20 Funny Questions to Ask a Tennis Player


If you have an interview, a date, or a meet and greet with your favorite tennis player, do you think you would be able to keep the conversation going for a reasonable amount of time?

If your answer is no, then this article is definitely for you. If your answer is also yes, then you are the target reader this article was written for. This is because everyone needs a little addition to their vocabulary to make their conversations more engaging.

So, read on and learn twenty (20) funny questions to ask a tennis player, some equally hilarious answers, and little notes of explanations.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Questions to Ask a Tennis Player

  1. Why do you always call your female opponents Annette?
  2. Why are teams that lost a tournament always referred to as loser fishes?
  3. Why do the tennis balls always say to each other ‘See you round’?
  4. Just like prom, where would you take your crush for a date as a tennis player?
  5. What advice would you give to anyone planning to fall in love with a tennis player?
  6. Why are players without skills called the tennis ghosts?
  7. How do tennis players request for vanilla ice cream and soft lemon cake?
  8. Tennis players are known for always serving but never eating, what exactly do they serve?
  9. What’s the reason why tennis is called a noisy game?
  10.  Why are the great tennis players always nicknamed spiders?
  11.  Tennis players are rumoured to be rich, why then do they charge the net?
  12.  The local tennis club’s website is always down, what could be the reason?
  13.  I hear that tennis coaches and dentists have something in common, what is that?
  14.  Why is tennis compared to waiting tables and how are they similar?
  15.  What’s the one thing about tennis that makes players depressed?
  16.  What do you imagine the tennis ball would always say whenever it gets raised?
  17.  What time should a tennis player go to bed during a tournament?
  18.  If a horse was a human, what sport do you think that they would play?
  19.  If my memory serves me right, a tennis match was played in the Bible, when was it and who were the players?
  20.  What’s the worst gift a love interest can give to you as a tennis player?

Why do you always call your female opponents Annette?

Funny Questions to Ask a Tennis Player

The idea behind this funny question is that the name Annette is culled from the phrase ‘a net’, meaning that the female player probably hits their ball into the net a lot.

It is a joke popular amongst tennis players and also used light-heartedly to mock fellow players in a non-threatening way.

  • Why do you always call your female opponents Annette?
  • Because they always play the tennis ball into the net.

Why are teams that lost a tournament always referred to as loser fishes?

The loser fishes are the ones who always end up in the fisherman’s net. They are the ones that are warned not to swim too close to the surface but they never listen so they end up in the pot.

This is your sign to call that other team the loser fishes especially when you win. However, don’t get offended if you lose and you are called a loser fish.

  • Why are teams that lost a tournament always referred to as loser fishes?
  • Because they are dumb enough to keep getting the ball into the net.

Why do the tennis balls always say to each other ‘See you round’?

This question originates from the idea a tennis ball is round, hence tennis players rather say ‘see you round’ to themselves instead of ‘see you around’. The difference is just the suffix ‘a’ that is present in one but absent in the other.

  • Why do the tennis balls always say to each other ‘See you round’?
  • You can guess why.

Just like prom, where would you take your crush for a date as a tennis player?

People naturally love to talk about themselves, so asking them this question allows them that opportunity. If there is a love story behind it, they may want to start from the top so tighten your seatbelt.

The locations that a tennis player would have in mind will be close to where his passions lie.

  • Just like prom, where would you take your crush for a date as a tennis player?
  • A tennis ball.

What advice would you give to anyone planning to fall in love with a tennis player?

In tennis terms, love symbolises nothing so when a joke about tennis players falling in love is told, everyone laughs cause they know that love means nothing to a tennis player.

Note that just because love means nothing to them, you can’t like them a lot.

  • What advice would you give to anyone planning to fall in love with a tennis player?
  • ‘Love’ means nothing to a tennis player, so let them save themselves the heartbreak.

Why are players without skills called the tennis ghosts?

When someone is still a beginner in tennis, they do not have any skills. Continuously, a ghost is considered dead so they do not have any skills.

The question is then culled from the combination of the two words ‘tennis’ and ‘ghosts’. The response also used pun in its response, making it more hilarious.

  • Why are players without skills called the tennis ghosts?
  • Because they play like the dead on a tennis corpse.

How do tennis players request for vanilla ice cream and soft lemon cake?

Tennis players have a way of making food requests that make them stand out. For simple requests such as vanilla ice cream and soft lemon cake, they can just ask for a soft serve.

This method of ordering meals is mostly used in restaurants in the tennis court cause it will be mostly understood there.

