60+ Good Questions to Ask a German


Germany is one of the most history-rich countries in the world. With amazing people, a very difficult language, a lovely climate, beautiful structures, advanced technological innovations, a good transport network, and much more, there are a lot of cool things about Germany.

On my bucket list, a visit to Germany is included because I desperately want to experience the beauty of this nation-state.

Away from what I want or desire, you are looking for questions to ask a German either because you are trying to initiate a question with one, find out a thing or two about Germany, or just satisfy your curiosity.

Well, regardless of why you are looking for questions to ask a German, I have provided 60+ questions that will help you attend to your desire, whatever it might be.

You are going to see questions that attempt to discover important details about Germany including the language, the weather, the education system, the citizens, the nation’s history, cuisines and delicacies, Nazi claims, and a lot of other details. Let’s get into them already.

60+ Good Questions to Ask a German 

If you are wondering how to get a conversation started with a German or trying to satisfy your curiosity about Germany by asking one, here are questions you can use to do so:

Good Questions to Ask a German

  1. The German language has a distinct accent. It is almost impossible to speak German without sounding German. How do you advise someone to learn German? What’s the best way to sound German?
  2. What is the best German food you would advise visitors to have if they want to enjoy the sweet locally-made food?
  3. I want to see some of the loveliest locations in Germany. As a German, what would be your topmost recommendations?
  4. If a single woman was coming to live in Germany, what cities in the country are the best to find nice-looking single men?
  5. Is it true that German women don’t find it cool when men pay for them during dates?
  6. Can a foreigner get a job in Germany while speaking only English or are they jobs reserved for only German-speaking people?
  7. As a German, how do you deal with the “Nazi” branding that most of the world associates with Germans? Or you don’t get it at all?
  8. If you could change one thing about the world’s perception of Germans, what would you want to change and why would you want to change that?
  9. What is that perception about Germany and Germans that you would like everyone to know is wrong? Is there a stereotype you feel has been popularized but doesn’t really give the picture of what Germans are?
  10. Germany is a very historic country with lots of the world’s biggest events in history happening here. What is the best piece of history you think defines Germany?
  11. Seeing how historic Germany is and how history can be told differently from the lens of onlookers. What piece of German history has shades of inaccuracies and could you share accurate details?
  12. Who produces the best cars? Would you go with Germans, Italians, Americans, or the French? Keeping solidarity aside, where would you rank German automobiles?
  13. Is it true that Germans find the question “How are you?” rude when it’s coming from a stranger?
  14. What is the weirdest constitutional law in Germany?
  15. If you had to stay in one German city for the rest of your life, what city would that be? Why would you want to stay there?
  16. What makes a German German? Like what are some of the traits that will make me a German through and through?
  17. German music is hardly mainstream globally but I believe there are very good music artists and songs from Germany. What are some of the popular ones you would recommend?
  18. For someone learning how to speak German, what are some pitfalls in pronunciations and intonations that I should be wary of?
  19. On a scale of “You can’t go wrong” to “Try elsewhere,” what is the quality of education in German colleges and universities? Or how would you rate the quality of German higher education?
  20. How do you even pronounce words in the German language? Looking at some of these words alone almost gives me a headache. Is there a hack to learning how to pronounce German words or a Germans born with their ability?
  21. In Germany, how is the weather? Is it mild or would I want to leave because of its adverse conditions?
  22. What’s the general vibe like in Germany? Is it phone and work or are you guys all work and no play?
  23. For someone who wants to enjoy themselves while holidaying in Germany, what is the best season of the year to plan your trip to Germany?
  24. I know the beer culture in Germany is unlike any part of the world. However, if you will suggest a beer for me, what is that one drink you feel I must try?
  25. What would you say about Germany that is capable of convincing someone that it is one of the best countries in Europe? If you feel like Germany is the best country in Europe, what reasons would you give to back up your claim?
  26. On a scale of “You mustn’t come here for your financial health” to “You have to be here,” how would you rate the cost of living in Germany? Is it bad everywhere or are there cities that are quite affordable?
  27. I am not so much of an outgoing person. Being reserved makes it difficult for me to find and make friends. Would this be a problem in Germany or are the people really easygoing and fun to be around?
  28. Be sincere, is there racism in Germany? How can I cope with being black or Asian?
  29. What sporting activity is the most watched and celebrated in Germany?
