20 Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries


Do you want to find out what happens to missionaries on their evangelistic journeys or would like to know some of their thoughts but from a humorous standpoint?

Well, in this article, I am going to show you 20 funny questions to ask missionaries and you can count on the fact that they will generate very hilarious responses.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries

  1. Have you ever accidentally said something funny while preaching because of the language barrier?
  2. What is the funniest reaction that you’ve gotten while on a mission field?
  3. Is there an unusual place where you’ve ever held a service because of the lack of a location?
  4. Have you ever had to eat food from locals but avoided doing so without showing face? How did you do it?
  5. What is the funniest question that someone has ever asked you about Jesus Christ?
  6. Is there a city or location that you’ve been to where you found the most hilarious culture? What was it about?
  7. What is the most humorous misunderstanding that you’ve had while preaching to people?
  8. Apart from going around and preaching, what else would you want to do with your life?
  9. What is the funniest nickname that you have been given by locals?
  10. What do you always miss about home while you are traveling on missions?
  11. Have you ever had to postpone a mission trip because your wife was not having it?
  12. What is one incident that almost made you doubt your desire to be a missionary?
  13. If you would have one superpower you feel would be helpful for your missionary work, what would it be?
  14. What gender is more receptive to the gospel: male or female?
  15. What is that one message you wish everyone would understand immediately that will make evangelism easier?
  16. Have you made a mistake before that you look back at today and just laugh because it is more funny than something to regret?
  17. Who do you think would make fine evangelists? Politicians or Lawyers?
  18. What’s the funniest reason someone has given you when you asked for financial support for a mission trip?
  19. Can you rank your funniest experiences on a mission trip?
  20. What is your most hilarious encounter during door-to-door evangelism?

Have You Ever Accidentally Said Something Funny While Preaching Because Of The Language Barrier?

Let’s start out questioning with one of the foremost embarrassing subjects for a lot of missionaries – the language barrier.

One of the funniest experiences you will hear from missionaries, especially those who do missions in foreign countries is how the challenge of the language makes communication a bit embarrassing.

You should ask the missionary if they have ever said something funny while preaching or even during their interaction with the locals.

Sometimes, it could be the fault of the interpreter who didn’t get what the preacher was trying to say.

What Is The Funniest Reaction That You’ve Gotten While On A Mission Field?

Another question that you can ask missionaries which will provoke some funny replies is “What is the funniest reaction that you’ve gotten while on a mission field?

If the missionary has been anywhere near Africa or has gone on missions in a region where he or she looks a bit different from the locals, they will have some bizarre stories to tell about this.

Is There An Unusual Place That You’ve Ever Held A Service Because Of The Lack Of A Location?

You may want to ask them if they have been forced to preach at an unconventional location because there was no place for them where they would have wanted.

Missionaries have a passion for lost souls and they may do anything to get their message to whoever they find. It is possible that while on a particular mission trip, the missionary you are interviewing had to improvise and preach a sermon out of position.

It would be hilarious to have them recount their experience.

Have You Ever Had To Eat Food From Locals But Avoided Doing So Without Showing Face? How Did You Do It?

You can also ask them about the hospitality they have received from the locals they went to preach to. There are people whose culture entails offering food to guests and if you are ever going to preach to them and have them converted, you must be willing to eat what they offer.

A lot of the time, the meal offered might be too poor and you wonder how the people manage to stay alive to eat such. Saying no is not an option so I expect a lot of traveling evangelists to have funny ways they have tried to escape this scenario.

What Is The Funniest Question That Someone Has Ever Asked You About Jesus Christ?

Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries

People who are hearing about Jesus Christ will have a lot of funny questions to ask, especially about His conception and His death. If a missionary jumped to how He died, their questions might border around why and they may have hilarious ideas about how to phrase their question.

What is the funniest question that someone has ever asked you about Jesus Christ?” will help you probe into whether the preacher has gotten some funny questions before and I know they will have.

What Is The Most Humorous Misunderstanding That You’ve Had While Preaching To People?

Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries

When you are preaching with an interpreter, misunderstandings will happen. I once heard a story where someone said “Jesus came to give us life” but the interpreter said something like “Jesus came to get us pregnant.”

I am sure missionaries have stories like this to tell. You can use this question to learn of some.

Is There A City Or Location That You’ve Been To Where You Found The Most Hilarious Culture? What Was It About?

Traveling gives you exposure as you get to experience the culture of other people. There are definitely going to be experiences that the missionary has had that cracked him up real good.

So go ahead and ask, “Is there a city or location that you’ve been to where you found the most hilarious culture? What was it about?

Apart From Going Around And Preaching, What Else Would You Want To Do With Your Life?

