60 Funny Questions to Ask Gingers


You may have met a Ginger before but had no idea that they were one because you didn’t know how to identify them. Well, in this article, I will be explaining who a Ginger is to you so that you can easily identify one when you see him/her.

A Ginger can also be called a Redhead and is anyone who has Ginger-coloured or red hair. They are very easy to identify cause their red hair makes them so obvious, and they are equally pretty too.

However, most redheads have confessed that people always ask the wrong questions when they meet them which makes conversing with them quite boring.

We aim to correct that with this article by giving you sixty (60) funny questions to ask Gingers. This way, the next time you meet a Ginger, you will not make the conversation so awkward. You’re welcome.

What Questions Can You Ask Gingers?

Funny Questions to Ask Gingers

  1. Seems like you are naturally a Ginger – a rare find – does it then mean that you are a majestic unicorn? And if you are a majestic unicorn, can you share with me some major characteristics they have that will blow my mind?
  2. Is it true that you got this hair color after you died and turned to a vampire? Does that explain why you are so pale like the blood has all left your body?
  3. Is it true that Gingers don’t need sunscreens cause they don’t tan? Could it be that their fiery hair replenishes whatever vitamin they need?
  4. There’s a rumor that Gingers don’t have souls, can you confirm that for me? Would that then explain why you have an RBF and treat everyone so coldly?
  5. As a ginger, do you belong to the 1% that the 1% makes fun of? That is, are you part of the whites that other white people make fun of?
  6. Is it true that the only people who can date redheads are people who are not afraid to play with fire? I guess that’s why gingers are likened to fire cause they’re dangerous and exciting to play with but can burn you.
  7. What are the weirdest questions people have asked you about your hair? Share with us the most hilarious ones – could be assumptions or experiences.
  8. Do people get scared of you cause you have the same hair color as Chuck Norris? Or did people’s fear of you start even before the creation of the Chuck Norris’ movie?
  9. Is it true that Gingers are as fiery as their hair? If they are, can you share some personal moments when you showcased some of that fierceness?
  10.  Do Gingers walk under sunlight or does the sun burn them if they do? Are there times when you’ve tried to walk under the sun and the rays almost caused you to vanish?
  11.  Is it a great thing that the only thing Ginger ever has to worry about are freckles? Is the rumor that they naturally have glass skin true or do you guys use lots of skincare products?
  12.  How can I identify natural Gingers like you from other ones that dye? Is it true that natural gingers have more fire than gingers who dyed their hair?
  13.  The freckles on your face, do each of them really represent every soul you’ve stolen? Or are there other ways to know how many souls that you have stolen?
  14.  Who makes the best friends for Gingers – brunettes or blondes? And which other ways do you know who will be the best match as a bestie – is it the zodiac signs or their vibes?
  15.  Can you enlighten me on things that you can do and get away with but will make other women look crazy? Also, could you explain how you make it look so easy and the tips that ensure you get away with most of it?
  16.  What happens when people don’t listen to your warnings about Ginger temper? Have there been instances where people overlooked these warnings and had to learn the hard way?
  17.  Aside from Tomato and Albino, are there other ways a Ginger can tan their skin? Could you further explain to us how gingers use tomato and albino to tan their skin?
  18.  What is the one fact about Gingers that people will never believe is true? Also, could you share instances where people were surprised at some of the things you did as a ginger?
  19.  On a scale of 1 to 10, how pale can a Ginger be? Can you tell at which scale is healthy enough for a ginger and when we should get worried?
  20.  Do Gingers have a special club dedicated to them in this town? If there is, would you love to share the location and what we should expect at such clubs?
  21.  Do Gingers have an annual club meeting and if they do, who runs these meetings? Is the subject of their meeting focused on how to set the world on fire?
  22.  What’s the scariest warning you’ve ever given to someone as a Ginger and how did they take the warning? If you can share with us the context of the warning and what happened, it will help us understand better.
  23.  Which country have you ever visited where the citizens were amazed to see a Ginger? Can you explain their reaction when they saw you and your experience with them (whether you liked it or not)?
  24.  How fast do strangers fall in love with a Ginger? Can you share your personal experience and how fast it took for someone to fall in love with you?
  25.  Which country has the highest number of Gingers? How did you find out the numbers and how sure are you that they are correct?
  26.  Is it true that Gingers come from the cat family? Are there similarities you share with cats that make people believe you identify with the cat family?
  27.  What’s the best comeback you’ve ever given to a person who called you Gingerbread? Are there worse names that people have called you and how did you react to it?
