⁠25 Hilarious Responses to Guy Asking for a Picture


A guy can ask for a picture from you for different reasons. It may be your picture, that of someone he is crushing on, your family picture, or a picture of your younger self.

Whether it is your picture or not, you can seek to know what they intend to do with it if you’re not sure, and then add some fun if you want to decline.

Don’t be surprised to see a meme with your picture if you do not play your cards well.

In this article, I will share with you 25 funny responses you can give to a guy who asks you for a picture. As you read on, expect that they will spice up your conversation and create fun memories.

Table of Contents

1. Do You Plan To Include My Picture In Your Photobook?

Funny Responses to Guy Asking for a Picture

When a guy asks for your picture, it is good to know what he intends to do with it. Stylishly ask him if he has plans to work on a photo book or even a magazine and if he intends to include the picture he is requesting in it.

It’s a fun way to say that if he is not working towards a photo book, you may not consider giving him your picture. You can say it playfully and signify that it’s a joke as well.

2. Immediately After It Gets To You, You’ll Give Me An Open Check. Agreed?

You can inject banter into your humorous reply when a guy asks you for a picture. Tell them that you will do it with immediate effect if only he agrees that when your picture gets to them, he will give you an open check in return.

This check symbolizes anything you want from them, including what you have always requested, which he has declined all the while.

If he desperately needs your picture, he will accept to grant you the open check while you play your cards well, on the other hand.

3. I Hope You’re Not In Love Already. Because You’ll Fall Deeper When You See My Picture.

Another fun thing you can say to a guy when he asks for a picture is, ‘I hope you’re not in love already. Because you’ll fall deeper when you see my picture’. This statement is most suitable when he asks for your picture online.

Possibly the picture displayed on your social media account is not yours or you have not taken pictures in a while, and he wants to know what you currently look like, so this can make him ask for your picture.

4. The Next Lady That Passes By You Is How I Look.

It’s so unbelievable to reply to a guy who wants to know how you look that the next day who passes by them will know how you look. It sounds hilarious when you’re apart and you say so to him.

On the other hand, you can turn it into a surprise, and I think you should really consider it if possible.

So, immediately after you say that he does not need your picture sent to them online, you can say that he should capture the image of the lady that passes by them and, afterwards, give them a shocking surprise.

5. I’m Not Photogenic, So If You Want My Picture, Invent A Camera That Will Capture My Beauty In Detail

You can try a hilarious response mixed with something peculiar about yourself. Something like, ‘You are not photogenic’. The fun of it is saying something like he should engage their creative ability to come up with a camera that will capture your beautiful look in its essence.

It’s quite funny, but it’s a great avenue to indirectly share how creative you want him to be, to the extent of inventing a special-purpose camera.

6. Which Of My Pictures Do You Want? The One That My Makeup Was Off Or The One I Took Immediately After I Woke Up.

Asking you for a picture without specifying which one could be a reason to assume anyone. And so, when a guy asks you for a picture, you can ask them which of your pictures he wants.

More specifically, if he makes the request in public and the people around you begin to suspect that something is going on between you two, you can add something like, ‘The one that my makeup was off or the one I took immediately after I woke up’. It can also be a normal, funny reply.

7. Sincerely, I Don’t Feel It’s Okay To Send You My Picture Because It’s Saturday.

Nothing relates to Saturday and your refusal to send your picture to a guy who asks for it. This makes your response a funny one.

Anyway, it can express yourself so well and make it clear that you do not want to send your picture; he may understand. This is a great response to give if you really do not want to send your picture to a guy for one reason or another.

8. I Will Wait Till You Receive Your Next Salary Because My Picture Goes Out As A Paid Commodity.

Your friend or a guy with whom you have fun all the time can be the best recipient of this reply. Tell them that you will not send a picture yet, especially if he wants yours.

Simply because your intention is to wait until he has received their pay because you are now a hot commodity and your picture is now being paid for.

This statement reflects how priceless you are and how valued you place yourself.

9. I’ll Send You My Favourite Emoji Instead.

When you do not want to send a picture to a guy, it may not be your picture he asked for, but maybe a screenshot of your bank balance or a picture that means something significant between you two.

You can playfully do it without hurting them or making them understand your actions. Tell them that what he asks you for, you may not be able to do; however, you will send your favorite emoji to them instead.

10. Sorry, A Picture Of Me Or My Outfit?

A guy can go straight to the point, asking you for a picture of yours. But if, before then, he got you a dress, you told him you were off to show for some clothes and there’s one outfit out of the rest that you admire so much, or you give him details about a dress of yours, he can ask you for a picture afterward.

In that case, you can bring in some fun by seeking to know if it’s the outfit he wants to see or you.

11. A Picture Of My School Environment Or The Food I’m Craving Right Now, Like A Pregnant Woman?

Have you eaten? Is there one popular question that some people ask to show that they care about the well-being of the people they ask? If you crave something and he asks where he got it, you can say in your school environment if it’s truly there.

And when he asks you for a picture, which may not be related to this previous scenario, you can ask, ‘A picture of my school environment or the food I’m craving right now, like a pregnant woman?’

12. Something Funny Makes People Who Have My Picture Day Dream. And I Think I’ll Need To Shield You From That

Funny Responses to Guy Asking for a Picture

A funny threat like telling a guy that if he asks you for a picture and you send yours, something will always make them dream is a playful way to refuse sending your picture to a guy.

It is quite simple to understand that when he sees this, he should be inclined that you do not want to hurt them outright by saying no, but this is what it is.

