20 Hilarious Questions to Ask Politicians


We can all agree that politicians almost feel like a different lot from the average people. Something about the title just awakens several bizarre stereotypes.

Well, I am not here to talk about that but to show you 20 hilarious questions to ask politicians. If you get the opportunity to ask a politician a question, whether it is online, at a press conference, or during their campaign process, and you want a bit of humor in your inquiry, this article was written to help you fulfill your desires.

The good thing about questioning a politician is that they’ll rarely find your question offensive.

They’ve got a public image to protect so you can be sure that even if they are offended by your question, they aren’t gonna show it.

If they don’t find it funny, others in the crowd will. Without further ado, let’s explore what these questions are.

Table of Contents

Do You Have Clear Solutions For The Problems We Have In The Country Or Should We Hope For Another 4 Years? 

One of the problems of politics is how politicians come up with supposed solutions but when we probe critically we can see that it is just going around in circles, no actual solution is provided.

You can ask the politician either while they are campaigning for office or just after they get elected this question.

We No Longer Trust Politicians. Would You Give Us Reasons To Trust You Or Are You Going To Show Us Why We Should Continue To Think That Politicians Aren’t Good People? 

There’s a common stereotype we have about politicians and it is not about us alone, it is common across nations of the world.

This stereotype is that politicians aren’t good people and shouldn’t be trusted. It is on this wise I drew inspiration for this question.

A perfect culprit for this question would be someone who’s new to the scene or contesting office for the first time.

On A Scale Of “This Is A Terrible Idea” To “We Struck Gold,” How Would You Rate Voting For Your Opponent Instead Of You? 

Hilarious Questions to Ask Politicians

No one can be prepared for this question. It is humor mixed with an unexpected twist. As funny as this question may sound, it would be very difficult for the politician to answer, given that he or she might be forced to cross some lines.

You can sit back and watch him or her stutter and stammer while you have a good laugh after asking this question.

What Are Some Creative Ways To Bribe One’s Way To Power?

Another funny and unexpected question you can ask a politician is “What are some creative ways to bribe one’s way to power?

This will be useful if they once faced allegations of bribery connections. If their bribery allegations were not unfounded claims, you can use this question.

Aside From Going On Vacations With Government Money, What Other Lofty Plans Do You Have? 

Government money shouldn’t be used for personal, selfish interests so you can see why this question is not just funny but quite unexpected.

Asking about lofty plans may seem like a thoughtful question but when you begin with “Aside from going on vacations with government money,” you have ruined it and that would be funny.

If You Had To Choose A Cartoon Character As Your Running Mate, Who Would It Be And Why?

Imagine how funny it would be to stand up and ask a politician to choose a running mate from a cartoon character. Obviously, no one would be expecting that. And if this politician has a good sense of humor, they could answer just to keep the humor going.

I have seen a couple of politicians who possess a deep sense of humor and they’d like to answer a question like this.

What’s The Most Outrageous Campaign Promise You’ve Ever Made? 

Let’s face it: politicians make a lot of campaign promises that they never keep. At best, they can follow through on ⅓ of their campaign promises. So, it is not out of place to ask a question like “What’s the most outrageous campaign promise you’ve ever made?

They are not going to be willing to answer this even though it is easy to tell they’ve made a promise they knew they couldn’t keep just to get into office.

Don’t You Wish You Could Walk Around In Shirts Without The Escorts And The Paparazzi?

Being elected into office can change one’s life. From enjoying the liberty of walking freely on the streets to needing escorts and bodyguards before moving from one place to another, the life of a politician may seem like an amazing one until you get involved.

A funny question you can ask based on this fact is about how much they crave the freedom of being an ordinary citizen.

Would You Give Up Politics For a Career In Boxing Or MMA?

For this question, you might need to find out something the politician likes, any sport or hobby. If they have shown their love for a sport or hobby, you could use that to ask your question.

From golf to tennis to basketball, there are a lot of sporting activities that politicians like to show support for.

So, you can use that to ask them if they’d consider switching career paths.

If You Lost Your Re-Election Bid, Would You Go Back To Being A Narcissist?

