100 Funny Questions to Ask a Football Player


Football players work hard and play hard, but beyond the field, they also have a fun side! If you want to make them laugh or just get to know them better, asking funny questions is a great idea.

In this article, we’re providing you with a list of 100 funny questions that you can ask a football player. From “what if” questions to fun ones about their game-day habits, there’s definitely one for you. Let’s go right in!

100 Hilarious Questions to Ask a Football Player

Funny Questions to Ask a Football Player

  1. If you could trade places with any other player on the team for a day, who would it be and why?
  2. What’s your usual excuse when you miss an easy goal in practice?
  3. Have you ever accidentally kicked the ball into your own goal during a game or practice? How did you react to that?
  4. What’s the weirdest pre-game activity you’ve ever seen a teammate do?
  5. If you were allowed to add one ridiculous rule to football, what would it be?
  6. What’s the funniest thing a fan has ever shouted at you during a game?
  7. If you could only eat one food for the entire football season, what would it be and why?
  8. Have you ever celebrated a goal too early, only to realize it didn’t count? What happened?
  9. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you during a team meeting?
  10. Have you ever had a fan request an autograph in an unusual or strange place?
  11. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen happen in the locker room?
  12. If you could change your  haircuts with your iconic player on the team, whose hairstyle would you choose?
  13. What’s the most creative excuse you’ve heard for missing a practice?
  14. Have you ever had a moment on the field where you completely forgot what you were supposed to be doing? What did you do next?
  15. What’s the most unusual piece of advice a coach has ever given you that made you almost burst into laughter?
  16. What’s the funniest misunderstanding you’ve had with a teammate due to different accents or languages?
  17. If you could prank one of your teammates without getting caught, what prank would you pull?
  18. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen happen in the locker room?
  19. If you could swap haircuts with any player on the team, whose hairstyle would you choose?
  20. What’s the most creative excuse you’ve heard for missing a practice?
  21. Have you ever had a moment on the field where you completely forgot what you were supposed to be doing? What did you do next?
  22. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened during a team bus ride?
  23. Have you ever scored a goal or made a play that was so unexpected even you were surprised? What happened?
  24. What’s the silliest thing you’ve done to piss off an opponent?
  25. Have you ever had a game where something very random distracted you on the field? What was it?
  26. If you could turn any video game into a real-life football training exercise, which game would you choose and how would it work?
  27. Fans can be super passionate and sometimes do the craziest things to show their support. What’s the wildest or most unexpected thing you’ve witnessed a fan do?
  28. Have you ever played an entire half of a game without realizing you were wearing your jersey backwards? What did you do when you found out?
  29. Have you ever been attracted to a cheerleader, and how did you handle it while staying focused on the game?
  30. Did you ever get so nervous before a game that you did something silly, like putting on your jersey inside out? What happened next?
  31. Have you ever celebrated a goal that wasn’t yours, thinking you scored? How did you explain the mix-up to your teammates and coach?
  32. Did you ever accidentally call your coach “Mom” or “Dad” during a serious moment? What did you do afterwards, and what was the team’s reaction?
  33. Have you ever played an entire half of a game without realizing you were wearing your jersey backwards? What did you do when you finally found out, and how did your teammates react?
  34. Did you ever accidentally pass the ball to the opposing team, thinking they were a teammate? What did you do to make up for it?
  35. Have you ever tripped over your own feet during a game? How did you recover and continue playing without feeling too embarrassed?
  36.  Have you ever been so into the game that you didn’t realize you were playing in the wrong position? How did you adjust once you figured it out?
  37. Have you ever experienced a moment where you forgot which goal was yours? What did you do to quickly correct your mistake?
  38. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction during a game, like your shorts ripping? How did you handle it without losing your focus?
  39. Did you ever celebrate a goal with a dance move that didn’t go as planned? What was the move, and how did everyone react?
  40. Have you ever made a silly yet unintentional mistake during training, like kicking the ball in the wrong direction? What did your teammates say?
  41. Have you ever felt that a teammate’s error cost the team a crucial win, and if so, how did you address it with them afterward?
  42. Did you ever get overly competitive during a friendly game, like with family or friends? How did you explain the intensity you had put in afterward?
  43. Have you ever lost track of the ball because you were too busy waving to a fan? What happened next?
  44. Have you ever tried to impress someone watching the game and ended up doing something embarrassing instead? What was it, and how did you resolve it?
  45. Have you ever been caught mimicking a referee’s actions or calls just for fun? How did the referee and your teammates react?
  46. Did you ever get distracted by a funny sign or poster in the crowd? What did it say, and how did you get back on the game?
  47. Have you ever been so into the game that you didn’t realize a teammate was trying to get your attention for a pass? What really happened?
  48. Was there any time where you completely missed the ball during a kick and fell over? How did your teammates react?
  49. During the national anthem before starting a game, do you really sing it word for word or do you just hum the song or say something else?
  50. Have you ever been the center of advice from your coach? What did he say and how did it make you feel?
  51. Did you ever try to show off a fancy trick or move during practice and fail woefully? What was the move and how did everyone else react?
