15 Hockey Questions to Ask Matthew Tkachuk


If you fancy the chance of meeting with Matthew Tkachuk and you’d like to ask him questions but you are at a loss for the kind of questions to ask him. Well, this article is the dose of inspiration you need.

Here, you’ll find 15 exciting Ice Hockey questions to ask Matthew Tkachuk that are sure to deliver interesting answers and other revealing details.

Whether you are a journalist or an Ice Hockey enthusiast, these questions are going to give you ideas about possible things to ask Matthew Tkachuk when you get the opportunity.

Aside From Ice Hockey, What Other Sport Do You Think You’d Be Good At And Why?

Asking Matthew Tkachuk about what other sports he would be interested in is a good way to find out other areas of his passion.

When you add that you’d like to know why he thinks he would be good at the particular sport, you might get some crazy answers out of him.

During COVID-19, How Often Did You Want To Run Out Of The House To Play Ice Hockey?

I once saw an interview Matthew Tkachuk had with CBS during the COVID-19 lockdown. While the interview was cool and all, there was one question I expected the host to ask and that is “During COVID-19, how often did you want to run out of the house to play ice hockey?

For someone so much in love with Ice Hockey, it would be interesting to know how much he missed playing during the lockdown.

What Was It Like Winning The Stanley Cup For Florida Panthers, Their First Ever?

Florida Panthers won the Oilers to win the Stanley Cup just recently and Matthew Tkachuk was an integral part of their memorable victory.

It is memorable because it is the first time the Florida Panthers have won that trophy. You can ask Matthew how he felt about winning the silverware and what the journey to victory was like.

How Do You Deal With Disgruntled Fans? Panthers’ Fans After Losing And Opponent’s Fans After Winning?

Fans can be a pain for sportspeople. The team’s fans could love you today after an impressive performance but quickly come at you when the quality drops. Also, fans of the opposing team can be taunt one to anger.

Learning about how Matthew Tkachuk deals with these fans can be lovely and fun. You might want to ask him to share any experiences he’s had.

Do You Really Think A Healthy Oilers Team Would Have Stood In Your Way To Cup Glory Last Season?

Hockey Questions to Ask Matthew Tkachuk

Twitter went bizarre over the comments of an NHL fan who thought the Florida Panthers had the win over the Edmonton Oilers because the team wasn’t fit. Well, there were some injuries, about three precisely, that might have affected the game for the Oilers.

Matthew’s remark about the incident was hilarious. Wanna know what it was? Well ask him this question: Do you really think a healthy Oilers team would have stood in your way to cup glory last season?

How Much Do You Spend Annually On Mouthguards?

Hockey Questions to Ask Matthew Tkachuk

Mouthguards are an important part of the dress codes of Ice Hockey players. If you get the chance to speak with or interview Matthew Tkachuk, you might want to ask him “How much do you spend annually on mouthguards?

Also, I might suggest asking other mouthguard-related questions like “Do you have a particular mouthguard brand you use and why?” or “Is there a mouthguard you feel ensures you win? What is it?”

Do You Fancy Your Son Playing Ice Hockey Since You And Your Brother Brady Seem To Be Following After Your Father?

Matthew Tkachuk’s dad, Keith is a veteran of the Ice Hockey game. Also, his brother Brady plays for the Ottawa Senators.

So, it feels like a family heritage of Ice Hockey playing. With this in mind, one of the questions you might want to ask Matthew is whether he thinks his son will follow the path of Ice Hockey like he and Brady did following their dad, Keith. I believe he’ll have an interesting answer to give.

What Do You Think It Would Be Like To Play Against Your Father? Do You Think You’ll Be Better At The Game Same Time He Was In His Prime?

This is another very interesting question to ask Matthew Tkachuk. You might not have watched his father but Keith was an incredible player during his time and it is no surprise why Matthew is as good as he is.

So, asking him this question can get some revealing answers. I believe it would be great to know what Matthew thinks about playing against his dad being a very competitive and resilient person too.

So, go ahead and ask him what he thinks it would be like. Don’t forget to inquire about what he thinks of his dad as an opponent or a teammate.

