of having a satisfying chill water on returning home after a walk under the sun is synonymous with having a friend who is always right in time when you need them.

If someone you admire so much asks you why you love them the way you do, you should tell them how timely and relevant they have been to you and in your life.

You should say it convincingly with the memories of how helpful they have been to you, especially when their help was right available to save the day when you needed it the most.

7. You Are Fun To Be With. You Compliment An Introvert Like Me

Friendship is at different levels. Someone who calls themselves your friend can be with you, and you may not feel the effect of their presence in your life.

On the other hand, you can have a companion that sticks so close and is so fun to be with. It is most notable if you are introverted.

In that regard, tell such individuals that they are so fun to be with, and this makes you love them. Don’t fail to include that they compliment your nature well and you appreciate the fun they bring to your life.

8. You’re Super Intelligent. Your Quest For Knowledge Makes Me Love You.

Someone who loves knowledge will definitely get attracted to knowledgeable people. And so, if you are in the category of the former, there is a high tendency that you will love someone for the level of knowledge they possess, especially if they are skilled enough to channel it in the right direction and employ it at the appropriate time.

And so, when someone’s intellect attracts you to them, you shouldn’t fail to respond that you love them because they are super intelligent and you love the way they go after knowledge with so much zeal.

9. I Love Your Support And Resilience

Individuals who are supportive most likely have people rally around them because of what they enable other people to enjoy.

It may not necessarily be for selfish reasons, but ensure that they understand the point you’re trying to drive home so they don’t withdraw their kindness to you.

You can further talk about how far their support has aided you to get to where you are. To add, you can include that you admire the way they are resilient and bounce back after the problems they encounter.

10. You Have An Amazing Sense Of Humour

how to answer why do you love me

Except for persons who are overly serious or see humor as something that they shouldn’t engage in, someone with a sense of humor should be loved for what they do.

If you love how someone lights up the place when they walk into an environment, you can tell them about how amazing their sense of humor is and that you love it.

You can let them know that this attribute of theirs is super attractive to you, and it has made you grow in love with them.

11. You Are So Beautiful, Not Just Facially But In Your Heart

You can talk about how beautiful someone is not just facially but how their hearts are so appealing as well. The response ‘You are so beautiful, not just facially but in your heart’, gives a two-way approach to describe how attractive someone is both in looks and in attitude.

You can let them know how well you appreciate the manner in which they have worked on their hearts, and that you so much love the fact that they are so beautiful facially.

12. You Make Me Feel So Important And Cherished

Everyone loves to get the feeling of being important at all times. Some may show it, others may not, but it doesn’t deny that fact.

This can pop up during a conversation when someone wants to be heard, seeks attention, and wants to be loved. It means a lot when someone cherishes you and invests so much time.

You should say this with a smile on your face if they can see you, or let them have an inclination that you appreciate that they made you feel loved so many times. Tell them how this has shaped your life in no small way.

13. I Can Be So Free With You At Every Moment Of My Life

It means a lot to have someone in your life that you can be so free with. It is almost priceless, especially because it is not possible to be free with everyone you meet without minding how open-minded you are.

This is because people can trample on your goodness, simplicity, and openness, making you have the opposite result you intend to achieve.

When someone wants to know why you love them, you shouldn’t fail to recognize how free you are around them. Tell them that you enjoy every moment spent with them because you are usually yourself.

14. You’re Super Creative And Flexible. It’s Commendable.

Creativity is so beautiful, especially when there is no artificial makeup around it. It is not unusual to line someone for their creativity. If that is what attracts you to someone, you should let them know.

If for nothing, just to appreciate the creative gift they exhibit. To add to that is to praise their quality of being flexible. You can say that you appreciate their quality of not being rigid.

It has helped their relationship with people, including yours, and it’s so commendable and praiseworthy attitude that they possess.

15. You’re Passionate And Go For What You Want

At some point, passion can almost be contagious. When fueled and channeled in the right direction, passion is enviable.

You can tell someone that you love them as a result of the way they passionately put in effort in the things they set out to do.

This is because most times, people have a great vision, but their desires end because they are not passionate enough to follow it up.

But you admire them because they set a pace and template for others to be passionate as well.

16. Your Growth And Stability Fascinate Me

It’s so important to commend someone whose growth is rapid and worthy of admiration. You can tell them how inspired you are about their growth and how it has stirred you up in one way or another to make certain choices.

Beyond telling them that this has attracted you to them and that it is why you love them, this response is an encouraging one that gives a clue to how you have observed their progression.

17. You Are My Companion, And I Enjoy Being Your Friend

It is so beautiful to enjoy someone’s companion, and if you do, don’t hide it from them. Rather, tell them you have enjoyed so many benefits all because you are their friend.

You’ve come to know some of your weaknesses, you’ve understood your strengths, and you are working towards becoming a better person in every aspect of your life, and they have contributed big time.

18. I’m So Secure In You, And You Make Me Feel Comfortable In My Skin

People can suffer from low self-esteem from the defeating thoughts they constantly preoccupy their minds with. When it’s not self-inflicted, it can be people-influenced.

Instances of body shaming or saying funny or silly things about someone can make them see themselves in a demeaning manner.

Nonetheless, when you meet with someone who makes you feel on top of the world, not minding your looks or what they call your defects, you should appreciate them for that.

19. I Love Your Caring Attitude

Intentionally or not, people will always gravitate towards a place where they are loved and cared for. You can love someone because they care so much.

You can say this to them, especially if you notice that they sincerely want to know how you’re faring, and they are so sensitive to know when something is out of alignment because they care about you in and out of season.

20. There’s No Guile In You. Your Heart Towards Me Is Genuine

how to answer why do you love me

Beyond treating people well, your motive can be perceived whether it is a genuine act of service or a planned notion to gain someone’s heart for one reason or the others.

But when you meet someone who loves you or a person genuinely and you can almost see through their heart that there is no guile in it, you can tell them that they are deserving of your love for this reason.

Final Words 

When you love something about someone, you shouldn’t assume that they know already. They may have an idea, but not to the intensity that you may present it to them.

So, tell them and come plain while presenting it to them. No matter how small or insignificant your commendation to someone may seem to you, it can inspire and encourage them to do more and become better.

You can make use of any of the responses shared in this article to tell someone what you love about them.

how to answer why do you love me

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