Include that you take it as a responsibility to shield yourself, and so, as a result of that, you won’t send any pictures to them.

13. Just Look For A Fringe Hairstyle On The Internet And Imagine A Fair Lady Whose Hair Is Styled That Way. I Think That’s All You Need.

It is great if you employ the power of pictures, creating room for a guy who asks you for a picture to utilize their power of imagination as you paint a picture of yourself for them.

Saying, ‘Just look for a fringe hairstyle on the internet and imagine a fair lady whose hair is styled that way. I think that’s all you need’ is the most suitable way to respond when your hair is styled in fringe and you prefer that he imagine how you look instead of you sending your picture to them.

14. A Picture Of The Equation I’m Currently Struggling With, You Mean?

You can ease the tension by telling a guy who asks you to send him a picture that you will send the picture of an equation you’ve been struggling with.

Possibly this is the best way to make you feel less tense if the equation has been stressing you.

It is possible that he can be a source of help, particularly if he is good at solving those kinds of problems, or he can reach out to someone who can help you out.

15. A 10-Year-Old Picture Of Mine Will Do, Right?

A guy can ask for a picture of yours; it could be you alone, with your family members, or just something related that you may not want to give.

If you do not want to go straight to the point, stylishly introduce an intriguing question like, ‘A 10-year-old picture of mine will do, right?’

This can discourage them from asking you for pictures or heighten their interest since he may love to see the 10-year-old you.

16. I Don’t Look Like Your Ex, If That Is What You Want To Check.

This can be funny but offensive to some people, so it depends on your intention for saying it. However, on a neutral note, it is quite funny.

If the guy is super free with you, this statement can make them tell you about the ex, how he looked, what he liked about their looks, and several other things you may want to know.

17. If You Turn It Into A Meme, I’ll Receive Your Allowance This Month. Do You Accept It?

I’m sure you do not want to be the one to hand over a picture to a guy with which he will use a meme.

And so, since fun is still in the picture, let them know that you will send it to them on the basis that he won’t use it for a meme, but if he does, you’ll receive their allowance for a month.

18. Should My Eyes Be Opened, Closed, Or Half-Shut In The Picture?

Appearance is what attracts a person to look at a picture again and again. It may not necessarily be a beautiful face, but a controversial appearance can make someone look intently to pick out what is off in the big picture.

This makes asking a guy who wants a picture of you how your eye should be positioned so funny.

19. I’ve Yet To Wash My Favourite Clothes. Immediately, I’ll Send You Pictures Of A Dazzling Princess. 

‘I’ve yet to wash my favorite clothes. Immediately, I’ll send you pictures of a dazzling princess’ means that you will not take a picture unless you have your favorite clothes on.

This is if a guy asks for your picture. Included is a playful guarantee that immediately you do the laundry, you will be all set to send them a super beautiful picture.

20. What If I Don’t Wear A Shoe In The Picture? The Cobblers Have Suddenly Decided To Disappoint Me

Funny Responses to Guy Asking for a Picture

There are so many hilarious replies you can give a guy who asks for a picture. If it’s yours, simply say that you’ve got a shoe problem that you have yet to solve. You can make him laugh harder by saying that cobblers have disappointed you.

Crown it up by asking what will happen if you do not put on a shoe in the picture. This can be a good avenue to get to know them better as well.

21. It’s No Joke That There’s A Price To Pay For That Picture. Let’s Negotiate.

If you’ve got a lively spirit and you’re much of an extrovert, the response is, ‘It’s no joke that there’s a price to pay for my picture. Let’s negotiate’ with a guy who asks for a picture.

It can be any picture at all, so long as it is something he is asking you for, and you can be free-minded with them, girdle your belt, and tell them that it is time to negotiate for it.

22. My Current Look Will Scare You Since I Just Woke Up.

While having an audio call with a guy during the early hours of the morning or just after you wake up, he may want a video call instead or a picture.

Let him know that you just woke up; if possible, include that you didn’t tie your hair with scrunchies; you were so tired and slept with your hair all around the place, with make-up on your face, and so your look will scare him.

23. From Which Collection Do You Want A Picture? Maybe That Is In My Shut-Ears-To-Dating Category?

For organization purposes, pictures are grouped into collections. You can ask a guy who asks you for a picture from which category he wants you to send a picture.

If you sense he wants to date you and it is not something you want to do, then you can give him a hint already by saying, ‘Maybe that is in my shut-ears-to-dating category?’

24. If You Can Send Me A Picture Of You Doing The Dishes, I’ll Gladly Send As Many Pictures As You Desire.

Just like you exchange pleasantries with a friend, you can decide to exchange pictures, especially if you sense that a guy wants to do something funny with the picture he asked you to send.

This is so that he won’t be the only one with a picture of you that he can use to do whatever he wants, but you also have a funny picture of him doing the dishes.

25. Should I Send A Picture Of The Way I Want To Look In 20 Years Instead?

There was an interesting wave that blew on the internet some time ago. It was an app that could give someone an idea of how they tend to look in a few years.

So if you say, ‘Should I send a picture of the way I want to look in 20 years instead?’, to a guy who asks you for a picture, they may think in this direction. Anyway, it could just be a fun journey for you.

Parting Words

It’s great to have fun; it makes tough situations even easier. If people around you overhear your conversation with a guy who asks you for a picture, some of the responses in this article are a great way to indicate that there is nothing between you two.

Also, you can have a super lively, memorable moment with a guy whom you are friends with or want to get closer to who asks you for a picture by responding in a funny way, as shared in this article.

Funny Responses to Guy Asking for a Picture

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