100 Funny Questions to Ask Cat Owners


Cats are famous for their funny and puzzling behavior, and only their owners really know what it’s all about. To get to know about this behavior of theirs, all you need to do is ask fun and engaging questions to their owners and you’ll get to know the unbelievable.

In this article, we’ve got 100 funny questions that will help you learn more about the amazing things cat owners experience with their kitties.

100 Funny Questions to Ask Cat Owners

  1. Do you ever feel like your cat is always doing something awkward when it is out of your sight, especially on days when you deprived it of what it really wanted?
  2. How clingy is your cat? Has it ever interrupted an important meeting like walking across your keyboard or meowing uncontrollably in the background?
  3. Does your cat have a favorite spot in the house that’s off-limits to everyone else?
  4. Does your cat have a special meow that only means one specific thing? Does it make a particular sound when it is hungry and a different sound when it wants to be left alone?
  5. Have you ever heard of the myth that says when a cat spits in your eyes, you’ll go blind? Can you account for the number of times it spat on you and you were scared? Or are you just getting to know about it for the first time? Lol!
  6. Does your pet always make you feel like you should not make babies because it’s all petty and acts like the baby you need?
  7. What is the most challenging experience you’ve had with your cat that made you feel like it belongs to a more dangerous class of the cat family?
  8. People who have pets that belong to the cat family are said to regularly have scars as part of their mark of ownership. Please how true is this? Have you got any scars from your kitty just yet?
  9. Do you think your cat is currently worth more than the amount you got it for? Don’t be too quick to say yes just yet, just want to know what the ROI of your cat is if it were invested in.
  10. Here’s a test to know how much you know about your kitty. If there were 5 cats meowing at the same time, would you be able to point out that of your cat?
  11. Has your cat ever strategically placed itself in the most inconvenient spot possible, like boxing itself up when you are trying to escape you trying to scold it?
  12. Has your cat ever stolen food off your plate when you weren’t looking, and did it give you that “What? I’m innocent!” look afterward?
  13. Does your cat have a habit of knocking items off shelves just to watch them fall, just in a bid to act mischievous or tell you that it’s bored and needs your attention?
  14. Has your cat ever insisted on helping with household chores by supervising with the utmost silence and scrutiny from the top of the fridge or washing machine?
  15. What is your favorite outfit for your cat? Does it also appreciate you putting clothes on it or it just doesn’t desire to look like you?
  16. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for your kitty? Like organizing a birthday party and giving it something spectacular?
  17. Does your cat have a particular routine or ritual it performs before settling down to sleep, like circling a spot a certain number of times?
  18. What’s the most creative or bizarre way your cat has found to entertain itself when you’re not around?
  19. Does your cat have a signature move or trick it does to get what it wants, like a specific way it paws at your leg or a dramatic look it gives you?
  20. Have you ever tried talking to your cat in “meow language,” and if so, did it respond or just look at you like you’re crazy?
  21. What’s the most dramatic way your cat has ever demanded your attention or affection?
  22. Does your cat have a specific hiding spot that it thinks is a secret, but you know exactly where it is?
  23. Does your cat ever give you the “silent treatment”? What do you think you did to deserve it, and how long did it take for your cat to forgive you and return to normal?
  24. Has your cat ever had an unexpected reaction to a common household item? For example, did it freak out over the sound of a blender, by a mirror, or show an unusual interest in the vacuum cleaner?
  25. Does your cat have a signature “guilty look”? What does it look like, and what kind of mischief does your cat usually get into that warrants this expression?
  26. Have you ever dressed up your cat in a costume? What was the occasion, and how did your cat react to being dressed up? Did it walk around proudly or try to take off the outfit immediately?
  27. Has your cat ever been caught in a hilarious sleeping position? What’s the funniest or most awkward position you’ve found your cat sleeping in, and did you manage to get a photo?
  28. Have you ever tried to train your cat to do tricks? How successful were you, and what was the funniest or most surprising trick your cat managed to learn?
