100 Funny Questions to Ask Basketball Players


One of the many ways to interact with basketball players is to ask them questions. These guys are often met with a lot of questions from journalists and fans alike who all want to find out things about their lives, their games, clubs, their thoughts, and a whole lot of other things.

In my opinion, the best way to get the most out of your conversation with somebody who is a basketball player is to try humor.

In this article, I have provided 100 funny questions to ask basketball players. These questions are going to entice them into having engaging discussions with you as they seek to provide answers.

I have divided the questions into two categories one for current basketball players and another for retired basketball players.

The questions span across various aspects of their life and the game of basketball. It also borders on their thoughts about the game, mistakes they’ve made, and things they wish were different.

Enough said, let’s get into it.

65 Funny Questions for Current Basketball Players 

When you get the opportunity to talk to a current basketball player, these are some of the questions I’ll recommend you ask them.

  1. Who do you think makes the most money: basketball players or soccer players? What is the reason for your answer?
  2. Who is that one player everyone considers an all-time great but in reality, they were pretty average? I mean, the guy isn’t worth the hype but somehow there’s so much rave about how exceptional they were
  3. Have you ever watched a teammate fall after attempting a dunk or layup and laughed? Possibly the way they landed on the fall was too funny to hold back.
  4. If you were told to explain team fouls to a dullard, what would you say?
  5. When someone blocks a shot but then commits a foul in the process, is the shot still blocked or would the decision be a foul instead?
  6. Did you struggle with being in the Key for more than 3 seconds or is that rule non-existent? What was it like to be a victim of the rule and how would you say you’ve managed to escape being caught in the act?
  7. Use a basketball move to describe your personality. Why did you choose that move and how does it relate to you?
  8. If basketballs could talk, what do you think they are going to be saying to each other after the game?
  9. Who has been the most difficult opponent you’ve ever faced? Why did you choose them?
  10. Have you ever had a wrong call by a referee? What did you wish you could say to him in the heat of the moment? What held you back?
  11. Suppose I am a high school basketball player who wants to go pro. What advice can you give me? Something you wished you knew when you were my age?
  12. What is the most hilarious thing that has happened to you during a game?
  13. What’s the most outrageous foul you’ve committed or has someone done to you?
  14. Blocks are a part of the game. Has there been a block someone made at your shot that annoyed you? Who was it?
  15. Has anyone ever complained to you about something you were doing during a game and it infuriated you?
  16. What team do you wish you played for but you never got the chance to play for?
  17. Layoffs, 3-points, or slam dunks, which form of scoring do you like or which gives you the pleasure of winning?
  18. Your team needs the defining shot to secure the game and win the final. Can they count on you to make the points or would you rather pass on the challenge?
  19. What is that one team you never wish to play against in a final match?
  20. If you could play with any basketball legend dead or alive, what legend would you want to play with?
  21. Is there a position you wish you could play in? Assuming you could play any position and not be confined to one because of your skills and qualities
  22. In the Slam Dunk contest, who would your bets be on to win?
  23. Who’s that one player you are never going to attempt going on a one-on-one duel with?
  24. Was there a time when you doubted being a basketball player? Like you genuinely considered a switch to something else?
  25. If you could have any superpower that you can deploy during a game, what powers would you want to have or make use of? Why?
  26. If you could trade places with any basketball player, like live their lives and career, what player would you choose?
  27. If basketball jerseys allowed for nicknames, what would yours say?
  28. Are there things you wish you could change about the basketball game? It could be rules, court structure, management, game time, plays, etc.
  29. When you are on holiday, do you fancy playing basketball as part of your holiday or do you just sit back, relax, and wait for preseason?
  30. Is there something you do before any game begins as your pre-match routine or a ritual to get the best out of the game?
  31. Do you think you will become a coach after you retire or would you want to retire to a quiet life away from basketball?
  32. What’s the toughest period of your career and what lessons did you pick up from it?
  33. Have you ever had a stomach upset during a game? Did you play through it or call for a substitution?
  34. Was there a time your coach made a bad decision and you strongly wanted to go against him?
  35. You have friends who play for other opposing teams, right? Have you ever played a game against your friend and had to do something to them that infuriated them even after the game?
  36. What is the meanest thing you have said to an opponent or teammate? What’s the meanest you’ve heard?
  37. What fun activity do you engage in when you aren’t playing Basketball?
  38. If you were asked to define your playing style, what would you say? Anything sarcastic?
  39. Is there someone on another team you would want to play with? Someone whose quality you appreciate or just because they are your friend?
  40. Between winning the NBA title once in your entire career or being the NBA’s most valuable player every year throughout your playing career, which would you choose?
  41. What’s the most annoying court you’ve played in and why do you dislike the court so much?
  42. Do you watch the NBA women’s league? Is there someone you are crushing on from the league because of how good they are?
  43. Who is most ridiculous at pranking teammates? Have they got you? How did you feel?
  44. If you could exchange a teammate for a pizza, which of your current teammates would you want to give away?
  45. Suppose I want to become a professional player, what food can make someone become exceptional at basketball?
  46. Getting drafted is the dream of every prospective NBA player. Can you explain what the feeling was like when you got drafted?
  47. Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting enough service from your teammates? How did you deal with that?
  48. Would you want to increase the number of players in basketball or do you think it should be fewer?
  49. What’s one crazy fact about you and your playing that many wouldn’t be expecting or think of?
  50. Is there something you could do that will make more people start watching basketball?
  51. If you had the opportunity to play during an era, what era would that be and why would you want that period?
  52. Is there something you’ve heard from the stands while playing that you found truly hilarious? How did you respond when you heard it?
  53. In your opinion, what’s the sassiest thing a teammate has said to you because you made a mistake?
  54. Is there a loss that haunts you because you failed to make a shot? What prevented you from making the shot?
  55. Have you had to play under a coach you badly wished would be sacked? How did it turn out?
  56. Do you have a sentiment about basketball shoes that make you wear a particular brand?
  57. Did you choose basketball because you have a passion for it or because there was a promise it was going to pay the bills?
  58. What’s something you want to do in a game that is absolutely illegal or against the rules?
  59. What’s your favorite meal to eat before you go for a game? Something that gets you in the match mode
  60. When you have a match, how do you start your day?
  61. Are you in touch with basketball history? What basketball legend do you feel doesn’t get enough praise for the kind of player he was?
  62. How do you manage setbacks as a player and what would you say to a high school student who was considering going pro?
  63. What is one thing you cannot do without when you have a match to play?
  64. Has there been any teammate that made it extremely difficult to work with them?
  65. Who has the coldest finish you have ever seen in basketball? How do you rate your finish compared to theirs?

