50 Funny Questions to Ask your Maths Teacher


Math is usually all about numbers and equations, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! If you’ve ever wanted to see your math teacher smile or just learn more about them, asking some funny questions is a great idea.

In this article, you’ll get 50 funny questions that will definitely bring some laughs to the classroom. Let’s jump into it.

50 Funny Questions to Ask your Maths Teacher

Funny Questions to Ask your Maths Teacher

  1. I’ve heard rumors that calculators were invented by ancient mathematicians who were too lazy to do mental math. Is this true? And if so, should I feel guilty every time I use one, or am I just continuing a long-standing mathematical tradition?
  2. Do mathematicians ever wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, because they dreamed about an equation that just can’t be solved?
  3. If I subtract the amount of sleep I lose over worrying about math tests from my total study hours, will I still pass the test? LOL!
  4. Is there a mathematical formula that can make time go faster during a long math class? And if not, on behalf of the student, I think we should figure it out already?
  5. Given all your years of teaching, has there ever been a time when you stared at a problem so long that you started questioning if 2 + 2 really equals 4? How did you tackle it?
  6. Suppose I have an infinite amount of homework and only a finite amount of patience. How long will it take before I reach the limit of my patience?
  7. If I spent as much time studying math as I do procrastinating, would I reach a point where I could solve any problem instantly?
  8. As a math teacher, have you ever had a moment where you confidently solved a problem on the board, only for a student to point out an error? What was your first reaction?
  9. Have you ever been halfway through a complex proof in class and suddenly thought, ‘Wait, is this even correct?’
  10. As a math teacher, do you ever have fears about a student asking you to explain something, and you realize you’ve forgotten how?
  11. When you’re solving a problem on the board, do you ever have a moment where you suddenly wonder if you’re making it too complicated and there’s an easier way?
  12. Have you ever written out an entire equation during class, only to realize that you’ve mistakenly written something entirely new?
  13. In all your years of teaching, has there ever been a time when a student asked a question so unexpected that you had to say something like, ‘Let me get back to you on that’?
  14. When grading papers, have you ever encountered a student’s solution that was so unique and unconventional that you had to double-check your own understanding of the problem?
  15. Have you ever encountered a math problem that seemed simple at first glance but turned out to be a total puzzle? How do you keep your composure in front of the class?
  16. Have you ever solved a tricky problem and hit a point where you’re unsure if you really choose the right profession?’
  17. Have you ever had a student bring up a mathematical theory or piece you hadn’t heard of, and you had to think twice about it?
  18. Has there ever been a time you solved a problem so quickly in front of the class that even you’re surprised at how fast it went?
  19. As someone who teaches math every day, do you ever find yourself second-guessing basic arithmetic because of overthinking? Like, ‘Is 7 times 8 really 56’?
  20. Have you ever spent hours solving a difficult math problem only to realize later that there was a much simpler solution? How did you feel when you finally discovered the easier method?
  21. Is there a math concept or theorem that you find particularly annoying to teach, even though you know it’s important? How do you manage to keep up when explaining it?
  22. If you could remove one math topic from the curriculum because you think it’s more confusing than helpful, what would it be, and why?
  23. Have you ever given a math test and, after grading it, realized that a large portion of the class got the same question wrong? Did it make you reconsider how you taught that particular topic, or did you conclude that the problem was just too tricky?
  24. Has a student ever come up with a solution that was completely different from the standard method but still correct? Did it make you think that math can be flexible?
  25. Are you so conversant with mathematics that you could start speaking in mathematical terms outside of class, like asking for the ‘sum’ of your groceries at the checkout?
  26. Is there a specific math problem or topic that you personally find really difficult, even though you’ve been teaching it for years? What is it?
  27. If you could give one piece of advice to students about how to avoid common mistakes in math, what would it be? Have you ever made that same mistake yourself while teaching?
  28. What’s the funniest excuse you’ve ever heard from a student who didn’t do their math homework?
  29. Is it true when people say mathematicians are not social because they’re always busy with calculations? On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate your social life?
  30. Do you ever get tired of people asking you to solve random math problems outside of class, like at parties or family events?
  31. Is it true that math teachers have a superpower for calculating restaurant tips without using a calculator? What’s the most impressive mental math trick you’ve pulled off in public?
  32. How do you respond when someone says, ‘I was never good at math’? Does it make you want to jump in and start tutoring them on the spot, or do you just smile and change the subject?
  33. Do you ever feel like your non-math friends are intimidated by your profession? How do you convince them that you’re not just about numbers and that you can have a normal conversation, too?
  34. How do you balance making math exciting and accessible with the need to cover all the required material?
  35. What’s one common misconception about math that you encounter frequently, and how do you address it with your students to help them overcome it?
  36. Is mathematics really as difficult as it’s often made out to be, or is it just a matter of perspective and practice?
  37. Have you ever encountered a situation where a student who struggled with math eventually became very proficient? What was their journey like?
  38. Would you ever accept that math can sometimes seem uninteresting? I mean can you organize an excursion to make mathematics realistic for your students?
  39. When students express that they find math boring, how do you turn that perception around?
  40. Do you think that learning and teaching math has enhanced your ability to solve problems or your level of thinking?
  41. Seems you consult textbooks before teaching in class yeah? But why am I not allowed to consult my textbook just before my tests?
  42. Would you pick some other profession because you feel it’s not as technical as solving mathematics? What would it be?
  43. Do you also solve your life problems like you solve mathematics? Does mathematics make it any better?
  44. Is there anyone you look up to in the mathematics field just like your students look up to you? Who’s that?
  45. What’s your most proud moment as a mathematics teacher? Why is it so memorable for you?
  46. Did you ever regret picking this profession because you were unable to solve a difficult problem?
  47. Have you ever tried to prove a mathematical equation wrong and in the end had no headway?
  48. Is there a special routine you love to engage in when solving mathematics, like listening to music or something?
  49. Is it just speculation or actually true that engaging in rigorous math calculations can result in mental disorders?
  50. Do you think math should be optional or made compulsory in schools? Why exactly?

Before You Go

These funny questions are a great way to make math class more fun and to connect with your teacher on a different level.

By bringing a little humor into the mix, you might find that math isn’t as serious as it seems. So, the next time you’re in class, try asking your teacher one of these questions, you might be surprised at how much fun math can be!

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Funny Questions to Ask your Maths Teacher

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