  29. Does your cat have a dramatic reaction to certain sounds or words especially when you yell at it? What’s the sound or word, and how does your cat respond? Does it come running, hide, or do something completely unexpected?
  30. What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing your cat has ever done in front of guests? Was it a loud meow, an unexpected jump, or some other behavior that left everyone laughing or in shock?
  31. Does your cat have a peculiar habit when it comes to food? For example, does it insist on eating only from a specific bowl, or does it have an unusual way of letting you know it’s mealtime?
  32. Does your cat ever pretend not to hear you when you call its name? How do you usually try to get its attention, and does it eventually acknowledge you or continue to ignore you?
  33. Has your cat ever had an encounter with another animal that was memorable? What happened, and what was your cat’s reaction during this time?
  34. Have you ever tried to give your cat a bath, and how did it go? Did your cat cooperate, or was it a battle of wills with a lot of splashing and escaping attempts?
  35. Does your cat have a peculiar grooming habit? For instance, does it spend an unusually long time grooming a particular part of its body or has a funny routine it follows?
  36. Does your cat have a favorite item it loves to play with that it’s not ought to? Maybe a roll of toilet paper, a certain plant, or something else you’ve tried to keep out of reach. How does your cat manage to get its paws on it?
  37. What’s the most surprising thing your cat has ever done to get your attention?
  38. If your cat could talk for one day, what do you think would be the first thing it says to you?
  39. Does your cat have a special trick that amazes everyone who sees it? What is it, and how did it learn it?
  40. It’s common to find cat owners taking pictures of themselves with their cats. Can I see yours? It’s more like a test to know how close you are to your cat. Will you pass it?
  41. What’s the most unusual food your cat has ever shown interest in or tried to eat? How did it react to this food?
  42. Has your cat ever done something that made you think it was trying to communicate with you in a very specific way? What was it trying to say?
  43. If you could spend a day in your cat’s life, and see the world from its perspective, what do you think you would find most surprising?
  44. What’s the most thoughtful thing you’ve done to make your cat comfortable, like building a space or a special bed?
  45. Have you ever caught your cat doing something you swear looked like it was trying to imitate you?
  46. What’s the most expensive thing your cat has ever destroyed, and how did you react? Do you think that based on your reaction, it’ll do it again?
  47. What’s the most random object your cat has ever decided to be scared of?
  48. What’s the funniest thing your cat has ever done to wake you up in the morning because you’ve slept for so long just so it can have your attention?
  49. Have you ever tried to take your cat for a walk? If yes, did it try to escape or walk proudly by your side? How did that go?
  50. How annoying can your cat be? Does it exhibit a habit of being all up in your face or sitting in your lap at the most inconvenient times?
  51. Have you ever had to explain your cat’s weird behavior to guests or friends? Especially because you’re used to it everyone else will view it as weird?
  52. What’s the most elaborate “cat-proofing” you’ve had to do in your home so your kitty doesn’t cause any more damage?
  53. Does your cat have a special way of greeting you when you come home? Tell me about it in detail!
  54. Have you ever witnessed your cat having a dream? What do you think it was dreaming about?
  55. What’s the most dramatic thing your cat has ever done to avoid a bath? Did it make you rethink if it ought to be bathed?
  56. Does your cat have a special meow that only means one specific thing? Does it make a particular sound when it’s hungry and a different sound when it wants to be left alone?
  57. How does your cat react when you leave the house? Does it act like it really wants to step out with you or just ignore you?
  58. Have you ever caught your cat trying to sneak into places it’s not allowed? How did it try to hide or cover up its actions?
  59. What’s the funniest thing your cat has ever done when you were on a video call or having a virtual meeting?
  60. Does your cat have any quirky habits during mealtime, like eating only from one specific bowl or waiting for you to serve it in a certain way?
  61. Has your cat ever done something that made you question its sanity, like trying to fit into a too-small box or attacking an inanimate object?
