20 Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer


Police officers have a reputation that makes approaching them or being approached by them quite scary. However, if you overlook the supposed reputation that they have, you could actually have a reasonable conversation with them.

They are not necessarily scary, especially to those whose hands are clean and have no skeleton in their cupboards. Besides they are also humans and also have tough days like the rest.

To help you out, we have drafted a list of funny questions that you can ask a police officer to keep the conversation flowing and probably make their day better.

In this article, you will find twenty (20) funny questions to ask a police officer. Shall we?

Table of Contents

20 Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer

  1. What trick question do you ask a driver who you suspect is drunk to determine whether they are actually drunk?
  2. Why do people refuse to open up the door for the police, FBI, CIA, etc?
  3. What’s the funniest thing a driver told you when you wanted to book him/her for overspeeding?
  4. What do you think regular dogs think when they see police dogs?
  5. What was the most irritating answer that you’ve gotten from a person that you were questioning?
  6. What is the most hilarious prank that you have ever played on a colleague?
  7. What is the best comeback you have ever given to someone’s logical analysis of police business?
  8. What is a funny notion that people have about cops that could be true?
  9. What is the most unassuming response that someone has given to you that made you arrest them?
  10.  If your 4-year-old asks you what stalking is, how would you respond?
  11.  What is the most hilarious comeback that you have had from a Gen Z?
  12.  If you were to correct an impression of the law as a police officer, what would you say?
  13.  Have you had someone that you were arresting say something extremely hilarious to you?
  14.  What’s the best advice that you can give to anyone whose patience is being tried?
  15.  What is the weirdest behavior someone exhibited after getting free from posting bail?
  16.  People tend to get antsy when they see a police car, so can you share with us the most memorable comeback someone gave when you pulled their car over?
  17.  What’s the funniest interview question and answer that you have ever heard during a police recruit?
  18.  What is the weirdest arrest you’ve had to make?
  19.  What is the funniest response you’ve received from a person of interest when you went to their home to speak to them?
  20.  What’s the most unrelated thing a person has said when you were chewing them out for overspeeding?

What Trick Question Do You Ask a Driver Who You Suspect Is Drunk To Determine Whether They Are Actually Drunk?

When a police officer wants to know if a driver is drunk, they use a breathalyzer most times. There are instances where they just use a trick question instead of going through the long route.

Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer

  • My go-to question would be ‘Was Spongebob a cat or a dog?’

Why Do People Refuse To Open The Door For The Police, FBI, CIA, etc?

If you watch enough movies or crime series, you will know that once a person hears that it is the police at the door, they become guarded.

  • Why do people refuse to open the door for the police, FBI, CIA, etc?
  • They presume that it is cooler when we break in, but just for the record, we think the opposite though.

What’s the funniest thing a driver told you when you wanted to book him/her for overspeeding?

Trust me, even police officers usually have the weirdest experience while they are on duty and this question allows them to share some of their funniest experiences.

  • Well, when I asked them if they knew how fast they were going, they said it was my job to know and not theirs.

What do you think regular dogs think when they see police dogs?

There are police dogs who are used to police schedules and activities probably because they are trained to do so, but then how do regular dogs think when they see the police?

  • We will assume that they think exactly what humans think, ‘Oh shit, it’s the cops.’

What was the most hilarious answer that you’ve gotten from a person that you were questioning?

If you have ever questioned a Gen Z as a police officer, you will realize that it can be frustrating to get a straightforward response from them.

  • I asked them where they were at 5 and 6, and they responded Kindergarten.

What is the most hilarious prank that you have ever played on a colleague?

In every good organization, there is always that one person who loves to play pranks on unsuspecting victims.

Sometimes, everyone in the organization is part of the prank, while one person is the unsuspecting victim.

  • Oh, this is a good one, it took the police sketch artist 4 hours to realize that we were describing him, the whole department was in on it.

What is the best comeback you have ever given to someone’s logical analysis of police business?

Being able to think on your feet and give great comebacks is something most people are usually proud of and even a police officer is not exempted.

  • One time someone said that all you have to do is get back up every time you fall to which I responded, ‘that’s not how field sobriety tests work.’

What is a funny notion that people have about cops that could be true?

Most times, police officers go undercover to uncover crimes. Although it’s dangerous, it’s effective, and there are ways to know an undercover cop.

  • If your dealer still has all of his teeth or does not have a scar, then he could probably be a police officer.

