100+ Funny Questions to Ask At a Party


They are very funny questions you can ask at a party. You might be wondering what they could be. Well, I have provided a hundred possible questions that might be asked while at the party. It cuts across tens of different scenarios and you would find that some of these questions are critical.

Over and above the desire to have fun at a party, you are going to realize that these questions are no-brainers.

As you read through, you will find that I have divided the questions into different categories so that you can easily peruse through and find questions based on any context you can think of at a party.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Parent Trouble & Permissions

The questions in this category are the kind of questions you’ll want to ask when you are at a house party and you want to ensure that you are not a party to any rule-breaking.

We all know how young people might go behind the box of appearance to hold house parties and invite their friends just to have fun.

These questions a funny ways to inquire about what your host’s parents think about them having a house party:

  1. I hope we won’t be dealing with parent trouble tonight. Would we?
  2. Please, tell me truthfully. Do we have an okay from your parent? I don’t want to be jumping over fences.
  3. Your house looks so beautiful. Who is going to pay if anything breaks?
  4. Should I have to worry about your parents badging on us
  5. Are your neighbors cool with this loud music because I am about to lose it?
  6. I need your full assurance. Are we going to have any old people intervention?
  7. Is there any signed document to prove that this party will not be interrupted by parents returning after a canceled flight?
  8. Did you organize this party because you’re home alone?
  9. Last time I was at a pool party, this dad came in the baseball bat and almost bashed my brain. Would I be experiencing something like that today?
  10. So your parents give you permission to hold a party of this magnitude. Can we switch parents?

Minor Claims

Another prevalent issue that could warrant a set of funny questions could be underage ladies at house parties.

This situation can get dicey because teenage girls today can easily look like older ladies when they are all dressed.

Your conversant with the law you know that your engagement with a minor as an older guy can land you in serious trouble.

While this is a sensitive issue. I have outlined 10 questions that could easily help you avoid it while maintaining the humor and width we want to achieve in this post.

  1. I just need to be sure, darling. Are you above 18?
  2. I have had a lot of encounters with women but there’s something pretty off about you. Tell me you are of age?
  3. If these girls are not above 18 then we are in trouble. Do you want to be caught hanging out with minorities?
  4. Not that I want to be forward but I just need to be careful. Are you by any chance below the age of 18?
  5. Are you still in high school?
  6. I am well over the age of 30 and if I am caught in a house party with someone who is a minor you know that is a problem, right?
  7. I like the ambience and the fun we are having but I just have one question to ask. Are we gonna be in trouble for partying with minors cause I don’t understand these young bloods?
  8. So, how did you celebrate your 18th birthday?
  9. I can’t believe I’d meet someone with such a mentality here. You are how old?
  10. There’s no need to be shy. This is a safe space even though it is noisy. So, how old?

Getting to Know You 

When you see somebody at a party and you would like to get to know them, instead of sounding all formal, there are ways you can humorously ask your questions.

Humor is going to get you closer to knowing anybody regardless of where you are meeting them faster than sounding professional is.

You only need to be careful with your delivery and make sure that in your desire to sound funny, you’re not crossing any lines or doing too much.

There are 10 suggestions for funny questions to ask at the party in this category:

Funny Questions to Ask At a Party

  1. Are you the frequent party type or did someone manage to convince you to come out today?
  2. Seeing your moves on the dance floor, I wonder if I really know you. You always seem like the quiet type. Is there more to you that we don’t know yet?
  3. You are not from around here but your eyes have been gazing at people from around here. So, on who have they decided to settle on?
  4. This outfit is definitely a statement piece. The funny thing is I am trying hard to understand what is being said. Wanna help me?
  5. Looking at you, there is only one thing I want to do. Get this dress off you. Will you indulge me? Don’t worry I have another to give you.
  6. If the noise is not too much to allow me to get to know you I don’t mind doing so. Do you?
  7. Ed Sheeran must be a liar to say that the club is not the best place to find a lover. Or is this a bar?
  8. Something about you just keeps pulling me your way. Don’t you think this party was supposed to bring us together?
  9. If you ask me, I feel this lovely moment we share shouldn’t just end at this party or what do you think?
  10. Are you an artist? Cause you seem to be drawing my attention to yourself

Silly Jokes and Questions 

While at the party you can make jokes and ask questions intended to make people laugh.

Some of these questions could be banter if it is a party among your friends and others could be funny ways to get to know people here.

