20 Funny Responses to “Wish You Were Here”


When someone tells you “Wish you were here,” what they mean is that they’d like you to come over to their place, a function they are attending, or just be present at a location they want.

In this article, I am going to show you 20 funny ways to respond to “Wish you were here.” Who says you cannot use humor to respond to a message like that? Let’s get into it.

Table of Contents

Last Time I Was Over, You Attempted To Snuff Life Out Of Me. Why Should I Want To Be There?

Funny Responses to Wish You Were Here

Starting off with a response that’s perfect for romantic couples. When your significant other says they wish you were there with them, you could respond with “Last time I was over, you attempted to snuff life out of me. Why should I want to be there?

Asking them why you’d want to be there with them is going to make them give you reasons and if they get the drift, their reasons could be downright hilarious.

Just Say You Miss Having A Buddy To Satisfy Your Guilty Pleasures With

When your friend tells you they wish you were there, sometimes it is because they have ideas in their head that they’d like a crime partner for. If you have friends like mine, this is likely the main reason they’d want you around.

My friends are always up to something mischievous and somehow they want me around. Use this response if your friend or whoever you are talking with is someone with such tendencies.

Going Out For Me Would Require An Angel Appearing With A Very Long Sword. Only That Sight Can Make Me Leave My Home

It is possible that the person telling you about how they wish you were there is simply attempting to let you know they’d like your presence, maybe at a function, party, or event.

If you don’t want to go out, you can respond to their “Wish you were here” message with “Going out for me would require an angel appearing with a very long sword. Only that sight can make me leave my home.” This response can be used whether it is with a romantic partner, colleague, or friend.

It Only Takes Wiring Money Into My Account To Get Me There

Another funny way you can respond to someone’s “Wish you were here” request is to say “It only takes wiring money into my account to get me there.” The idea is to make it a bit difficult to convince you to go there.

I use this response in circumstances where I know it would not be feasible for them to send me the money. Anyways, you can use this response if you think they should pay for your inconvenience.

With Some Persuasion, You Could Get Me To Come But Then, I Developed Very Thick Skin

This is a response quite similar to the previous one. When you use this response, you are conveying the idea that even though you could be persuaded to do so, you have sort of developed a thick skin for the person’s persuasion.

I think you should use this response for someone you aren’t all that cool with or when you and your significant other are at loggerheads.

Your Dog Doesn’t Like Me. Last Time I Was Over, I Noticed The Way It Was Always Growling At Me

If the person has a dog, you can respond to their “Wish you were here” text or request with “Your dog doesn’t like me. Last time I was over, I noticed the way it was always growling at me.”

Whether this is true or not, it is a funny way to respond to their message and they are probably going to go on about how good their dog is and whatnot. You can tweak it for any pet they’ve got whether it is a cat, parrot, spider, whatever.

My House Is Better And More Cozy Than Yours. You Should Be Wishing You Were Here Instead

Funny Responses to Wish You Were Here

I got the inspiration for this response when someone who I always visited came to my place. He looked around and wondered why I’d prefer to come over to his place when I had a nicer apartment.

So, I figured that when someone says they would like you to be at their place but theirs isn’t as cool as yours, you could tell them “My house is better and more cozy than yours. You should be wishing you were here instead.”

Unfortunately, I Cannot Be There. I Heard There Won’t Be Enough Food

In the event that the place where the person wishes you were is a party or a get-together, you could respond with “Unfortunately, I cannot be there. I heard there won’t be enough food.” This is a very hilarious one. Alternatively, if food wouldn’t be a good enough excuse, you could say:

  • Unfortunately, I cannot be there. I heard there’s a zombie apocalypse in that region
  • I’d pass on that. I saw the name of the DJ and I know the dude is wack

Roses are red, violets are blue, if you wish I was there, that’s a wrong thing to do

Let’s have at least one roses are red, violets are blue response, shouldn’t we?

This is a funny response to “Wish you were here” when it is coming from someone who’s trying to flirt with you but you aren’t willing to reciprocate.

You should tell them “Roses are red, violets are blue, if you wish I was there, that’s a wrong thing to do” if you wouldn’t want to come off as being rude to them. It uses humor to douse down the impact of your refusal.

Do You Wish I Was There Or Do You Just Want Someone To Cook For You?