Players Have A Sort Of Pre-Match Routine That Gets Them In The Zone To Play. Do You Have Any Routine Or Rituals Just Before A Game?

Across every game, players have confessed to having pre-match routines that get them ready to play. It is like a sort of ritual just before the game. Some of them are pretty hilarious. For instance, I once heard a football player say he makes sure his right foot goes on the pitch first.

You can cite this to Matthew Tkachuk just before you phrase your question. There’s no guarantee he has one but there’s no harm in trying to find out if he does.

What’s The Best Thing About Ice Hockey That Have You Hooked For Life?

For someone whose dad played Ice Hockey and now plays, it can be easy to dismiss that Matthew’s exposure to the game watching his dad made him fall in love with Ice Hockey. Well, I am not sure that’s enough motivation to stay hooked.

His dad’s influence could have contributed but I believe there is an underlying reason, something about Ice Hockey itself that got Matthew to stay on this path. So, asking him “What’s the best thing about Ice Hockey that has you hooked for life?” is going to be an exciting reveal.

Is There A Prank Culture Among Your Teammates? Have You Been A Victim And Who’s The Biggest Prankster In The Locker Room?

I am sure you might have a hearty laughter after his answer. Pranking is almost a culture among sports people. I have seen a lot of wild prank videos and I must confess they are absolutely bizarre. The very thought of some is making me quake as I write this. I once heard Matthew talk about the prank culture in the locker room of his team but I think there’s more to it. That’s why I have phrased the question this way.

You could begin by asking if there’s a prank culture or skip that to ask him whether he’s been a victim. If he has, ask him to share his experience first before saying who the biggest prankster in the locker room is.

What Player Has Been Your Most Difficult Opponent And Why?

The spirit of sportsmanship is going to come alive with this question. By asking him “What player has been your most difficult opponent and why?” you will discover his thoughts on a specific opponent who has or is currently giving him a tough challenge.

Matthew Tkachuk is a very good player and the Florida Panthers sometimes look to him for inspiration in games – that’s how good he is.

However, there are times when he does wear the cape because a member of the opposing team has stripped him of the honor. This question helps us find out who that individual is. If he has more than one, then he could give a top 5.

If You Had The Power To Change One Rule In Ice Hockey, What Would It Be And Why?

Every game has rules and not every player or fan can claim they love all the rules of the game. For most fans and players alike, certain rules ruin the fun of the game. If they had the chance, they would want to change it. This feels like common knowledge.

So, you could ask Matthew Tkachuk, “If you had the power to change one rule in Ice Hockey, what would it be and why?” This will let you know what Ice Hockey rule he isn’t comfortable with and why he’d want to change the rule.

Do You Chirp? Who Has Had The Most Savage Chirp You’ve Heard While Playing?

Chirping is the codename for Hockey insults. Well, even though this is bad conduct, it has weaved its way into every game and when it is done in Hockey, they call it chirping.

So, you could ask Matthew Tkachuk if he chirps at his opponents or what the most savage chirp he’s heard is. The chirp could either be one addressed to him or to someone else that he heard. Also, I recommend asking him if his brother, Brady chirps as well and if he’s been chirped at before.

What’s The Scariest Thing About Playing Ice Hockey?

As a fan, one of the scariest things about Ice Hockey would be injuries. There are times when I have seen players in pain from knocks and injuries sustained in games. But then, nothing beats the answer of someone who’s in the mix of it.

So, you can ask Matthew Tkachuk what is the scariest thing about Ice Hockey, in his opinion. His answer might be beneficial in that if you were considering a career path in Ice Hockey, you’ll be prepared for such things. This is not to scare you but then something scary should, right?

Final Thoughts 

Whether you get the opportunity either because you are a sports journalist or just a fan who gets the chance to speak with Matthew Tkachuk, I am sure you have found a decent amount of questions about Ice Hockey that you can ask him.

These questions are designed to make him provide exciting insight about himself, his love for Ice Hockey, family ties, Florida Panthers, the recent Stanley Cup win, and other cool details. Which has been your favorite?

Hockey Questions to Ask Matthew Tkachuk

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