I have listed 10 possible questions you can ask somebody which are mainly jokes and sarcastic inquiries at a party.

  1. What has been the most embarrassing thing you’ve done at a party? If there are too many, what are the top five most embarrassing things you’ve done at a party?
  2. How would you feel if we told you that you weren’t invited but we had to beg for you to tag along?
  3. Do you know why a skeleton goes to a party alone? Because it has got “no body” to go with it
  4. Would you have invited Sharon if she wasn’t popular? We all know you invited her for an ulterior motive, so if she was not popular would you have invited her?
  5. Not too many people will be bold to ask you this. But why is your hairline receding faster than a fading sunset?
  6. We all know who got invited because we needed to satisfy our thirst traps for banter, right? So, how do you feel, Benson?
  7. Aside from wanting to embarrass yourself every day, what other things do you do for fun? No, really you embarrass yourself all the time. So what else do you do for fun apart from that?
  8. Wouldn’t you want to see the bus all playful every time instead of being the narcissist that he is?
  9. Why did the pencil bring an eraser to the party? Because it did not want to make a mistake
  10. I hope your mama won’t issue a missing person report. How are you still outside at this time?
  11. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done at the party? Please, don’t tell me it is jumping into a pool.

From the look of some of these questions, you realize that they are not questions you could just ask strangers or people who may not be comfortable with some banter humor.

What I’m trying to say is select the kind of person you can ask these questions. Make sure they are your friends, not just acquaintances. Also, keep an eye out for body language that reveals the person’s uncomfortability with your jokes.

Opening Speeches/Welcome Note 

Suppose the party you are at requires an opening remark or a speech. There are funny questions you can also ask which I have already provided. These questions will come in handy when you are trying to give a little address probably because the party is a formal one or when you are supposed to signify the start of the event.

Who says you should be boring in making addresses like this? So check out the following suggestions for funny questions to ask at a party when you are providing the opening address.

Funny Questions to Ask At a Party

  1. Is there anyone here whose momma will be looking for them when it’s midnight?
  2. Tonight, I want to have all the fun that I can. Is there anyone with me?
  3. Nobody wants to hear any talk tonight. Or do we? That’s what I thought
  4. I think I should bore you with small official talk. Should I go ahead?
  5. I’ve got one question to ask before the partying begins. How crazy do you want to party?
  6. There’s going to be a lot of fun tonight. Are you guys up for it?
  7. A lot went into the planning of this event and I’ve got one question to ask. Would y’all make it worth it?
  8. What really makes a welcome note or opening remark? Shouldn’t the DJ just get things rolling?
  9. If you had to choose between a boring opening remark or a war cry, what would you choose?
  10. I bet everyone’s like me and can’t wait for the event to get started, right?

Closing Remarks/Goodbyes 

These questions are the types you would ask when you want to give the closing remark at the party if it is formal or when someone is leaving and you want to say goodbye to them.

You might have met someone at the party and in the course of your engagement, they say they want to leave.

These are some of the ways you can bid them goodbye by asking questions. Some of them are a bit flirty, so be careful.

  1. Why are you leaving when the fun is about to begin?
  2. Wouldn’t you be livid with yourself if you found out that five minutes after you left things went bizarre?
  3. Life is so funny. Everyone wanted to party but now nobody wants to stay to clean up. How am I going to clean up this whole house myself?
  4. I hate you want to bring this part to a close but I am sure none of you want to be here when my parents get back. Isn’t that so?
  5. Goodbyes are sad but this one is important cuz I don’t want anybody sending messages about why they cannot come to work early. He’s either a goodbye or a query letter tomorrow. What do you choose?
  6. So you are leaving? I didn’t get your number or do you think I’d bump into you again?
  7. My home can be a better destination for when you want to leave. Don’t you think?
  8. Only if it is a matter of life and death would I let you leave this party by this time, is it?
  9. Wouldn’t you care for some dessert after the party? Well, it depends on what you expect as desserts. What do you want?
  10. Would you mind sharing a piece of information? I’d like to reconnect some other time.

Next Stop? 

Suppose the party was a very successful one and you are wondering when the next time an amazing outing like that will be held, these are some of the questions you could ask.

