20 Funny Questions to Ask a Psychologist


If you were to have a sit down with a psychologist, what are the interesting ways that you can keep the conversation going?

Usually, we know that psychologists are great thinkers and to sustain a conversation with them you need to have something exciting to say. No need to panic just yet ‘cause that’s why this article was written.

If you read till the end of this article, you will see twenty (20) funny questions to ask a psychologist, explanations, and interesting responses to these questions.

This will allow you not to burn out your social battery or act weird around a psychologist.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Questions to Ask a Psychologist

  1. What is the popular notion about psychologists and light bulbs?
  2. What do you think about student waiters studying Applied Psychology?
  3. What’s the idea behind Psychologists greeting each other this way, ‘You’re fine, how am I?’
  4. I thought the name Pavlov is supposed to ring a bell, why then does it make your mouth water?
  5. What’s the one advice you gave a patient that backfired?
  6. What is a psychologist’s interpretation of a Freudian slip?
  7. What do psychologists call a sad coffee?
  8. What’s the weirdest answer a client has ever given you during therapy?
  9. What’s the kind gesture a client will show to you that will make you suspicious instead of impressed?
  10.  What makes French psychologists different from others?
  11.  Psychologists have a name for a bear who likes to feed on penguins, what is it?
  12.  How do you know how many sessions a client needs to feel better?
  13.  How do you deal with a person who has an unhealthy and constant need to make people happy?
  14.  What harmless advice did you give a client that stopped them from coming for therapy?
  15.  What advice do you give to a client who strongly feels that you are a church bell?
  16.  As a psychologist, how many narcissists do you think it will take for me to change my car tire?
  17.  Why do you always compare some clients with a depressed tortilla?
  18.  When your client behaves like what is in the bottom of the ocean and often twitches, what could you say is wrong with them?
  19.  When you wish to validate your client’s parking, what do you tell them?
  20.  What makes you so different from a magician, since you both pull rabbits out of hats?

What Is The Popular Notion About Psychologists And Light Bulbs?

Funny Questions to Ask a Psychologist

The light bulb in this question usually represents how individuals who need therapy are later enlightened. It means that it doesn’t take much effort to actually help someone who wishes to be helped.

The humor in it is that doing something so simple should not be so hard, but of course, there’s always a client that will do just that.

  • What is the popular notion about psychologists and light bulbs?
  • Well, it doesn’t take much for a psychologist to change a light bulb, but then the light bulb needs to want to be changed.

What Do You Think About Student Waiters Studying Applied Psychology?

When a student waiter is empowered with the knowledge of applied psychology, they will know tricky ways to get higher tips from customers as opposed to normal waiters.

A student waiter who majors in Applied Psychology will know the right times to pay a compliment, use reverse psychology, or simply stroke the customers’ ego.

  • What do you think about student waiters studying Applied Psychology?
  • They’re going to make lots more money than the ordinary waiters.

What’s the idea behind Psychologists greeting each other this way, ‘You’re fine, how am I?’

Psychologists mostly assume that it is only a fellow psychologists that can diagnose them to know if they are okay or not. This is because they have diagnosed cases a lot that they’ve gotten so used to hiding theirs.

This is usually an inside joke amongst psychologists.

  • What’s the idea behind Psychologists greeting each other this way, ‘You’re fine, how am I?’
  • Probably time for a psychologist’s therapy.

I thought the name Pavlov is supposed to ring a bell, why then does it make your mouth water?

Pavlov is a trick psychologists use to make their clients’ mouth water. Hence, to normal humans the name should ring a bell but to psychologists, the name will make one’s mouth to water.

  • I thought the name Pavlov is supposed to ring a bell, why then does it make your mouth water?
  • You may want to ask a psychologist.

What’s the one advice you gave a patient that backfired?

Unlike what we’d like to believe, sometimes, psychologists don’t have it all figured out. There have been times when they gave advice and oops, it backfired.

Note that they may not be open to sharing if it will jeopardise their client’s privacy or recovery in any way.

  • What’s the one advice you gave a patient that backfired?
  • I asked him/her to join a therapy group for loneliness and no one showed up.

What is a psychologist’s interpretation of a Freudian slip?

Freudian slip popularly refers to an error or interruption in what a person is saying or doing because of a sudden internal thought that they had.

  • What is a psychologist’s interpretation of a Freudian slip?
  • It means when someone says one thing and means their mother.

What do psychologists call a sad coffee?

Expresso is a popular coffee that people drink, but the term ‘depresso’ is a pun culled from expresso as a joke to show that one is feeling sad.

  • What do psychologists call a sad coffee?
  • We call it depresso.

What’s the weirdest answer a client has ever given you during therapy?