This is another hilarious response to “Wish you were here.” Back in school, I had a friend who always helped me out with cooking. She would come around, prepare some meals, and spend maybe a day or two at my place before going home.

One day, I told her I was missing her and she hit me with this response “Do you wish I was there or do you just want someone to cook for you?” You can use this if you are in a relationship and might have cooked for your partner before.

You Just Met Me And You Are Wishing I Was There? Is There A Medical Condition For That, Because I Think This Is A Rare Case?

This is another very funny response to “Wish you were there.” Looking at the statement “You just met me and you are wishing I was there? Is there a medical condition for that because I think this is a rare case?” you can tell it is suited for a stranger who’s obviously trying to flirt.

Even though they are not necessarily strangers. Maybe an acquaintance who you are still trying to get to know, you can use this response to shut down their flirtatious attempt.

Oh Sorry, I Have A Boyfriend And He Lives On Your Street

This will be so hilarious when you say it to your boyfriend. When your partner tells you they wish you were there, you could say “Oh sorry, I have a boyfriend and he lives on your street.” It would be downright funny I assure you.

If your boyfriend has a decent sense of humor they are easily going to like this joke. You could also use it when someone’s flirting with you and you aren’t willing to give in to their attempts.

Dear Sir, Kindly Recheck The Message You Just Sent And The User You Sent It To. Mistakes Like This Could Get You The BLOCKED Award

If you are texting someone and they surprisingly tell you “Wish you were here,” you can make your response sound formal. An example is to reply to them with “Dear sir, kindly recheck the message you just sent and the user you sent it to. Mistakes like this could get you the BLOCKED award.”

What this means is they aren’t willing to steer clear of such romantic gestures around you, you won’t hesitate to block them. The sudden change of tone would be funny and let’s hope they get the message.

Should I Be Scared? This Feels Like Those Invitations In Horror Movies

I hate to see horror movies because I can’t stand the gory sights. The few horror movies I’ve seen always begin with an invitation of some sort. Like someone inviting another person for a road trip, a vacation in the woods, or something. That’s where “Should I be scared? This feels like those invitations in horror movies” came from.

If you aren’t convinced about going out, this is a good response to use. You can also use this if you want to be sure they really need you around.

If Wishes Were Horses, Every Beggar Would Be Riding One. Don’t Be Such A Beggar

You remember the popular saying about wishes and horses, right? That’s where this response is drawn. You can use a response like this when you don’t think the person should be wishing you could come around or trying to go through the corners before asking you about the possibility of you going over to their place.

Third Time This Week? If You Want Me To Move In With You, Just Say It FAM

This is another funny response that’s perfect for couples. If your boyfriend or girlfriend has asked for you to be there with them, whether you honored the previous invitations or not, you could say “Third time this week? If you want me to move in with you, just say it FAM.”

You can tweak the number of times they’ve asked you depending on how many in your case.

Is There Something In It For Me? I Don’t Go To Places Where I Won’t Be Enjoying Any Benefits

When one of your friends hits you up with a “Wish you were here” message, you could try to find out what you stand to gain from the outing. You could use this response as it is going to be hilarious especially if the event or place isn’t something too serious.

Well, I Am Periodified. So, Do You Still Wish I Was There?

Funny Responses to Wish You Were Here

Periodified is not a word but then the idea is about being on your period. Knowing that when your man wishes you were there, it could mean getting some action, you could respond with “Well, I am periodified. So, do you still wish I was there?

I Don’t Attend Public Functions Especially The Ones People Wished I Came To But Didn’t Invite Me To

I know this happened to you before. There is an event happening and no one extended an invitation. Only for someone to randomly say they wish you were there or could come.

In such a scenario, you could say “I don’t attend public functions, especially the ones people wished I came to but didn’t invite me to.” You shouldn’t be going to places where your presence isn’t valued. Get it?

Stop Wishing And Just Say The Words, Young Man

Let’s wrap it up with another response for lovers. If you want your partner to stop wishing you were there and tell you to come over, you could respond to them with “Stop wishing and just say the words, young man.”

This could help him become decisive but you should use this if it is possible to be there with them when they ask.

Final Thoughts

That does it on funny responses to “Wish you were here.” I have tried to explore various scenarios that could warrant such a request or text and responses for each. Which is your favorite?

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