20 Funny Questions to Ask Baseball Players


If you have a good sense of humor, then there is nothing wrong with asking baseball players funny questions every once in a while. Am I about to bore you the way you may have been boring others in baseball conversations? No!

I’m about to save your social life by sharing the best conversation starters about baseball. These humorous questions circle around popular baseball jokes, terminologies, and knowledge.

You can use them as dad jokes, interview questions (for baseball players), friendly interactions, etc. This article contains fifteen (15) questions that you can ask baseball players with suitable explanations for each of them.

Table of Contents

What Is The Stupidest Baseball Question You’ve Ever Heard?

Oh well, if you are nice, then calling a harmless question stupid should not be encouraged.

But well, we are not nice so the question stands, have you ever heard someone ask something so obvious that you are begging them to just be intelligent for a minute?

  • “What is the stupidest baseball question you’ve ever heard?”
  • “There are lots of them, where do I start from?”

If Baseball Players Quit Being Short Stops At The Library, Would They Become Smarter?

Funny Questions to Ask Baseball Players

Short stops are people in baseball games who are placed at the bottom of the batting order because they are not good with batting, and most people who are into sports are assumed not to be smart at school.

So when they are called short stops at the library, it means that they are not good at reading. So is this an insult or merely a hilarious question? Well, we wouldn’t know till we ask right?

  • “If baseball players quit being short stops at the library”
  • “Yes?”
  • “…would they become smarter?”

In The Big Inning, Baseball Sports Was The Rave, Do You Agree?

Inning occurs when the teams alternate on offense and defense and then there are three outs for each team (i.e. each team scores at least three runs), however, a big inning occurs when the best action and big moments are shown as they are happening all season long.

Whenever a baseball player hears about the big inning, he is bound to smile because it is an inside joke.

  • “In the big inning, baseball sports was the rave, do you agree?”
  • Smiles in remembrance. Of course, I do”

If Male Cattle Were Literate, Do You Think They Would Use Bullpens To Write?

A bullpen is a small area in a baseball field where pitchers warm up, however, literally it symbolizes a pen used to write. This question was coiled from a joke that baseball players use amongst themselves.

Since male cows are called bulls, it is relatable to use them as pawns in this hilarious question.

  • “If male cattle were literate, do you think  they would use bullpens to write?”
  • Concentrates in confusion, then realises. Oh my, hahaha.”

Is The Baseball Stadium Ever Hot? Cause I Heard There Are Lots Of Fans There.

If you wish to create humor using puns, then this is the best funny question for you. Fans are mainly those who love baseball and support a particular team or person.

In layman’s terms, a fan is a household equipment that produces air and helps to prevent heat and stuffiness. So, you can say that we used a word that has a distinct meaning to create humor.

  • “Is the baseball stadium ever hot?”
  • “Uhm, I’m not sure how to answer that.”
  • “Cause I heard there are lots of fans there”
  • “Ah (Laughs in realization). You got me there.”

Is It Factual That Baseball Players Stay In Touch For A Long Time Because They Touch Base Every Once In A While?

This question uses a baseball term – to touch base – to create a funny question. Touching base in baseball means that a player must touch each of four bases to score a run, nevertheless, in layman’s terms, it means to make contact with someone.

  • “Is it factual that baseball players stay in touch for a long time because they touch base every once in a while?’
  • “Hahaha, that’s a nice one”

What’s The Most Embarrassing Incident That Has Ever Happened To You During A Game?

When you ask a person to share something embarrassing, it’s like asking them to embarrass themselves all over again. Anyway, a person with a good sense of humor will have no problem doing this, especially if they have gotten over it.

Most Fans Nicknamed Your Team ‘The Cinderella Team’ Because You Guys Have Lost Every Single Game For The Last Decade. Is It Because You Have A Pumpkin For A Coach?

The Cinderella story as we know it had a scene where a pumpkin was turned into a coach to be able to get Cinderella to the ball in time and back.

However, it is used in this question to jokingly mock a baseball team that has the reputation of losing every single game. Let’s hope they will take this humorous jab in good faith.

  • “Most fans nicknamed your team ‘the Cinderella team’ because you guys have lost every single game for the last decade.”
  • Shrugs shoulders in expected mockery”
  • “Is it because you guys have a pumpkin for a coach?”

With The Rate You Guys Are Losing All Your Games, Do You Think You Would Need The Book Never Written On ‘How To Be A Better Baseball Player’ By Ben Schwarzer?

This is another question to use for a baseball team that has the reputation of losing every single game. The question is a jab about a book that has never been written but may need to be as soon as possible, especially if the team keeps losing the way they do.