  • How do tennis players request for vanilla ice cream and soft lemon cake?
  • They simply ask for a soft serve.

Tennis players are known for always serving but never eating, what exactly do they serve?

The term ‘serve’ is used in tennis for a person who starts the game. The idea is to serve the other partner the ball so that the game starts properly.

  • Tennis players are known for always serving but never eating, what exactly do they serve?
  • A tennis ball.

What’s the reason why tennis is called a noisy game?

Usually, when a racket is raised it either means a consistent unpleasant noise or a dishonest scheme. Tennis players call their nets a racket too, thus the homonym makes up the funny question.

  • What’s the reason why tennis is called a noisy game?
  • Because the players always raise a racket.

Why are the great tennis players always nicknamed spiders?

Funny Questions to Ask a Tennis Player

When a tennis player uses the topspin skill, it creates a Magnus effect that will score them high. Since spiders are also known to make a topspin, players who can pull off a topspin are usually compared to these spiders.

  • Why are the great tennis players always nicknamed spiders?
  • Because they have perfected the great topspin skill.

Tennis players are rumored to be rich, so why then do they charge the net?

This funny question is targeted at the fact that tennis players are rumored to be rich so when they are charging the net for their bills, could it be that they are broke?

  • Tennis players are rumored to be rich, so why then do they charge the net?
  • They probably ran out of cash.

The local tennis club’s website is always down, what could be the reason?

A website works better when the server is up and strong, and the tennis game also works the same way. You need a good server to get the game started, but when the server is down, what could be done?

  • The local tennis club’s website is always down, what could be the reason?
  • They always have a problem with their server.

I hear that tennis coaches and dentists have something in common, what is that?

Whether you are working with a coach or a dentist, what you will realise is that they both need drills to achieve their aims. The drills they use may differ but as far as it achieves the goal right?

  • I hear that tennis coaches and dentists have something in common, what is that?
  • They both correct persons using drills.

Why is tennis compared to waiting tables and how are they similar?

Imagine serving in court and also serving tables. One serves balls and the other serves anything other than balls but nevertheless, they are both serving something hot.

  • Why is tennis compared to waiting tables and how are they similar?
  • In both cases, you must serve and how you offer your first serve is extremely important.

What’s the one thing about tennis that makes players depressed?

Aside from tennis players playing with each other, there are times when someone can play alone and be served from the wall. The thing with the wall is that it always serves accurately and never misses unlike a human.

  • What’s the one thing about tennis that makes players depressed?
  • Realising that they will never be as good as a wall.

What do you imagine the tennis ball would always say whenever it gets raised?

At the beginning of a tennis game, whoever is serving raises the ball while he/she serves. This question is simply a way to tap into a tennis player’s imagination of what a ball would say if it could talk.

  • What do you imagine the tennis ball would always say whenever it gets raised?
  • Oh no, they’ve started raising a racquet again.

What time should a tennis player go to bed during a tournament?

A tennis player’s bedtime is not regulated by any law but when a funny question wants to be asked, one can use this. There are many equally hilarious interpretations of this question, and the answer below showcases one of them.

  • What time should a tennis player go to bed during a tournament?
  • Ten-nish

If a horse was a human, what sport do you think that they would play?

Horses are usually kept in the stable, which is the idea behind this funny question. There’s nothing like stable tennis, however. The closest sport to table tennis is pickleball but since we are trying to be funny, we will go with the stable tennis.

  • If a horse was a human, what sport do you think that they would play?
  • Stable Tennis would be my best bet.

If my memory serves me right, a tennis match was played in the Bible, when was it and who were the players?

Are you a Bible student and you are just discovering that the tennis game existed long ago in the Bible even before it will invented in this generation?

It is merely a reference to the time Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court but tennis players use it to crack jokes among themselves.

  • If my memory serves me right, a tennis match was played in the Bible, when was it and who were the players?
  • It was when Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

What’s The Worst Gift a Love Interest Can Give To You As a Tennis Player?

The idea behind this funny question is that just as a racket with no strings is useless in a tennis game, the same applies in real life when you want something serious with a love interest but they want no strings attached.

  • What’s the worst gift a love interest can give to you as a tennis player?
  • A broken tennis racket with no strings attached – I still want those strings in place.

Final Words

Now that we have settled hilarious questions you could ask a tennis player and their corresponding responses, you now have a great way to kick off interesting conversations with your favorite tennis player.

Even if you are just having a little tete-a-tete with a tennis fan, you can still use these questions to build great conversations.

Funny Questions to Ask a Tennis Player

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