  62. What’s the most unusual place your cat has ever chosen to sleep or hide? Did you have to search for it?
  63. Does your cat have any funny or odd reactions to seeing its reflection in the mirror? Does it try to interact with it or just ignore it?
  64. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve discovered your cat likes or dislikes, like a certain food or type of toy?
  65. Does your cat have a favorite activity or game that it insists on playing with you? What’s the most entertaining way it plays?
  66. Does your cat ever do certain things to get attention? What’s the most impressive or funny thing it does?
  67. What’s the funniest thing your cat has ever done in the middle of the night that woke you up?
  68. Have you ever had to deal with a situation where your cat’s behavior completely surprised or puzzled you?
  69. Does your cat have any unusual or amusing ways of communicating with you, like tapping you or using a specific paw?
  70. Have you ever dressed up your cat in a holiday or special occasion costume? How did it react, and what did it think of its new look?
  71. What’s the funniest or most unexpected thing your cat has ever done during a family gathering or event?
  72. Does your cat have a favorite time of day for play or attention? How does it make sure you know it’s time for fun?
  73. Have you ever had a situation where your cat’s behavior completely stole the show or became the main topic of conversation?
  74. What’s the most amusing thing your cat has done that made you think it was trying to get back at you for something?
  75. Does your cat have a special place or object it’s obsessed with, like a particular toy or spot on the couch?
  76. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever caught your cat doing while you were away from home?
  77. What’s the funniest reaction your cat has had to a new person or animal in the house?
  78. Does your cat have a favorite way of getting your attention that always works, even when you’re busy?
  79. What’s the most memorable or amusing way your cat has tried to get your attention when you were distracted?
  80. Have you ever caught your cat doing something that seemed like it was trying to be human, like sitting at the table or couch?
  81. Does your cat have a favorite toy or object that it treats as a special possession? How does it interact with it?
  82. Have you ever tried to teach your cat something new, what was the outcome?
  83. Does your cat have any funny or unusual reactions to new sounds or experiences in the house?
  84. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about your cat’s behavior or personality?
  85. Have you ever had a situation where your cat’s behavior completely caught you off guard or surprised you?
  86. What’s the most entertaining or funny thing your cat does that makes you glad to be its owner?
  87. If your cat could permit your cat to eat a particular meal every day, what would it be and why do you think it’s his favorite?
  88. Does your cat have a habit of staring at you in a way that makes you wonder what it’s thinking?
  89. What’s the most dramatic thing your cat has ever done to get out of wearing an outfit or accessory?
  90. Have you ever seen your cat behaving like you with your actions, like trying to use a remote?
  91. Does your cat have a special habit that you haven’t seen in other cats?
  92. What’s the most amusing way your cat has ever interacted with a window or mirror?
  93. Can you rate the level of hatred your cat has for mice on a scale from 1 to 10?
  94. If your cat could make a list of its least favorite things, what do you think would be at the top?
  95. How dramatic is your cat when it comes to avoiding water? Can you describe a memorable bathtime experience you had?
  96. How does your cat react to you petting another animal? Does it get jealous or try to get your attention by creating chaos?
  97. How does your cat behave when it hears the doorbell or a knock at the door? Does it hide or confidently come out to see who’s right there?
  98. How does your cat handle visits to the vet? Is it a calm patient, a drama queen, or tries as much to escape?
  99. How energetic can you say your cat is and what activities are capable of bringing out its hyperactiveness?

Funny Questions to Ask Cat Owners

Final Thoughts

And there you have it—100 fantastic questions to ask any cat owner! Whether you’re a cat lover or just curious about the quirky side of cats, these questions are sure to spark interesting conversations and plenty of laughs.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can easily come back for more fun questions. There’s something here for everyone!

Funny Questions to Ask Cat Owners

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