  • “With the rate, you guys are losing all your games…”
  • “Urgh”
  • “…do you think you would need the book never written on ‘How to be a Better Baseball Player’ by Ben Schwarzer.”

Do You Think Mark Your Teammate Is A Cinderella Because He Keeps Running Away From The Ball?

Funny Questions to Ask Baseball Players

If Cinderella ran from the ball, does it mean that she is related to Mark because he keeps running away from the ball? This implies that Mark is a coward who keeps running away from the ball.

  • “Do you think Mark, your teammate, is a Cinderella because he keeps running away from the ball?”
  • “I don’t know, you would have to ask him yourself.”

If Someone Is Out Of The Game After Three ‘Stripes’, Do We Then Call It Zebra Basketball?

The word ‘stripes’ is used to describe the marks on the body of a zebra and is also in baseball to mean the design of the team’s uniform.

However, in this context, it means being out of the game because you got three “strikes.”

  • “If someone is out of the game after three ‘stripes’, do we then call it zebra basketball?”
  • “Hahaha, or we could call it the zebra crossing.”

Why Are Most Baseball Players Not Great Bakers? I mean, They Have All The Needed Tools – A Battery, Bunt Pans, And Oven Mitts.

When a baker wants to bake, they need a cake batter, cake pans, and an oven mitt (to bring the baked cake out), the same with baseball. They need a batter, bunt, and hand mitts hence the pun in the question.

  • “Why are most baseball players, not great bakers?”
  • “That’s a weird question.”
  • “I mean, they have all the needed tools –  a BATTER, bunt PANS, and oven MITTS.”

Why Do You North Americans Call The Game ‘The World Series’ When It Is Only Your Team That Can Play?

The irony in this question is that the North American baseball game is called the ‘World’ series, but no other team from any other country aside from the North Americans can participate. The irony, right?

  • “Why do you North Americans call the game ‘the World Series’ when it is only your team that can play?”

What Was The Most Hilarious Thing That Happened To You During Your Welcome To The Big League Moment?

Every top baseball player has their before and after the Big League, so this question seeks to know the funniest thing they experienced when they were finally ushered into the Big League.

  • “What was the most hilarious thing that happened to you during your welcome to the Big League moment?”
  • “Okay, that’s the funny moment I love talking about. So…”

Who Are You Selecting First Among Fictional Baseball Drafts, Movies, Or Video Games?

Every game has a fictional character whether in the movies or video games, and when playing, everyone has a particular fictional player they like to use. This question seeks to find who that fictional character is and why that particular character is chosen.

  • “Who are you selecting first among fictional baseball drafts, movies, or video games?”
  • “Well, I would choose…”

What Is Your Guilty Pleasure Fast Food Order Or Drink?

Funny Questions to Ask Baseball Players

Anyone into sports is always advised to stay away from carbs so that they don’t get overweight and can play. However, there are ‘cheat’ days when these athletes enjoy food or a drink to satisfy their guilty pleasure.

  • “What is your guilty pleasure fast food order or drink?”
  • “Will I be charged?”

If You Could Fight Any Mascot In Baseball, Who Would You Fight?

During every baseball game, there is a mascot who wears funny disguises to do certain things for the team like sharing fliers, holding up signboards, and doing funny dances that make the audience laugh.

  • “If you could fight any mascot in baseball, who would you fight?”
  • “I think I would fight…”

What Is Your Go-To Karaoke Song And Would You Sing Along?

Going to a karaoke is always fun until someone starts to sing. If this question is asked to a baseball player that everyone knows can’t sing, it will be extremely hilarious.

  • “What is your go-to karaoke song and would you sing along?”
  • “I will sing along to any Taylor Swift song, ha!”

What Is The Single Nerdiest Baseball Stop You Know?

There are different types of stops in baseball and baseball players have a special name for each of them. Now, amongst all the stops, we would like to know which one is considered the nerdiest.

  • “What is the single nerdiest baseball stop you know?”
  • “I would say that it is…”

What Are You Asking Santa For This Year?

While it is believed that only children believe in Santa and can ask Santa for gifts, this question can also be asked of adults. Of course, they may find it funny, but you will be surprised at what adults want from Santa, well, we will have fun finding out.

  • “What are you asking Santa for this year?”
  • “Oh my, I have lots of things to ask for…”

Final Words,

Just as you ended up laughing or smiling, this is exactly the effect you will have on baseball players when you ask them these questions.

The questions can mostly be considered in-house jokes as it is those who have initial knowledge of baseball and its terminologies will understand the sarcasm behind the questions.

Funny Questions to Ask Baseball Players

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