60 Funny Questions to Ask A Mormon


A Mormon is a member of the LDS Church. LDS, which stands for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a Christian denomination that has unique beliefs. Mormons believe in the Bible, but they have a sacred book called ‘The Book of Mormon, which guides their practices. Basically, their belief systems are built on the benefits of moral living, family, and offering service to others.

Get set to laugh as you learn about some guiding principles of Mormons. In this article are 60 funny questions to ask a Mormon.

They are out together to give you an insight into Mormon culture and respectfully create a sense of humor from some concepts, attitudes, and beliefs of the Mormon faith. As you ride on this chariot on a journey to laughter, don’t forget to engage respectfully. Shall we?

60 Funny Questions to Ask a Mormon

Funny Questions to Ask A Mormon

  1. Which ancient prophet’s writings in The Book of Mormon do you enjoy reading because you perceive from their letters that they had an attractive sense of humor?
  2. What is the most hilarious thing you did in a wedding ceremony in the sanctuary that makes you feel ashamed of yourself when you think about it right now?
  3. If you receive the revelation of the burning bush, just like Moses did, what will your response be? Will your first response be to cast and bind first or draw closer for insight?
  4. Which Mormon pioneers made your feet planted in Mormons’ beliefs like an unshakeable mountain? Will you say what drew your attention was their shoe or their beard?
  5. What will you do if Mormon’s law of giving demands that you ask all your neighbors if they have had breakfast before you can look at your belly to see if it is flat and crying for a meal?
  6. Can you write down the perfect lyrics of a fun and welcoming song for first-timers who fellowship with the Mormons to spy on their activities?
  7. What strategy do you think the Mormons will use to keep the ‘eternal families’ they always talk about in check? Do you think they have enough varieties of punishment to keep offenders in check?
  8. Have you ever spent a full service looking keenly at and thinking about how the preacher keeps and tends his beards? Was it out of admiration or jealousy, or you were hungry at the time?
  9. If you are given some slots in a new constitution that the Mormons are putting together, what rule comes to your mind first for Gen Zs? They should all submit their phones for vetting and cleansing.
  10. Do you think the Mormons need a new commandment? Something in regards to reducing one’s beauty to others whose looks are upcoming?
  11. If you were given the opportunity to render a sermon, what topic would you coin from among Mormon tenets that you feel will touch the congregation and make the chairs bite so hard in order for everyone to keep standing from start to finish?
  12. What is the most ridiculous Mormon story you told to your non-Mormon friend that made them attend your next fellowship?
  13. Can you creatively come up with a bedtime story for a 2-year-old from any Book of Mormon that you will be paid some salt for?
  14. What is the most creative way to describe your favorite author in The Book of Mormon that will make your audience laugh till they fall off their chairs?
  15. If a funny song is to introduce the presence of the Urim and Thummim, what will make your lyrics stand out in a super interesting way?
  16. How do you tackle a ward member who often falls asleep during a sacrament meeting? Do you think giving them a warm bath as they are seated works perfectly?
  17. Have you tried singing any Mormon hymn as a trap? Did you get the perfect beat, or do you need a professional music producer to help you out?
  18. What is the best way to ask a funny question in a diverted way so only a few people will laugh when the president is preaching?
  19. Do you suggest that male ward members put on collar necklaces to appear smarter for first-timers to visit and revisit again?
  20. What will you advise me to do if a Mormon goes to the extent of sitting on the floor simply because they want the dust to bear witness that they did so much to get to you?
  21. What do you suggest is the appropriate thing to do to a choir member who does off-key during a heated moment when a Mormon hymn is being sung?
  22. Have you ever offended a Mormon authority? What is the most ridiculous facial expression you got from them at that point in time?
  23. What slang did you hear in the sanctuary that you don’t get tired of replaying in your head anytime you want to laugh?
  24. What fearful statement do Mormon authorities always make that you were so afraid of but now hide yourself to laugh when they say?
  25. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen Mormons do at a birthday party? Is it a generic thing for other formal gatherings?
  26. If you get a message from your president that he wants to see you immediately after the preaching session, what ridiculous thought will come to mind?
  27. What is the most difficult thing you found so hard to let your president and other key officials know because you thought you would sound so silly?
  28. What sarcastic comment will you give to someone who misinterprets the meaning of the idea behind ‘continuing revelation’?
  29. With what food do you think LDS church members will celebrate if they are given one Sunday in a month to rest? Do you think half of the people will celebrate with burnt or undercooked food?
  30. Will you smartly escape or humbly sit with a bottle of chilled water by your side when someone walks up to you in the heat of the service that they want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you?