What Is The Most Unassuming Response That Someone Has Given To You That Made You Arrest Them?

Imagine telling someone that they are committing a crime, and they reply with a compliment instead cause they are so out of it. You won’t need any other evidence that they need to be arrested.

  • Outside a bar, I told a drunk that they were staggering to which he replied that I’m quite handsome too, he bailed himself out the next day.

If Your 4-Year-Old Asks You What Stalking Is, How Would You Respond?

Even as a normal parent explaining certain things to toddlers can be quite tricky, so imagine explaining police business to a curious toddler, oh well!

Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer

  • Well, I would tell them that stalking is when two people go on a friendly walk but only one of them is aware of it.

What Is The Most Hilarious Comeback That You Have Had From a Gen Z?

In a snowstorm, and you are asking an outspoken Gen Z to step out of their car? Don’t be surprised then if they refuse and ask you to get instead to discuss whatever problem you may have with them.

  • Well, one time while I was on duty, I asked a Gen Z to step out of the vehicle and they asked me to get in the car and tell me what the problem was since it was freezing outside.

If you were to correct an impression of the law as a police officer, what would you say?

With just a warning, you can get away with certain crimes or wrongdoing but there are ones that will land you straight in jail, so be warned.

  • I would like to remind people that there is a difference between crimes that are frowned upon and the ones that are illegal.

Have you had someone that you were arresting say something extremely hilarious to you?

Usually, when someone calls a shotgun, they get to decide what happens next but that does not work when you are about to get arrested.

  • Well, a young guy assumed that because he called the shotgun, he would not be arrested, what a bold assumption.

What’s the best advice that you can give to anyone whose patience is being tried?

Some people have the rare talent to push others to the wall, but a police officer would advise you that you should not return the favor, cause it’s not worth the jail time.

  • I can just say that they should always remind themselves that it is not worth the jail time.

What is the weirdest behavior someone exhibited after they posted bail and were set free?

This is for those who party so hard and get so drunk that they forget everything they had done the previous day. You may want to read that police report to know the mischief you were up to the previous night.

  • What is the weirdest behavior someone exhibited after they posted bail and were set free?
  • I once had someone who had to read the police report to remember why they were arrested the previous night.

People tend to get antsy when they see a police car, so can you share with us the most memorable comeback someone gave when you pulled their car over?

Imagine there is a feature in a car that alerts lawbreakers that the police are hiding out somewhere so that they don’t speed up. I’m sure people will be extremely delighted to own such a car.

  • I once pulled over a young lad for speeding and he muttered that he would have preferred that his car notified him that some cops were hiding in the bushes instead of alerting him that he did not close a particular door properly.

What’s the funniest interview question and answer that you have ever heard during a police recruit?

If you are in HR, you would think that you’ve heard the most hilarious answers yet until you interview someone who will make you laugh with their out-of-the-world response.

Anyways, from the response below, you can tell that the person probably has a black mom.

  • Well, the funniest question I’ve heard is when a police recruit was asked what they’d do if he were asked to arrest his mum, and he replied that he would call for a backup.

What is the weirdest arrest you’ve had to make?

Have you ever had to make an arrest that had you wondering what the person was thinking about committing such a crime? Oh well, I guess it comes with the job of being a police officer.

  • I arrested someone at Starbucks who claims that Dr. Oz says that she should rub coffee grounds on her naked body to prevent cellulite, apparently, she didn’t know that that meant doing it at home.

What is the funniest response you’ve received from a person of interest when you went to their home to speak to them?

A person of interest is not yet a suspect nor is he/she a criminal, so they may choose not to make any statement, especially in the absence of their lawyer. Don’t be surprised when they insist you just speak with your partner – the audacity!

  • We told him to open up cause we just wanted to talk, and he replied that since I was with my partner, we should just speak with each other.

What’s the most unrelated thing a person has said when you were chewing them out for overspeeding?

Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer

Sometimes, police officers wear dark shades to protect their eyes from the sun but when the shades become a mirror for someone who’s about to be booked for overspeeding, it can be hilarious.

  • She was looking at me as if she was paying attention, then she just said, ‘I should cut my bangs.’


Now that you have these twenty (20) funny questions that you can ask a police officer, what’s stopping you from approaching them?

You can see that even they have some sense of humor and will not mind being asked funny questions that will make their day.

Funny Questions to Ask a Police Officer

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