20 Funny Questions to Ask Fernando Alonso


If you saw a celebrity today, and you were given a chance to ask them just one question or series of questions, what would it (they) be? Some people would say that it depends on the celebrity. 

Regardless, we have come across some weird asks and extremely hilarious ones. You will never believe what people have in mind to ask their favorite celebrity if they were to see them.

For this article, we will be focusing on the Spanish racing driver, Fernando Alonso, and funny questions to ask him if you ever come in contact with him. In this article, we have compiled hilarious questions (from sources around the world) that you can ask Fernando Alonso.

Table of Contents

What Would You Advise The Younger Generation Is The Secret To Success – A Lucky Rabbit’s Foot Or A Foot On A Pedal?

Funny Questions to Ask Fernando Alonso

When a person gets to a certain level in life, he/she then has what it takes to advise those coming after them because he has experienced both failure and success and knows what works and what doesn’t.

However, experts have confirmed that there is no one specific road to success, which is why everybody’s path is different. So for Fernando, it could be a lucky rabbit’s foot or a foot on a pedal. Who knows?

  • “What would you advise the younger generation is the secret to success?”
  • “Hmm.”
  • “…a lucky rabbit’s foot or a foot on a pedal?”

You Briefly Met With Taylor Swift Last Year; Do You Know If She Is Looking To Adopt? I Want To Put Myself Up.

One year ago, Fernando Alonso’s one-week meet-up with Taylor Swift was the talk of the internet, Just like everything media, the very purpose of the meeting was misunderstood and exaggerated.

I’m sure Fernando and Taylor had a good laugh at the absurdity of the news going around, however, you can still use it as an interview question and add a nice twist to it.

  • “You briefly met with Taylor Swift last year…”
  • Laughs in suspicion
  • “…do you know if she is looking to adopt? I want to put myself up.”

Is Your Comment ‘Feeling 33’ A Confirmation Of Your Relationship With The Singer Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift had released a song titled ‘22’, and during that same period Fernando dropped a comment that said “Feeling 33.” 

Most people have interpreted it to mean that they are lovebirds and that he is responding to her new song 22. Could it be that there’s something those two know that we don’t?

  • “Is your comment ‘Feeling 33’ a confirmation of your relationship with the singer Taylor Swift?”
  • “Oh no, not at all.”

I Want To Ask A Question About Your ‘Love Story’ If I Don’t Ask This, I’ll Just Be Leaving A ‘blank Space’, Are You In A Relationship?

Using this question will give the impression that you are a master at pun usage. This is because the terms ‘love story’ and ‘blank space’ are song titles of the singer Taylor Swift, and now it is used to ask Fernando a funny question.

This question may or may not still circle his perceived relationship with Taylor Swift, but whatever it is, some interested single ladies would like to know.

  • “I want to ask a question about your ‘Love story’, if I don’t ask this, I’ll just be leaving a ‘Blank space’…”
  • Rolls eyes in expectancy.
  • “…are you in a relationship?”

Would You Dare A Move So Risky That Will Leave Even Your Car Surprised Just To Win A Race?

Funny Questions to Ask Fernando Alonso

When the aim is to win, every known and unknown tactic must be employed as long as it doesn’t break any rule. Daredevils such as Fernando will likely train extra hard and try every move in the books.

So, it won’t be strange to ask ahead of time whether he is willing to try any risky move, even one that is bound to leave his car feeling very surprised.

If his car could speak, it would probably say, “Hey! We have been training, but you didn’t exactly prepare me for this move.”

  • “Would you dare a move so risky that will leave even your car surprised just to win a race?”
  • “Anything to win, right?”

There’s A Rumor That You Were Driving A Racing Car From Your Mum’s Womb Even Before You Came Out, How True Is That?

When someone is so good at what he/she does, it is assumed that he/she started doing such from his/her mother’s womb. It is a way to attest to someone’s expertise and excellent sportsmanship.

However, in this scenario, it is asked as a statement of fact but in a sarcastic manner.

  • “There’s a rumor…”
  • “What rumor?”
  • “…that you were driving a racing car from your mum’s womb even before you came out, how true is that?”

If You Are Offered One Million Dollars To Drive With Your Eyes Closed, Will You Take The Offer?

Since he is so good, let’s just see how far he can go. But is a million dollars worth taking a risk so high that if not carefully controlled may lead to serious injuries or even worse death?

That then means that this question is not to be taken seriously but is just for humorous purposes.

  • “If you are offered one million dollars to drive with your eyes closed…”
  • “That’s a lot of money”
  • “Yeah, it is. Will you take the offer?”

Which Of Your Teammates Have A Pre-Race Ritual That You Find Completely Weird And Laughable?

Everyone has something they believe in that is responsible for the success they experience in different areas of life. Some people’s beliefs are beyond physical and into the supernatural – maybe a ritual or a higher being.

While this is okay, some people can get weird with it. For instance, have this one sock you were for a race that you’ve never washed since you started wearing it.

Well, if that is not weird enough, we can ask Fernando, maybe he has seen the weirdest one yet.

  • “Which of your teammates have a pre-race ritual that you find completely weird.”
  • “Ooh, if I mention names, I would be in trouble.”