  31. What weird action have you noticed as a repeated scene in all the wedding ceremonies you have attended at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
  32. Have you had stage fright that made you forget all you arranged line after line in your head before? Did you laugh on stage to free yourself from tension, or did you stand still with a smile on your face so the congregation wouldn’t laugh at you?
  33. What informal greeting do you suggest that someone who has been away from your president use to introduce their apology in a friendly way?
  34. Do you regret ever using up your offering to get a snack for your hungry tummy? If you are to choose the unavoidable consequence you will face, what will it be?
  35. What Book of Mormon did you wish had a more hilarious scene when you read it? If you have the opportunity to rewrite it, what keyword will you include?
  36. Give me a snippet of what you will write if you are to script a funny skit about the way in which Mormons evangelize passionately. Will your opening line be a dramatic one?
  37. What Mormon missionary will teach kids that eat snacks instead of food to turn from their ways? Something incredible that will captivate their interest?
  38. Have you repented from something that showed how far you were from your religion, even though it made the people around you laugh so hard? What was it?
  39. What truth was shared during the last gathering at the sanctuary that liberated people, just like when the shell of a coconut is cracked open to let the watery content out? Were you a part of the content, or have you found a way to stick yourself with the fruit’s flesh by all means?
  40. Have you been betrayed before? What Mormon doctrine made you dwell on the humorous aspect of the incident only? Can you share your experience?
  41. What line cracked you up during a message that you are yet to recover from? Was the message directly moving towards someone you know?
  42. What makes fellowship at the sanctuary lively? Times when you feel you should have been given the opportunity to beat the drums or when you get reminded by an usher that you are still in church?
  43. Do you find moments when you lift up holy hands to God, perceiving whatever fragrance your neighbor presents to you as fun? What is your most ridiculous experience of handlifting?
  44. What is the longest and most stressful meeting you’ve ever had in the sanctuary? Did the officials have to get you something to eat before you could gather strength to go home?
  45. What color combination of outfits have you seen among Mormons that has been the worst so far? If the concept of eternity is color-driven, rate yourself and your journey towards eternity.
  46. If you could hang out with any prophet, who comes to mind? What will you say to him that will make him laugh out loud?
  47. Among all the Mormons you have met, which of them has the most hilarious salvation story? What do you think would have elevated the fun in their story?
  48. If you could wear the robe of any principal authority in Mormon, considering that you will dance like them, whose robe will you put on?
  49. Among all the Mormon jokes you have heard, which one sounds so real and remains irresistibly funny to you?
  50. What is the most creative story someone cooked up about Mormons that made you laugh so hard that you granted someone’s request fully engrossed in your mood?
  51. Who has the rod and the staff to evoke laughter during a heated service at the sanctuary? What is the most skilful thing you’ve heard them say?
  52. Do you agree with me that some brothers and sisters have some form of pain on their necks that makes them turn it to and fro at any point in time when someone walks in?
  53. Has something happened to you in church that made you feel embarrassed? Something like falling off the chair while dozing helplessly in sleep.
  54. If you could see through the heart of your president, what do you think he would have loved to include in the list of commandments? What about you?
  55. If you could rotate the hand of time to fit exactly into the first day you walked into the church, what would you do differently? Do you think your steps were not attractive enough?
  56. What is the most sarcastic comment you gave someone who asked a baseless question about Mormon? What was their question all about?
  57. What do you think brothers and sisters will do when they are asked to act out the most incredible experience they have had in the sanctuary?
  58. If you are to organize a seminar on hygiene during any special service, do you think your shoe will be happy with you or move your legs in unplanned directions?
  59. What is the best way to engage a teenager in a conversation after service so that they will keep smiling from chin to chin? Something related to the first time their prediction at home worked perfectly in church.
  60. What is the funniest compliment you’ve gotten when you put on your best outfit? If you were to give a witty response, what would it be?

Funny Questions to Ask A Mormon

Parting Words 

After reading this article composed of 60 funny questions to ask a Mormon, I trust you have learned something new about what they stand for.

Something striking about Mormons is the way they evangelize. Whether or not you want to absorb what they say, you will likely create a space in your heart to accommodate their words when you perceive their passion for the mission.

If you have a Mormon friend, you can ask them as many questions as you can, even as you anticipate a moment of laughter. The goal is to grab something new about Mormons and have fun as you engage in the conversation.

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