  52. Have you ever had an unexpected misunderstanding with a teammate due to a language barrier? What was it they said, and how did you both clarify it?
  53. Have you ever had a ball hit you in a private or unexpected place during a game? How did you handle that and what was the reaction from the crowd and your team?
  54. Have you ever tried to celebrate a goal with a backflip or a very high jump? Did it go well?
  55. Have you ever forgotten part of your uniform, like your shin guards or socks, and had to borrow from a teammate? What was the situation like?
  56. Have you ever been so excited after scoring that you accidentally hurt yourself during the celebration? Tell me about it!
  57. Have you ever found yourself in a funny position during a team photo, like tensed or with a funny expression? What did the photo turn out like?
  58. Have you ever experienced a muscle pull on the pitch? How did it feel at that moment and how did you handle it?
  59. Footballers are always seen as though they’ve got wheels on their feet while running on the pitch. What does it really feel like? Do you ever get tired like you’ve outrun yourself?
  60. What do you do in your leisure time? Please don’t tell me you play soccer whether as a sport or as a game.
  61. Have you ever been caught by surprise by a stray ball during warm-ups? Where did it hit you and what was the level of impact it had on your focus?
  62. Have you ever cried because you lost a match and, even though others were consoling you, it felt more painful because you felt you’d let everyone down? How did you come off it?
  63. Are you a Ronaldo or Messi fan, or do you consider yourself in a league of your own? I’d really love to know?
  64. Have you ever had a moment where you missed an open goal and felt like disappearing? How did your teammates react?
  65. If you could have any superpower on the pitch, what would it be and how would it change your game?
  66. Have you ever had a moment where you celebrated a goal too early and it turned out to be offside? How did it feel?
  67. Does your meal suggest that you are a footballer or does it look like that of a regular person, hence you only have the appearance of a footballer on the pitch and in your jersey?
  68. Are there days you just want to lounge and not necessarily go for training? What’s the lousiest excuse you’ve ever given to skip practice?
  69. Have you ever had a moment where you wore your jersey backwards and didn’t realize until someone pointed it out?
  70. Have you ever been mistaken for another famous footballer? How does it make you feel and how do you handle it when fans mix you up with someone else?
  71. Do you experience stage fright when surrounded by people, or are people the main reason you’d consider stepping onto the pitch?
  72. What’s your most expensive football kit and where did you buy it? Was it worth the price?
  73. Have you ever had to play through an injury because you didn’t want to let your team down? How were you able to manage the pain and perform?
  74. What’s your dream football kit that you’d want to buy if you had unlimited money? Tell me about the design and why it’s your dream kit.
  75. Have you ever had a moment where you were so nervous before a big game that you nearly forgot your game plan? Was it your biggest game and did you get back on track before it kicked off?
  76. How much would you pay for a ticket to watch yourself play? I’d really like to know your worth.
  77. What is the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done to celebrate a win? Did you feel ashamed of yourself afterwards?
  78. What would you rate your striking game? Or what position are you best at?
  79. What’s the most memorable moment when you were on the bench due to an injury, and how did you stay motivated to get back on the pitch?
  80. Have you ever had an injury and swore never to go back to football? What made you change your mind and return to the game?
  81. Have you ever scolded a teammate right after a match because they made a mistake? What Mistake did they make and how did you restore your relationship afterwards?
  82. What’s the most intense disagreement you’ve had with a teammate over a game strategy or decision? Did they later listen to you?
  83. Have you ever had a moment where you regretted eating a particular meal before a game because it made you sluggish on the pitch? How did you try to shake it off?
  84. Have you ever had a dream about a game that seemed so real you woke up thinking it had actually happened? What was the dream about?
  85. What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve ever seen an opponent do during a match?
  86. Have you ever had a superstitious ritual you follow before games? What’s the story behind it?
  87. If you could have dinner with any three football legends, past or present, who would they be and what would you ask them?
  88. Have you ever had a moment when a game was going so badly that you started making jokes to lighten the mood? What did you say to cheer everyone else up?
  89. What’s the most surprising or humorous thing you’ve ever heard a coach say during a halftime talk?
  90. Have you ever experienced a game where you were so focused that you lost track of time? Did you feel like you were cheated or the time ran too fast that day?
  91. What’s the most thrilling compliment you’ve received from a coach or teammate? How did it make you feel?
  92. Have you ever had a game where you were paired with a new teammate and had to quickly learn their playing style? How did it go?
  93. Have you ever been the center of attraction for creating a scene of committing a mistake that would have made your team win? What was it you did?
  94. What is the craziest Nickname you’ve ever heard any of your teammates bear? What’s your football nickname by the way?
  95. Have you ever tried to mimic a famous footballer’s signature move and it ended up in a funny disaster?
  96. What’s the funniest thing a teammate has said or done to lighten the mood during a tense moment in a game?
  97. Has there been a time when you and your teammates spontaneously started a funny chant or dance? What brought about it?
  98. Do you have other skills aside from playing football or do you only focus on football and delegate every other thing like cooking?
  99. Have you ever spoken ill to a fan because of how they behaved towards you? How did they behave and how did it make you feel?
  100. At what age do you think you’d want to retire from football or there’s no retiring for you?

Funny Questions to Ask a Football Player

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