20 Great Replies to When Someone Says “Have a Great Time”


Now and then, you get people telling you ‘Have a great time.’ This is usually their way of wishing you the best in whatever venture you plan on undertaking. In this article, I have curated a list of replies to when someone tells you to have a great time. These replies are based on a wide range of cases and can find worthy applications whenever you are told to relish in whatever you want to do. 

Thank You. I am Gonna Try 

As much as we want to be creative when responding to people’s lovely wishes to us, the good ‘ol ‘Thank you’ is enough. When someone tells you to have a great time, you can appreciate them with a simple thank you. You could follow it up with anything else you think would make the response more interesting. 

  • Thanks, man. It is not like I am expecting so much though 
  • I just hope it turns out great. The planning for this event was below par, I must confess

And You Too, Mate 

If the person has an event they want to attend too or they tell you ‘have a great time’ as you go to work while they are making their way too, you can reciprocate their kind thought by wishing them the same. Here are other ways to phrase your response in this manner:

  • Oh yeah, do have a great time doing whatever you have planned 
  • You should have a great time too 

I Wonder How That Would Be Possible When You Aren’t Coming 

Great Replies to When Someone Says Have a Great Time

I wonder how that would be possible when you aren’t coming’ is the response to give someone who wishes you a great time at an event when you tried to convince them to join you but they declined. Provided they were supposed to be at the event or wherever you are going, this reply makes sense in this scenario.

  • I am thinking of what to do to make you come with me. There’s no way I can have a great time without you 
  • You are the life of any party. I can’t believe you think I’ll have a great time when you aren’t coming with me 

I Wish You A Lovely Day 

If you are not sure whether they plan on going out or not, then your response to ‘have a great time’ should be ‘I wish you have a lovely day.’ You can tweak it depending on the time of the day. See the examples for more inspiration:

I Hope I Do. I Need This Distraction So Desperately

We all know how we could want to party or hang out because we need a distraction from something or a chance to unwind. If this is why you are going out, when someone says you should have a great time, you can respond by saying ‘I hope I do. I need this distraction so desperately.’ You can use the following ideas too:

  • I just want to relax, unwind, and let out all the frustrations of this past week 
  • It is a good opportunity for me to not bother about him 

My Favorite Band Is Performing Tonight

Someone could tell you to have a great time when you are on your way to a concert, choral performance, meet and greet, or music-inclined event. You can respond to their ‘have a great time’ wish with the reason you believe you’ll have a great time and what you expect to happen at the event. 

  • With Ed Sheeran performing, there’s no better event for me 
  • It is going to be more than great because I get to see my fave live in concert. 

I Didn’t Want To Attend. Doing This So I Don’t Disappoint Them 

I didn’t want to attend. Doing this so I don’t disappoint them’ is a good response to give when you are attending an event you wouldn’t want to. You are expressing your lack of enthusiasm and mentioning any reason that fuels your desire to not want to go.

  • Not in the mood for this but I have to show up for my guys. 
  • It could be anything but I am not interested in hanging out tonight. 

You Should Come Too And Share In The Fun 

Great Replies to When Someone Says Have a Great Time

When the person asking you to have a great time is part of your friend cycle but they aren’t interested in joining you all to hang out, you can say ‘You should come too and share in the fun’ as a response. This is a good opportunity to let them know what they’ll be missing if they don’t. And besides, the response is not subjected to friendship hangouts only. 

  • I can’t believe you want to miss this party. It is the event of the year, man
  • Stop sulking and let’s have some fun. 

It Is Going To Be Lit 

Another way to respond to a ‘have a great time’ wish is to tell the person what you hope will happen during the event or function you are attending or how you expect things to go. You could say ‘I am sure it would be the most talked about party in school this semester’ and this would make sense if you are trying to convince the person to join you. 

  • You shouldn’t miss this one because there won’t be any party better than it, at least not this year 
  • We are about to raise the roof and redefine fun in this city. Come along, man

I’ve Waited For This Event All Year. If I Don’t Have A Great Time, I’d Be So Disappointed 

You can use this response, ‘I’ve waited for this event all year. If I don’t have a great time, I’d be so disappointed to see how much you anticipated the coming of this event and would want to have a great time at it. Here are a few other examples to phrase your reply to ‘have a great time:’

  • The way I’ve been looking forward to this meeting, I am going to be livid with the organizers if it doesn’t turn out great 
  • After waiting for this long, I expect to have a great time 

You Are Going To Hear Every Detail There Is To Know About It When I Get Back 

Your roommate or friend could wish you a great time when you tell them you are attending a function or an event. In such a scenario, one of the best ways to reply to them is to say ‘I would be coming back with loads of stories about how the event went.’ They’ll be interested in getting the gist from you and if they are anything like me, you better be prepared to deliver all the juicy details when you get back. 