Have You And Your Teammates Ever Played A Prank On Your Coach That Made Him Double Up On Your Training As Punishment?

Aside from April where it is inevitable to prank friends and loved ones for the April fool season, there are other times people may just decide to fool around, but what if it gets you in trouble?

Imagine playing a prank on your teacher and getting extra school work or playing a prank on your coach and being asked to do extra work during training.

  • “I’m curious Fernando, have you and your teammates ever played a prank on your coach that made him double up on your training as punishment?”
  • “Laughs in remembrance. It was one hell of a day, hahaha!”

You Are Always So Focused During Your Races, What Do You Think Could Easily Distract You – A Pretty Lady Or A Mascot?

Is it possible for a very trained driver to lose concentration amidst a very intense race? The majority will believe that it is not possible, but the remaining few will like to test that theory. So, why don’t we just ask Fernando?

  • “You are always so focused during your races, what do you think could easily distract you – a pretty lady or a mascot?”
  • “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

What Country Have You Ever Visited That Gave You A Culture Shock?

As a celebrity, it is normal to travel from one country to another for different purposes. In Fernando’s case, he may have a race competition in different countries which then enables him to visit those places and meet people with different cultures.

What we would like to find out now is if he has ever witnessed a people with a culture shock and how hilarious it was.

  • “What country have you ever visited that gave you a culture shock?”
  • “Oh, this brings back memory.”

Approximately How Long Will It Take To Drive With Such Smooth Precision As You Do? I’m Considering Joining Your Team Tomorrow!

Most people who aspire to go into car racing may watch in admiration as Fernando controls the car with exact precision knowing the right thing to do at the right time.

Most of them would want to be like him one day, but they would first like to know how long that will take. Reality will agree that this might take years, while an impractical person will request to join the group the next day.

  • “Approximately how long will it take to drive with such smooth precision as you do?”
  • “Lol. Well?”
  • “I’m considering joining your team tomorrow.”

Do You Read Any Piece Of Paper You Are Asked To Sign Your Autograph On Or Do You Just Sign Any Adoption Papers You Are Given?

Most fans have been known to be mischievous in their dealings with a celebrity they so much admire. There’s even a meme going around of a fan giving a celebrity a piece of paper to sign, but in actuality, the piece of paper is a marriage certificate.

Crazy things are happening so one must be careful, which is why we must ask Fernando how diligent he is when scanning any paper he’s given to sign his autograph on.

  • “Do you read any piece of paper you are asked to sign your autograph on…”
  • Tilts head in confusion
  • “…or do you just sign any adoption papers that you are given?”
  • Laughs in realization

What Craziest Story Has The Blog Ever Spread About You That Is Hilarious?

Most blog owners assume that to stay relevant, you just need to keep spreading lies. I mean, gullible readers are more likely to believe lies than follow the truth.

Most times celebrities would read the most absurd stories about themselves, and simply have a good laugh because even if they say the truth, people will believe what they want to believe.

  • “What craziest story has the blog ever spread about you that is hilarious?”
  • “They’ve said a lot, do I start from the lies or just the fabricated stories?”

If You Were To Become The President For A Day, What Racing Rule Would You Remove Without Hesitation?

Whether the president of the country or the president of a sports race, if you were put in a position where you could change one racing rule, what would that be?

Well, Fernando, I’m curious too.

  • “If you were to become the president for a day…”
  • “Already sounds interesting.”
  • “…what racing rule would you remove without hesitation?”

Are You Related To Fernando Torres?

Fernando Torres and Fernando Alonso sound alike, now it sounds like they are from the same family. It is funny to ask if he is related to Fernando Torres because you know full well that they are not related. 

  • “Your name sounds like Fernando Torres, are you related to him?”

Who Do You Compete With The Most Without Anyone Knowing?

This happens mostly in sports, and racing is a complex sport with a lot of competitors. Fernando Alonso may have a particular competitor whom he always competes with without anyone knowing, you might want to know who that person is. 

  • “If you don’t mind, who do you compete with the most without anyone knowing?”

Which Of The Rules Do You Hate The Most While Racing?

Every sport has its set of rules, the same thing applies to racing. Some rules guide the sport and not everyone playing the games likes the rules. You might want to know those rules that Fernando Alonso hates the most. 

  • “Of all the rules, which one do you hate the most?”

Have You Ever Broken A Rule Just To Win A Race?

There are times in racing when some of the racers break the rules. They will get penalized for it, but it is a different scenario when the racer breaks the rule and uses it to win a race. 

  • “Did you at any point break a rule just to win a race?”

Have You Seen An Opponent Win In Your Dream?

While racing, sometimes you often have dreams of winning a race or sometimes a championship, but it is funny asking if he has ever seen an opponent win in his dream. 

  • “Have you had a weird dream of an opponent winning?”

To End With,

Some of these questions will leave you shocked at first but once you get the humor (dark or not), you get to have a great laugh about it. It’s been fun writing this, cause I get to tap into the humorous side of most people.

I know that it will be just as fun and interesting to read, and while I love that I could make you laugh, I would love to know the particular question that cracked you up.

If you have funny questions that you would like to ask Fernando aside from the ones mentioned in this article, also share them in the comment section below.

Funny Questions to Ask Fernando Alonso

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