100 Funny Questions to Ask Bus Drivers


Do you want to converse with a bus driver but don’t want to be all serious? Are you looking for funny questions to ask a bus driver that will help you make your conversation with him or her interesting and hilarious?

Well, you have come to just the right spot and that is because, in this article, I am going to show you 100 funny questions to ask a bus driver. Yes, 100 of the best questions with humor-infused content are sure to help anyone hold a conversation with a bus driver and enjoy a fun-filled interaction.

I have gone into detail with each question so that you clearly understand the trajectory of the examples. There’s also a riddle in the form of a question. I have provided the answer to the riddle as well so that you won’t leave them hanging when they fail to answer the riddle. Enough talk, let’s get into the examples I have outlined below.

Here Are 100 Hilarious Questions to Ask a Bus Driver

Funny Questions to Ask Bus Drivers

  1. If you were a passenger and you had to choose a good seat for the best view of the city as the bus drives through, what seat would you go for?
  2. How do you deal with noise pollution in your bus? It must get pretty noisy in here. Does it distract you or have you mastered noise cancelation?
  3. Can you interact with passengers while you drive or do you wish we’d shut up and let you focus on your driving?
  4. Have you ever wanted to hand the steering to someone else while on a trip because you felt like resting?
  5. If you didn’t have to worry about speed limits and police tickets, how fast would you drive the bus?
  6. Has anyone ever missed their stop and tried to force you into returning to where they intended to stop?
  7. On public holidays when you have to drive the bus, do you wish you could stay at home or have you decided to bear your cross no matter how burdensome it may be?
  8. When you pick up kids and they want to run around on the bus, what’s the best solution to get them to stay in their seats?
  9. Some passengers can have bizarre requests, right? What’s the most annoying or obscene request a passenger has ever told you? What was your reaction? Did you do it or just ignore them?
  10. When the bus gets dirty, who cleans it? You? Your kids? Or the guys at the car wash?
  11. Has someone ever left something valuable like a piece of jewelry or a large sum of money on your bus before? What was the temptation like? I bet you didn’t want to part with such a provision
  12. Is there something passengers do that makes you want to throw them out of your bus immediately? How often do you see them do those things?
  13. Suppose you didn’t drive a bus, what other vehicle would you love to drive?
  14. Between driving animals and humans, which do you prefer and why?
  15. Have you ever had passengers who try to get discounts or special offers when they board the bus? How do you respond to them? How many have you considered favorably and what was the motivation for the consideration?
  16. Do you have a noise policy or loud conversation control? I bet you encounter passengers who want to laugh out loud while with their friends or sing songs only they are listening to
  17. What would you do when someone rudely asks you to turn off the radio?
  18. Has someone ever requested for the volume of the radio to be increased because they love the song playing and another retorted in anger asking for it to be turned off entirely because they didn’t like the song? If you hadn’t had an experience like that, what would you do in that kind of situation?
  19. What has someone done in your bus that disgusted you to the core? Or maybe what some people did that gave you the ick?
  20. Do you have a provision for WiFi connectivity in your bus or is that too much to ask?
  21. If you were asked to switch between being a bus driver and a traffic warden, would you take the offer?
  22. Have you ever encountered bad guys while driving? How did you come out of that situation?
  23. When someone complains about your bus being too hot or asks you to turn on the AC, what cheeky response do you give them?
  24. What’s something you wish you could say to a passenger who’s being rude to you?
  25. If you could say something to another driver on the road and get away with it, what would you say?
  26. Suppose you could do anything to someone who almost got you in an accident, what would you do?
  27. Between driving a bus and being the janitor at a daycare, which job is more messy?
  28. What’s the most embarrassing thing you have found in your bus?
  29. Has someone ever got stuck in the door of the bus as they jumped in or alighted? Was it funny? Did you show how amused you were?
  30. What’s one route you regretted driving through and why would you never try driving through the route again?
  31. How many times have you been stopped for overspeeding with a long bus like this?
  32. Between driving a bus and a train, which would you take?
  33. As you drive through the city, what areas do you hate driving past and why?