  • I am gonna spill every single detail about it when I get back home 
  • Don’t worry, you’ll hear every detail from me 

Don’t Miss Me Too Much 

If you happen to live with the person who tells you to ‘have a great time’, you can playfully respond to them by saying ‘Don’t miss me too much’ as you head out. This response can be considered a lighthearted way of acknowledging that you’ll be missed while also expressing your excitement for the activity you are about to engage in.

  • Enjoy yourself too and don’t think about me too much
  • Have a fantastic time and try not to pine away for me

Only If You’d Kiss Me Goodbye 

Great Replies to When Someone Says Have a Great Time

In case your significant other tells you to “have a great time,” a possible response could be to suggest that they give you a goodbye kiss if they truly want you to enjoy yourself. Other responses you can give in this direction include: 

  • If you want to make it truly memorable, a goodbye kiss would do the trick
  • I am sure I’ll have a great time, but a goodbye kiss would be the cherry on top

It’s Not Even Possible to Say The Same To You 

When someone wishes you to have a great time but they are not going to be having a great time themselves, you can respond with ‘I can’t even attempt to say the same to you.’ For instance, your spouse tells you to have a great time but they’ve got to babysit your twin babies. Other examples you can use are:

  • Regrettably, you may not have a great time, either.
  • I wish I could tell you to have a great time but I am not sure how being home alone can equate to having a great time

You’re Sure You Don’t Wanna Come? 

Another way to respond to ‘have a great time’ when it is coming from someone who can attend the same function or event if they choose is to ask them ‘So you are certain you don’t want to come?

  • You won’t be joining us, correct?
  • Is there any chance you’ll change your mind about coming along?

I Have Planned This Trip For Months. I Am Sure The Country Won’t Disappoint

If you are going on a vacation and someone tells you to have a great time, you can reply to them with ‘I have been making plans for more than three months now and I hope I don’t get disappointed.’ We all know what it feels like to prepare for a trip and be disappointed so anyone would understand your sentiment with a response like this.

  • I’ve heard a lot of nice things about Paris. Hoping it doesn’t fall short
  •  Visiting Thailand for the third time and I am sure it will be a remarkable experience 

The School Is Very Inclusive And Has Supportive Faculty. 

You may be told to have a great time when you are going off to college. This is where a response like this can be useful. The idea behind this response is to tell the individual something about the school that makes you believe you will have a splendid time while at the school.

  • The school plays D1 sports and I am confident it would be an amazing time 
  • I bet it would be. I am going to join the school’s publishing unit

What Would You Be Up To When I Am Gone?

Trying to find out what they’ll be up to when you are gone is a good way to respond to their ‘have a great day’ wish. This is a lovely way to show your concern about them and find out whether they’ll be doing anything worthwhile when you are away.

  • Any plans for yourself during my absence?
  • Tell me, how will you spend your time while I’m away?

I Just Hope I Can Be As Productive As I Need To Be

When you are on your way to work and someone wishes you to have a great time, you can respond to them by saying something like, ‘I appreciate your good wishes. However, my main focus today is to ensure that I am productive enough to complete all my tasks efficiently.’ Other ways you can say this include:

  • All I want to do is submit all my reports today and not bring work back home
  • The best thing for me would be that I get to finish up the backlog of tasks from yesterday 

All The Boys Are Pulling Up, So It’s Going To Be A Great Time 

All the boys are pulling up, so it’s going to be a great time’ is a way to respond when the person knows other people who’ll be attending the same function as you.it is easy to use this to convince them to come along or just use it to state why you are sure it would be a great time out.

  • I do not doubt in my heart we are going to have a lovely time 
  • If you don’t come, you’ll be missing out on a lot of amazing things because all the boys are coming too 

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to give boring responses to people who wish you well. Depending on the circumstance, I am sure you’ve found suggestions that can help you reply when someone says ‘Have a great time.’ 


Great Replies to When Someone Says Have a Great Time

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