This idea of being a member of the opposition party is often taken too far. When some politicians are not in power, they become overly critical of those in power.

If this is something a politician you know used to do before they came into power, while they are seeking re-election, you could ask them “If you lost your re-election bid, would you go back to being a narcissist?

Don’t You Think There Should Be An Intro Song Just Before You Speak At Press Conferences? 

Another awkwardly hilarious question you can ask a politician is “Don’t you think there should be an intro song just before you speak at press conferences?” There’s almost no basis for such a question except for the fact that it is a funny one.

It might be relatable if the individual you are asking has a thing for wrestling or music generally. Otherwise, you can use this question without probable cause.

Would You Fix Unemployment Or Should We Worry About Policies That Would Make Us Lose Our Existing Jobs? 

One of the prevalent problems in nations around the world is unemployment. Sadly, politicians make promises about providing more jobs only to create policies that make people lose existing jobs.

This is why a question like ‘Would you fix unemployment or should we worry about policies that would make us lose our existing jobs?” isn’t just funny but important.

Did You Hire A New Speech Writer Or Have You Begun To Use The Services Of An AI Writer? 

Whether there’s a change in their speech delivery or not, you can ask a politician about who their new speech writer is.

If you need a reason to use this question, it could be that there’s a noticeable change in their speeches and since there’s a wave of AI writers, this is a good way to phrase your question.

Who’s To Blame For The Growing National Debt? The Weather Or Toddlers In Daycare?

This has to be one of the most hilarious questions in this article. How on earth would you blame the weather or toddlers in daycare for the growing national debt?

Aside from growing national debt, you can use other issues in the nation to ask a question like this such as inflation, gun violence, and so on.

What makes it funny is the causes you are providing with the answer so be creative with it and your humor will be pronounced.

Why Do We Have LGBTQ+ Rights and Human Rights? Why Do They Get Special Privileges If They Are Humans Too? 

Even though this is a sensitive issue, you can still ask a politician for their take. I will recommend you ask a politician who has been vocal about LGBTQ+ rights. Let’s face it: why do LGBTQ+ people get special rights and privileges?

Don’t they claim to be as normal as other people? Isn’t human rights enough for them? You aren’t in the wrong asking these questions as some frontline LGBTQ+ ambassadors hold the same view.

Would You Use Government Money To Buy Electric Vehicles To Reduce Carbon Emission Or Do You Stick To Your Gas Powered Cars But Are Causing Global Warming? 

This is a trick question. It puts the politician on the spot as it presents two bad options. They cannot stand on the fence or choose anyone without any backlash.

If the question isn’t amusing enough, their struggle to get a good answer would be.

We’ve Not Seen The Change You Promised To Deliver In Your First Tenure? Don’t You Think You Should Change The Logistics Company Handling The Delivery? 

Hilarious Questions to Ask Politicians

Another hilarious question to ask a politician and this one is directed at a politician who’s seeking re-election into office is “We’ve not seen the change you promised to deliver in your first tenure? Don’t you think you should change the logistics company handling the delivery?

To make it more relatable, you might have to get something they said while campaigning for the first tenure that they haven’t done.

What Was Your Last Impulse Purchase? And Should We Be Afraid You Will Use Government Funds To Sponsor Your Guilty Pleasures? 

Asking about their last impulse purchase and whether the people should be worried that they are voting for a leader who will use government funds to sponsor their cravings is another humorous question to ask politicians.

It is just an attempt at revealing what their desires are like but then I don’t expect them to answer truthfully.

It’s Friday Night. You Are Not Campaigning Or Working. What Would You Be Doing? 

This is another witty question you can ask politicians to find out what they’d be doing when they are not necessarily working.

A lot of time I have heard them answer this question with even more humor than intended. So, you can strike gold with this question.

What’s Your Toxic Trait And How Bad Is It? 

Everyone has a toxic trait but this is not a question a politician will be expecting. It is definitely going to stir laughter across the audience when you ask them about their toxic trait and how bad it is.

Final Thoughts 

In your interactions with a politician, if you are attempting to be funny or ask questions in a funny way, I am confident you found helpful suggestions to that end. What’s your best question from the list already provided?

Hilarious Questions to Ask Politicians

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