  30. There’s only one country that is considered crime-free. So, I just asked this: is the crime rate in Germany concerning enough to prevent someone from coming over?
  31. As a solo traveler visiting Germany for the first time, where should I visit to get the most out of my time in the country? Remember, safety is a priority
  32. What is the best piece of advice you can give to someone who is considering moving over to Germany with their family?
  33. Who has the most power and influence in the country: the Chancellor or the President?
  34. Angela Merkel’s position reflects the values of gender equality and shared opportunities that must be prevalent in Germany. Is this true or are my assertions wrong?
  35. Is it true or is it just a myth that Germany is not a funny place and the citizens are all about work and being efficient?
  36. From “You should never try to live here unless you are rich” to “This is a good place even for low earners,” can you rank cities in Germany according to how expensive it is to live in them?
  37. I love nightlife so much. What cities have the best nightlife in the country or is there nothing of such in Germany?
  38. If you had to eat one German food for the rest of your life, what is the one meal you would choose and why?
  39. Have you been to any other country? Comparing that country with Germany, what would be your thoughts?
  40. The bulk of nomads and avid travelers rate Germany for its public transportation system. Do you agree with this view or do you have a different take?
  41. European countries are known for natural scenery, castles, medieval buildings, and so on. Are these present in Germany?
  42. Is it true that undetonated World War II bombs are still being found on the ground in Germany?
  43. The German language, is it one unifying dialect or are there several dialects in the language?
  44. Germany is known for being one of the foremost inventors in the world. Do you think the country still has that pedigree or has it fallen off?
  45. The Bundesliga ranks among Europe’s top five football leagues. Are football matches the most watched event for Germans?
  46. This is the longest word that has ever been published in the German language: Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft. Can you pronounce it? What does it mean?
  47. Why do Germans call the office of the chancellor the “washing machine”?
  48. What happens to someone who is caught after the escape from prison since it’s not considered illegal to escape from prison?
  49. Oktoberfest is held in the month of September. Shouldn’t it be held in October or is there a reason why it is celebrated in September?
  50. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard from someone about why they love Germany?
  51. Don’t Germans have a hard time pronouncing German words? Why are the words ridiculously long?
  52. How true is it that German Universities have abolished the collection of tuition fees from students? Does it mean there is free education in Germany?
  53. If you had to switch languages, let’s say German for English, would you prefer the latter or stick to the former? Why would you want to do that?
  54. There is a funny idea that to sound German you have to want to sound like you are angry. Is this true or do you have a simpler hack to help someone with mastering the German language?
  55. Can you describe what Germany is like using a famous movie or a line from a book?
  56. With no speed limits on some of Germany’s roads, how does the government prevent overspeeding?
  57. With the drinking culture in Germany, how strict is the drinking and driving rule in Germany? Or are people allowed to drive while drunk in the country?
  58. How is the Holocaust taught in Germany? Is there a different version for Germans as opposed to the global view?
  59. Are there parts of German culture you feel have been marred by the Unification that occurred in 1871?
  60. How good is your knowledge of German History? What, in your opinion, are some of the best bits of German History that you are proud of and can share with the world?
  61. Does it bother you what the world thinks about Germans, especially with the Nazi events? Has anyone considered you a Nazi because you told them you were from Germany?
  62. Are Germans really rude or is it just another one of the many stereotypes you people face? How can you tell when a German is being rude?
  63. Is the drinking culture really bad in Germany as we think or are you guys like regular beer drinkers?
  64. Why is Germany sometimes considered Deutsch or Deutschland?
  65. Is there something you believe is the reason for the strong economy that Germany is considered to have in the European community and the world at large?
  66. For someone who’s moving to Germany to live there, what would be the best piece of advice you can give?
  67. What’s the law you think non-Germans are likely going to break?
  68. What’s that bizarre thing about Germany that many do not know but could be a deal-breaker?

Final thoughts

I am sure you have found enough recommendations for questions to ask a German. Looking at them, you can see that these questions when answered will either help you get to know the person or Germans better and teach you a thing or two about Germany.

If you plan on visiting the country and want to know what it would be like or maybe you were considering a permanent move to Germany, I am sure you have found questions to ask as you consider whether your discussion is the right one.

Whatever your reason for wanting to ask questions to a German, I am confident you have found these suggestions helpful.

Good Questions to Ask a German

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