During a therapy session, psychologists ask questions and their clients answer. Although psychologists always prefer for the worst, there are actually answers that have knocked the wind out of them.

  • What’s the weirdest answer a client has ever given you during therapy?
  • I once asked a client the imaginary sounds that irritate them the most and they said a spider wearing flip flops.

What’s the kind gesture a client will show to you that will make you suspicious instead of impressed?

It’s not wrong for someone to be ‘friendly’ or show a gesture of friendliness, but when that gesture is a sign that something is about to go really wrong then there is a need to be wary while being appreciative.

  • What’s the kind gesture a client will show to you that will make you suspicious instead of impressed?
  • I have a client that once they get me a cupcake, I know that they are about to have a mental breakdown.

What Makes French Psychologists Different From Others?

Funny Questions to Ask a Psychologist

The name ‘Freud’ is a French name that sounds similar to froid. So, psychologists from other nationalities naturally use it to playfully take a jab at them.

  • What makes French Psychologists different from others?
  • They like their beverages froid (in reference to Sigmund Freud).

Psychologists have a name for a bear who likes to feed on penguins, what is it?

Penguins dwell in extremely cold regions that is known to be close to the pole. So, when a joke about this is made, it is compared to the psychological illness of being bipolar

  • Psychologists have a name for a bear who likes to feed on penguins, what is it?
  • Bipolar

How do you know how many sessions a client needs to feel better?

There’s a belief that the reason why psychologists have so much money is because they have a way of convincing even the sanest person that they need therapy as long as they can keep paying for it.

  • How do you know how many sessions a client needs to feel better?
  • As long as their money does not run out.

How do you deal with a person who has an unhealthy and constant need to make people happy?

This applies to psychologists who have codependent clients who have the habit of making others happy even to their own detriment.

  • How do you deal with a person who has an unhealthy and constant need to make people happy?
  • Ensure that they don’t make me happy.

What harmless advice did you give a client that stopped them from coming for therapy?

This joke applies when the client considers his/her psychologist a negative person because the psychologist is forcing him/her to get well.

  • What harmless advice did you give a client that stopped them from coming for therapy?
  • I told him/her to get rid of all the negative people in his/her life.

What advice do you give to a client who strongly feels that you are a church bell?

The reference to the church bell is when clients ring (call) their psychologists a lot even at an inconvenient time. It shows that some clients don’t care about interrupting their psychologist’s life outside work as far as it is to get their needs met.

  • What advice do you give to a client who strongly feels that you are a church bell?
  • As long as it makes him/her feel good, let them continue ringing me.

As a psychologist, how many narcissists do you think it will take for me to change my car tyre?

The joke centers around the fact that narcissists love to make the world revolve around them. Similarly, when a tyre needs to be changed, the nuts are usually screwed in a circular manner.

So, when these two very different instances are jokingly brought today, they can create an unrealistic difference.

  • As a psychologist, how many narcissists do you think it will take for me to change my car tyre?
  • The world will revolve around him/her so you need just one to hold the tyre.

Why do you always compare some clients with a depressed tortilla?

Tortilla is a kind of meal that is usually eaten with taco, hence the joke culled from it. So, when someone makes a conscious effort to heal, they’re referred to tortillas that ‘taco’ about their issues and when they don’t healed they are depressed tortillas.

  • Why do you always compare some clients with a depressed tortilla?
  • Because some clients don’t like to taco ‘bout it.

When your client behaves like what is at the bottom of the ocean and often twitches, what could you say is wrong with them?

This funny question is culled from the similarity that a shipwreck has with a human that is having a nervous wreck. It is a pun-intended question and is not meant to mock the client in any way.

  • When your client behaves like what is at the bottom of the ocean and often twitches, what could you say is wrong with them?
  • I say that they are a nervous wreck.

When you wish to validate your client’s parking, what do you tell them?

‘Parking’ in this context does not necessarily mean someone physically parking their car. It could refer to the client’s decision or an action that they are about to take being validated by you, their psychologist.

  • When you wish to validate your client’s parking, what do you tell them?
  • I tell them that they are doing a great job.

What Makes You So Different From a Magician Since You Both Pull Rabbits Out Of Hats?

A good psychologist is sometimes referred to as a magician or a miracle worker because they patiently pull something out of someone.

Usually, they pull bad habits out of their patients (rats) but then magicians pull rabbits out of habit, so that is the comparison.

  • What makes you so different from a magician since you both pull rabbits out of hats?
  • Nah, we pull habits out of rats.

To End With

If you have booked a session with a psychologist after reading this article, then trust me, you are about to have a very interesting session with your psychologist.

They will not see these questions coming cause usually, they are the ones doing the questioning but this time around, you will be able to play the therapist at least for a few minutes.

Funny Questions to Ask a Psychologist

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