  34. There would probably be times during the day when you wish you could skip or run through quicker than others. What hours would that be and why do you hate them?
  35. If a terrorist hijacks your bus and is holding you and other passengers for ransom, would you save the day or give in to their demands?
  36. When your shift is over do you grumble onto your bus or excitedly resume working?
  37. On a scale of “This sucks beyond what you can imagine” to “I am absolutely satisfied with what I do,” how much do you love your job?
  38. When family members get on the bus, do they try to negotiate family deals and discounts? What’s your response? How many times have you declined such requests?
  39. Let’s say you are in traffic and there’s a shooting, would you abandon your bus or be the hero and try to save the day?
  40. Have you ever tried to transport people interstate and it turned out to be a disastrous journey? What was the experience like?
  41. If you had the power to force passengers into doing anything, absolutely anything, what would you make them do?
  42. I am sure smoking or vaping isn’t allowed on the bus but trust passengers to break the rule. Do you wish you could smack the offender in the face or throw them out the window? What’s your approach to a passenger that’s going against a rule like this?
  43. When you have to transport people to a destination and you are running out of time, do you ignore the speed limits and hearken to the demands of the passengers or do you maintain your disposition as a law-abiding citizen?
  44. What do you do when you have to ease yourself or poo and there’s nowhere to do it except on the bus?
  45. Have you fallen in love with a passenger before? Did you talk to them?
  46. What fun activities do you engage in with passengers as you drive or do you just mind your business and keep your eyes on the road?
  47. What is your answer to a passenger’s request to connect to the stereo unit in your bus and play their song? If another passenger doesn’t like the song, how do you calm their nerves?
  48. Does your chair have a massage feature? Nothing really. I am just curious to know how you can sit all day in one position. Does it?
  49. What is the biggest driving mistake you have ever made? Something that if most people heard they wouldn’t be comfortable taking a ride with you
  50. Have you violated traffic regulations intentionally because you knew nobody was watching? Like driving through a red light because it was a lonely junction?
  51. You’ve driven this bus for nearly two decades. If there’s nothing wrong with this bus but you are offered a new bus would you take the new one and dump this old one?
  52. What is the hardest part about being a bus driver that is largely sponsored by passengers? I mean, what is that one thing you consider a big deal as a bus driver and passengers are the reason the problem exists?
  53. As a veteran in the game, what is the most ridiculous hack you have used or still use when driving your bus?
  54. Was there a time someone did something on the bus or said something to you that you wish you could park the bus and let them have a feel of your fist?
  55. If you were to be given a superpower that can only be used while in your bus, what would the power be and why would you want to have such an ability?
  56. How well do you know the routes you drive through? Can you name all of them without looking at the map?
  57. What would you say if you were told to drive this bus in your next life?
  58. Have you ever suddenly gotten yourself in a race with another driver as you both tried to out-accelerate each other? How many times have you won such races?
  59.  Are there any bus driver competitions for the smoothest ride or the most precise parking? How frequently do you find yourself in a winning position?
  60. What is your dream destination to drive a bus in? Why do you feel like driving a bus there would be an enjoyable experience?
  61. Is there somewhere you never wish to drive your bus through? What is the reason for your strong dislike of the area?
  62. Do you have a ritual before stepping onto the bus? Like something you do just before you start driving obviously aside from checking if the bus is roadworthy and other necessary checks before driving a vehicle
  63. What is one crazy desire you have that being a bus driver doesn’t allow you to satisfy? It could be anything
  64. What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to passengers’ behavior on the bus?
  65. When you are off-duty, what are some fun activities you use in unwinding and relaxing to be supercharged for the next time you are in action?
  66. If you could have a catchphrase that all passengers would remember you by, what would it be?
  67. Have you ever thought about wearing a superhero costume while driving? Just to give the passengers that vibe
  68. Would you rather be a regular bus driver or a school bus driver?
  69. So, you are a bus driver. From the first stop, you pick up 4 people. At the second stop, you drop 2 off. Then, at the third stop, you pick up 7 people. What is the color of the bus driver’s hair (This is a riddle. You are talking to the bus driver. So the answer is whatever the color of their hair is.)