If you notice, some of the questions above have multiple options. This is so that you can provide clarity to your questions.

Some of the questions might not need further clarity or the addition could just provide more options for you to ask your questions. I believe they are clear enough.

Having considered the questions to ask basketball players who are still active, let’s move on to questions you could ask retired players.

35 Funny Questions to Ask Retired Basketball Players

There are a lot of questions that you could ask a retired basketball player especially if they are old and you did not get the chance to watch them play.

These questions can help you understand how the game was in their time, their thoughts about the game currently, and other interesting details about their lives after basketball.

  1. Are you still reminiscing about your time as a player and do you wish you could go back to those days again?
  2. What’s the funniest thing retirement has made you do?
  3. Now that you are retired, what do you do for fun?
  4. How did you handle mistakes during your playing time and what would be the biggest setback you ever faced?
  5. Is there something about the game now that you look at and wonder “What a joke”?
  6. Do you think basketball is harder now than when you played the game?
  7. Is there a current player that reminds you of your time while you played?
  8. If you could play again, what is one thing you’d want to do just to get even?
  9. Why aren’t you coaching a basketball team or do you think you ain’t got the nerves?
  10. When you see debates about who the best basketball player is today, do you think the names don’t stand a chance with someone you played against during your playing time?
  11. What are some of the painful decisions you’ve had to make or endure since your retirement?
  12. Do you wish you could play again when you consider sitting idly in your courtyard?
  13. What’s the craziest thing someone has told you that made you want to get on the court again to prove a point?
  14. Bill Russell and Kareem Abdul Jabbar: who would you say is the most successful in the history of the NBA?
  15. Do you feel like you are underrated? Are you often pressured to prove that you are as good as any currently adored player?
  16. Is there a team you wished you played for? Why do you think it didn’t work out? What is it about the team and why do you want to play for them?
  17. In your playing time, what player took all the shine? I mean, did you have a teammate or someone you played against that was way better than you think you ever were?
  18. Is there something that’s now trending in basketball that you wish was present during your time?
  19. Is there a current basketball player you would have loved to play with? Or someone you wish you could play against?
  20. What would you say to someone who’s trying to get their career in basketball started?
  21. What is it about basketball today that surprises you because of how significant the change or decline was?
  22. Did you ever attempt to learn the skyhook shot? What prevented you from always using it? Would you encourage any current player to try it?
  23. Do you think Kareem Abdul Jabbar is the greatest of all time in basketball or would you place your bets on the new cats like LeBron and Jordan?
  24. Is there something you blame that stood as a hindrance to being the best at basketball? Something you wish you didn’t have to worry about but remained poignant throughout your career?
  25. Are there any health conditions or damages to your body that you can attribute to when you played basketball?
  26. If you were asked to describe your playing style, what is one word that can provide an accurate description of what it was like when you played?
  27. Why do you think Wilt Chamberlain doesn’t get the honor he deserves as everyone seems to mention Kareem Abdul Jabbar anytime they want to talk about the best player in basketball history?
  28. What are the three most expensive things you own as a basketball player?
  29. If you played basketball today, with the crop of players in the game currently, do you think you would be as good as you were when you played?
  30. What did you do with the money you made from playing basketball?
  31. Do you sometimes feel like you retired too soon or was your retirement planned and executed like you wished?
  32. Are you excited that your children are following in your footsteps and want to play basketball too? How do you feel about your children choosing other things to do aside from playing basketball?
  33. Is there a teammate you feel very grateful to for their support on and off the pitch?
  34. Who do you think deserves a place in the GOAT debate that doesn’t get recognition from basketball fans?
  35. Do you observe any influences on the game that you feel are unhealthy for basketball?

Final Thoughts

Asking a basketball player funny questions about the game or details about their lives can be a cool way to establish and engage in conversations with them.

The questions I have provided as suggestions in this piece are designed to help you make the most out of your interaction with the basketball player whether they are playing currently or have retired.

I am optimistic that you’re no longer going to sound boring or at a loss for ideas when you meet with a basketball player whether as a fan or as a journalist.

I’ll advise that you save this page, bookmark it, or note down some of the best questions you found that you are comfortable using. And the next time you meet with a basketball player, I’m confident you’re going to smash your interactions with them.

Funny Questions to Ask Basketball Players

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