Another question you might want to ask a missionary is “Apart from going around and preaching, what else would you want to do with your life?

While this question isn’t inherently funny, the missionary may have responses that will be. Not everyone likes the idea of being on the mission field. Some had lofty ideas about what they wanted to do with their lives before God called them.

What Is The Funniest Nickname That You Have Been Given By Locals?

This is another funny question that you can ask a missionary.

Usually, because of the miraculous signs that are performed by the evangelist, the way he/she talks, or how he/she looks different from the people, they could have different ways of referring to him or her.

It is common and I expect that the missionary must have gotten wind of some very funny nicknames.

What Do You Always Miss About Home While You Are Traveling On Missions?

Not everyone will have a funny response to “What do you always miss about home while you are traveling on missions?

Most times, an evangelist will tell you about how they are sold out to evangelizing and all but there are some that may crack you up with what they usually miss when they are not in town.

Have You Ever Had To Postpone A Mission Trip Because Your Wife Was Not Having It?

Try asking a married traveling evangelist if they had to postpone a mission trip or were delayed for a bit because their spouse was not ready to let them go.

There are missionaries who spend most of their lives on the mission field miles away from their loved ones. If this is the profile of the evangelist that you are talking to, this is a good question to ask them as there must have been funny encounters like that.

What Is One Hilarious Incident That Almost Made You Doubt Your Desire To Be A Missionary?

It is not always smooth sailing as a missionary. There would be times that they thought about probably focusing on other sides of ministry instead of going to preach to the unreached.

What is one hilarious incident that almost made you doubt your desire to be a missionary?” is a question that could let you in on some of the struggles of the missionary which they find funny.

If You Would Have One Superpower You Feel Would Be Helpful For Your Missionary Work, What Would It Be?

Missions are hard work and who wouldn’t want some cheat code or help to do it with minimal stress. Asking if the missionary would want to have a superpower that they believe will help them preach better or evangelize more is going to generate some hilarious answers.

Let them describe how they hope or expect the superpower to work to make the question even more funny.

What Gender Is More Receptive To The Gospel: Male Or Female?

If you are in a Q&A session, this question is going to be really funny.

When you ask a missionary if men or women are more receptive to the gospel, I expect they are going to have funny stories about their experiences in the mission field and why they think a particular gender is more receptive.

What Is That One Message You Wish Everyone Would Understand Immediately That Will Make Evangelism Easier?

Talking about making evangelism easier, this question is surely going to be funny as you will learn about what the preacher thinks people should know that will make their work easier.

There is no easy way so I don’t expect their answer to make sense. It is purely for laughs.

Have You Made A Mistake Before That You Look Back At Today And Just Laugh Because It Is More Funny Than Something To Regret? 

There are mistakes and blunders that may troll the evangelist but it is possible that there are some they do not consider and have regrets.

With this question, you are going to get the missionary to talk about some of those funny occurrences.

Who Do You Think Would Make Fine Evangelists? Politicians Or Lawyers? 

Anyone can be an evangelist. In fact, the Great Commission is not to evangelists or missionaries alone. It is to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.

What makes this question funny is the profile of the people who we are considering: politicians and lawyers. It is a widely accepted idea that politicians lie to convince the public to vote for them and lying is almost part and parcel of the law profession.

With this stereotype, it will be funny to know what the missionary thinks of any of these professionals becoming fine evangelists.

What’s The Funniest Reason Someone Has Given You When You Asked For Financial Support For A Mission Trip?

Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries

It is normal for missionaries to ask for financial support as they plan for a mission trip. They reach out to bodies, organizations, well-meaning individuals, and even churches for support.

They aren’t always going to get the help they ask for. It would be funny to note some of the reasons they have been given about why support or financial aid would not be offered even though it could have been.

Can You Rank Your Funniest Experiences On A Mission Trip?

Another way to get a hilarious response from a missionary is to ask them to rank their funniest experiences while on missions.

You can expect so many things to happen on their trips from cultural misunderstandings to blunders due to language barriers and much more. There would be a lot of humorous stories to share which is why this question is a good one to ask.

What Is Your Most Hilarious Encounter During Door-To-Door Evangelism?

Door-to-door evangelism is another aspect of being a missionary. This means going to people’s houses or meeting them on the road and deciding to preach to them. It is also going to be an avenue to get funny responses from the evangelist.

Either because the person they met wasn’t having it or something about their interaction that was too funny to keep calm about.

Final Thoughts

I am sure you have found some favorites from this list of funny questions to ask missionaries. There is always going to be a lighter side to the serious business of sharing the gospel and these questions can help bring it out.

Funny Questions to Ask Missionaries

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