  1. I know you all want to do this again. But who’s going to fund it?
  2. Next party? Bro chill? Why do I feel like you have an unhappy home the way you are looking for parties?
  3. Does everyone agree with me when I say nobody is a better party host than Sarah?
  4. If the expert is going to be held here then I am coming, who else is with me?
  5. When are we having the next party because my body is still in a frenzy?
  6. I don’t even want the party to be over. Any chance you can start planning the next one ASAP?
  7. Am I alone when I say that this should be the first of many?

Dress and Vibes

This group of questions consists of banter material and compliments. Going through them you’re going to see questions that talk about a person’s dress sense to a party, the ones that try to compliment the person, and inquiries that address a person’s vibe at the party.

  1. Did your grandma style you?
  2. I am getting serious royal ball energy from this outfit. Do you have a Prince Charming already?
  3. Who knew someone could make this outfit look so gorgeous?
  4. Your style has to be banned. Cause what in God’s holy heavens is this?
  5. Did you encounter a ghost on the way? The countenance doesn’t look all right.
  6. You need to loosen up bro. Is this what a funeral looks like to you?
  7. Did you see your girlfriend making out with another guy upstairs? So, why are you all moody?
  8. I really want to look at the positives with this outfit. You are trying to start a fashion trend, right?
  9. Whatever the reason you feel down, I don’t want to hear about it. I just want to ask, is it worth missing out on all this fun?
  10. Think about it this way, would you rather feel bad now and later or feel happy now and maybe feel sad later?
  11. I am sure you now know why it is hard for me to carry you along to events. What brand of shoes are those for goodness sake?
  12. This is a party. Why are you dressed like Mother Teresa?
  13. Did you come for evangelism? Why are you dressing like a missionary, bro?

Some Formals 

Because they are parties that may not be all informal or attendees that may require some formality to address or talk with at the party, I have added this category to include questions that are quite formal.

These are questions suited for superior people, strangers, or anyone who is an acquaintance. They include:

  1. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up at a party like this?
  2. Have you attended similar events in the past?
  3. So, what has been the best part of this party for you? I know the food has been off.
  4. Do we share the same sentiment when I say the DJ has just been all noise and no vibe?
  5. What are your thoughts about the general vibe at this party?
  6. You look like a fun-loving person. Are you really having fun?
  7. What has brought you to this part of the city? I pride myself in knowing everybody who comes in but your face doesn’t look family.
  8. Forgive me if I’m wrong but you are the spitting image of a Sarah Roberston I used to know. Are you by any chance Sarah?
  9. I thought you were all about work and no play. How come you seem to be the life of this party?
  10. So this is how you get all your office vibe?

Funny Questions to Ask At a Party

Dance Appeal 

One of the ways to get conversations going at parties is to talk about a person’s dance moves. If you thought that they were dancing really well, probably after observing them for quite some time, you can use the questions listed here to compliment them for dancing and get to know them.

  1. If you look through the questions you will realize that there are some that appeal to people you share a working relationship with and those you only just met.
  2. Watching your moves on the dance floor is like a breath of fresh air. How did you become this good?
  3. Where did you learn to move like that? MJ has got nothing on you. Do you dance professionally?
  4. If you are tempted to give your dancing skills to someone because of money, how much do you think it should be?
  5. I thought that I had seen enough good dancers but damn where did you learn those skills?
  6. Corporate work really shields people’s true abilities. I thought you were only about spreadsheets and slides. When did all this happen?

Quality Control 

Finally, we can have questions to ask at parties over a variety of things that may not necessarily be about people.

Some of these questions may be to check the quality of food at the party, the kind of drinks at the party, the pool, the DJ, and a wide range of other things.

Sometimes, it is just about you making the most of your time at the party by asking certain important questions but as this post is concerned we are doing it with a bit of humor.

  1. How deep is this pool? Or do you guys want to have an emergency on your hands?
  2. Have you had anything to eat? What’s the best edible? Don’t want to ruin my taste buds.
  3. This DJ be looking awkward. Is he as good as the last guy?
  4. Are the rooms upstairs cozy enough? Cause this party might move up, you know.
  5. Are we expecting any surprise guests? You know what I mean. Would she be coming?

Final Thoughts 

At a party, you should be all fun and play. So, even if you have pressing questions to ask, probably about somebody, while getting to know a person or about something at the party that you’re not sure of, there’s no point being all serious.

That’s why I have written this article discussing some funny questions to ask at a party.

Looking through the questions you would see that they are designed for setting scenarios and their usage is dependent on a range of circumstances.

It is important to be able to know when to use each question as already explained.

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