  28.  How often do you get asked whether you are Irish or Scottish? Are there other nationalities that you have been identified with because you are a ginger?
  29.  Is it true that Gingers have higher pain thresholds, and if they do, how high is it? Would you be open to trying out some things to determine just how much you can hold in?
  30.  Heard that Gingers can produce their own vitamins, how true is that and what vitamins exactly do they produce? If you self-produce that many vitamins, does it mean that you don’t need to take fruits or supplements anymore?
  31.  Is it true that your Ginger gene makes you feel temperature changes quicker than other people? Can you easily tell when it’s going to rain or if it’s going to be sunny as ginger?
  32.  Which Ginger celebrity do all Gingers love and want to be like? Is there any ginger celebrity you sincerely wish to identify with and can relate properly with?
  33.  Heard that as a Ginger, you sunbathe fully covered, is that true, and how does it work? Do you like to wrap towels around you or just wear clothes to properly cover up?
  34.  What compliment about your hair have you ever received that you were sure was an insult and how did you respond to it? And can you compare the compliments and insults you’ve received, which one is more?
  35.  What’s the first thing people think when they see a Ginger? Can you tell it from their facial expression, body language, or what exactly they said?
  36.  What is the one question you wish people would stop asking Gingers about their hair? Can you mention other questions you would wish that people would stop asking gingers about their personalities and other things?
  37.  What is that kinky activity that every Ginger would willingly do without thinking twice? Have you ever done that kinky activity and how did it go?
  38.  What is that one thing that people assume you would naturally do because you are Ginger but you would never do? Have people ever come right out to ask you if you would do those things and what was your reaction?
  39.  Do you unlock the handcuff when your partner has satisfied you or how else do they know that they’ve satisfied you?
  40.  Is it true that anyone who is into Gingers will never find their soulmate? Could it be that you steal their souls and they get so lost in you that they can’t find their way to their soulmate anymore?
  41.  What’s the fastest way a Ginger take to get to a man’s heart? Is it through the ribcage or do you just bulldoze your way into his heart?
  42.  Is it true that people prefer to have a pit bull to getting married to a Ginger? Does it mean that a ginger is too much of a person to handle and have to be tamed like a pitbull?
  43.  I heard that it is safer to ignore a blonde or brunette than it is to ignore a Ginger, how true is that? What’s the worst thing you’ve done when someone ignored you and what was their reaction?
  44.  Is it true that when Gingers suffer from yeast infection they automatically turn to Gingerbread? Have you ever taken yeast and how tasteful were you as a gingerbread?
  45.  Is it true that Gingers do not exist in countries like China and South Korea because they don’t have the ginger gene? Have you ever visited these countries and how did they react when they saw someone with ginger hair?
  46.  Was it a Ginger that invented the ginger ale drink and is that the only drink that Gingers take? Do you even take any other drink aside from one that contains ginger?
  47.  Is it true that Gingers are so feisty that they need to regularly drink napalm to stop their fierceness?
  48.  Your parents are Gingers and you were born a Ginger, does it now mean that you are a Ginger-bred?
  49.  Is it true that a Ginger would never change a light bulb because they prefer to sit in the dark?
  50.  Is it true that Gingers look forward to having grey hair more than blondes and brunettes?
  51.  Is it true that when a Ginger blushes, she/he can’t be differentiated from her hair cause she will turn to the color of her hair?
  52.  Is it true that no souls show up for the ginger convention because most Gingers have stolen souls?
  53.  What’s the most flirtatious line you’ve ever received as a Ginger and did you have a good comeback for it?
  54.  Is the rumour that Gingers are fire on bed true and how do I verify?
  55.  Are the only set of people attracted to Gingers lovers of roses cause of how similar a ginger is to a rose?
  56.  Is it true that a Ginger can set a place ablaze with the sparks that they create?
  57.  Is it true that all Gingers are witches ‘cause of how enchanting their eyes and aura can be?
  58.  Can you enlighten us on the friendliest way that a Ginger person can make a new friend?
  59.  As a ginger person, what mostly makes people afraid of you and what endears them to you?
  60.  Is it true that the only way a Ginger kid can only be liked is if the other person is color-blind?

Funny Questions to Ask Gingers

To End With

If what I know about Gingers or redheads is true, then these questions will likely keep you in a safe space and even make them warm up to you. This is because Gingers are quite fiery and the wrong statement can trigger the reaction you would not want from them.

If you get the tone of voice right, you will have a smooth and interesting conversation with that Ginger. Also, if you are crushing on one then this is the best and easiest way to get them to like you (If it doesn’t work, then you can go through their ribcage ‘cause that’s what they’d do if they liked you).

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