  70. What is your favorite aspect of traveling and driving? Is it the scenery or meeting with people every day?
  71. In one word, how would you describe a day in your life as a bus driver in a city like New York?
  72. Do you feel any guilt when you drive past a group of people and your bus has enough space to accommodate them but you cannot stop to pick them up?
  73. How does it feel being a lady driving a bus? Do you get treated the same way people treat male bus drivers?
  74. If you had to switch to driving an underground train or stick to driving your bus, which would you prefer?
  75. Have you ever faced any stereotyping as a female bus driver? Was there a time when you badly wanted to stand up to them?
  76. What motivated you to become a bus driver? Was it the passion for driving people safely or did you need to make some bucks?
  77. Have you ever had to jump out of your bus while it is in motion?
  78. What is the best part of your job that many may find surprising or funny?
  79. As a school bus driver, how do you handle the nuisance kids typically constitute while en route? Or do you just wish you could get all of them to their destinations and get rid of them?
  80. Have you ever had a missing child problem on your hands? What was the experience like? How did you face the parents when you got to their child’s stop only to discover they were not on the bus?
  81. What is one funny fact about you that should make people not trust you by entering your bus?
  82. Have you ever had anyone, say a passenger or some regular guy on the street, challenge your driving? What did you say in response?
  83. You must get a lot of racist slurs while driving across town. Do you respond? What is that savage comment you wish you could give someone who’s being racist towards you?
  84. What is the most useless road sign you think exists? Or what road sign do you think shouldn’t be in existence because of how irrelevant you think it is?
  85. If you were to give bad advice to a wannabe bus driver, what are you going to say to them?
  86. When you are trying to go park your bus in order to rest after a long day and someone flags you, do you pay any attention to them?
  87. Who should get more priority with passage on the road? Bus drivers, truck drivers, regular motorists, or animals crossing?
  88. When you see female bus drivers, what comes to your mind? Do you think this is a career path for women or do you wish women would get more involved?
  89. What’s the strangest experience you’ve had driving a bus? Did you find it funny?
  90. Is there a music policy you want to adopt in your bus? Why haven’t you tried it? What do passengers say about your choice of music?
  91. Do you think bus driver interviews are worth it or they are just a waste of time?
  92. Have you ever applied for the role of a bus driver and got rejected? Was it an awkward feeling to be considered not good enough for a bus driver role?
  93. Was there ever a time you had to go through an unfamiliar route and needed to rely on your instincts to be right instead of asking anyone who knew the right way to follow? How did it go?
  94. Do you have a catchphrase for welcoming passengers on board? What is it? If you had to go with something more humorous, what would it be?
  95. When was the last time someone showed you genuine appreciation for being a bus driver or does every passenger you pick think they are doing you a service by getting on your bus?
  96. Between male and female passengers on your bus, what gender annoys you the most?
  97. Do you encounter passengers who are scared to go up the stairs onto the last seats on your bus? What do you say to them or wish you could say to them?
  98. With all the functions and buttons on your bus dashboard, don’t you think the majority of them are useless?
  99. What do you say to passengers who keep messing around on the bus? Especially adults who like to swing with the handrails?
  100. If you find, say $100 on a seat, and you know who might have left it there but they also littered their seat, would you return the money or keep it to yourself?

Final Thoughts 

Chatting with a bus driver who has a sense of humor can be a lovely experience. I have had the privilege of reveling in too many such encounters.

If you get the chance to interact with a bus driver, whether they are a school bus driver or someone who drives people as part of the public transport system, I am sure you have found good enough questions to ask them.

These questions cut across diverse aspects of their life and work as bus drivers from funny experiences to their thoughts on a wide range of issues.

They are going to help you make the most out of your conversation with any bus driver and you can be sure your interactions would be hilarious.

With these questions, I am optimistic you wouldn’t lack things to say to a bus driver to engage them or share a laugh with one.

Funny Questions to Ask Bus Drivers

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