20 Funny Questions to Ask a Drunk Person


A drunk person is not necessarily someone who is addicted to alcohol but a person who is intoxicated by it at a particular moment. Why do we bother questioning someone who we know is out of their mind with alcohol?

Well, it could be that the person is close to you and you know that whatever answer they give will be hilarious cause they are so out of their minds. So, you video it and when they awake the next morning, you show them their folly.

Other than that, you should not video a random stranger who’s drunk but you can surely ask them any of the twenty (20) funny questions that have been compiled in this article.

It will make for good research to know what a drunk person would likely say when they are under the heavy influence of alcohol.

Table of Contents

20 Hilarious Questions to Ask a Drunk Person

  1. Excuse me, I would love to know what the time is, do you have a watch there?
  2. Don’t you think it’s weird if you enter a bar and order a drink alone?
  3. You seem quite reserved, why then do you get chatty when you drink?
  4. You know that you will get drunk when you drink, so why do you keep drinking?
  5. You seem to be working on overcoming your drinking habits, so why haven’t you been able to stop yet?
  6. I came across a new word, ‘gincident’, what do you think it means?
  7. Alcohol may not be the best way to handle your situation, so why do you turn to it?
  8. As someone who is addicted to alcohol, what do you think people should do to avoid catching feelings?
  9. What do you call that climatic moment where you take your first alcohol sip after a stressful day at work?
  10.  What is the most offensive thing you’ve done to a person when you were not drunk?
  11.  What motivates you to start the day regardless of how hard it may seem?
  12.  Can you tell us different things that mix well with whiskey?
  13.  What do you think people get cured of when they drink a lot?
  14.  What do you think it takes to run a house or a business?
  15.  Why do people turn to alcohol when they are overwhelmed by life?
  16.  You are on medication, but still taking alcohol, don’t you think it will hurt you?
  17.  What’s the funniest thing you’ve said to a person who gave you good alcohol?
  18.  What do you think the government should prioritize inventing for its alcohol-loving citizens?
  19.  Have you ever tasted a bad whiskey and what do you do when you taste one?
  20.  What is the one thing you will never believe no matter how much it has been said?

Excuse Me, I Would Love To Know What The Time Is, Do You Have a Watch There?

Funny Questions to Ask a Drunk Person

For a person who is drunk, the time is never clear but the purpose (of drinking) is. There are different strange responses you would get for this question, but the funniest one that I’ve heard and would love to share is below.

  • Excuse me, I would love to know what the time is, do you have a watch there?
  • It’s whiskey time.

Don’t You Think It’s Weird If You Enter a Bar And Order a Drink Alone?

Some people think that it’s not wise to enter a bar alone and keep ordering for drinks till you get drunk ‘cause you will be at the mercy of strange people, pick pockets, assaulters etc.

But if the bartender is there, then he/she is not necessarily alone, is he/she? I think I like drunk people’s logic – could learn a thing or two.

  • Don’t you think it’s weird if you enter a bar and order a drink alone?
  • Well, the bartender is there, so I’m technically not drinking alone.

You Seem Quite Reserved, Why Then Do You Get Chatty When You Drink?

Alcohol tend to loosen up even the most uptight of persons and make them extremely chatty. But of course, a drunk person would tell you that they are not to blame, instead the alcohol should receive the full blame.

  • You seem quite reserved, why then do you get chatty when yu drink?
  • It’s not my fault, it’s the tequila, she’s one chatty bitch.

You know that you will get drunk when you drink, so why do you keep drinking?

When a drunk person is in denial of their addiction, they tend to prefer using other indirect terms to describe their bad habits. For instance,  instead of saying that they get drunk, they will say that they get more fun and less classy.

  • You know that you will get drunk when you drink, so why do you keep drinking?
  • I don’t like the word ‘drunk’, I would actually prefer that I get more fun but less classy.

You seem to be working on overcoming your drinking habits, so why haven’t you been able to stop yet?

This joke is targeted at the fact that the percentage of alcohol a drink contains is indicated on the body, and thus should be blamed for a person’s inability to quit drinking.

  • You seem to be working on overcoming your drinking habits, so why haven’t you been able to stop yet?
  • I would love to, but the vodka is 40% stronger than I am.

I came across a new word, ‘gincident’, what do you think it means?

Lexicographers are not the only ones that make up new words. Drunk people also get innovative in their make-believe world and this makes them come up with hilarious terms to describe their habit.

  • I came across a new word, ‘gincident’, what do you think it means?
  • It’s an event that happens to me when I take too many gins.

Alcohol may not be the best way to handle your situation, so why do you turn to it?

The funny question is culled from the idea that some things may be out of our control but taking a shot won’t hurt as it may likely change one’s situation positively.

  • Alcohol may not be the best way to handle your situation, so why do you turn to it?
  • It may not be the answer but alcohol is still worth the shot.

As someone who is addicted to alcohol, what do you think people should do to avoid catching feelings?

This funny question and the corresponding answer is derived from the fact that when people supposedly catch feelings they could get confused about what they feel.

So, instead of having mixed feelings, why not have mixed drinks for feelings?

  • As someone who is addicted to alcohol, what do you think people should do to avoid catching feelings?
  • The solution is to have mixed drinks for feelings.

What do you call that climatic moment where you take your first alcohol sip after a stressful day at work?

Whenever you get to the peak of something you are enjoying, you will experience some form of intense pleasure. For drunk people, this question is used to know what they call that climactic moment.

  • What do you call that climatic moment where you take your first alcohol sip after a stressful day at work?
  • It’s called beergasm.

What is the most offensive thing you’ve done to a person when you were not drunk?

Whenever someone is drunk, they tend to be honest and may likely do or say things that are offensive. This question is a way to know the most offensive thing a person may have said while drunk.

Of course, because they are in a drunken state, they will likely be unashamedly honest too.

  • What is the most offensive thing you’ve done to a person when you were not drunk?
  • They were talking about something very important and I silenced them because a bear was calling me.

What motivates you to start the day regardless of how hard it may seem?

Funny Questions to Ask a Drunk Person

There are different ways to stay motivated in this world of toil and hardship. Some people say positive confessions, some listen to daily confessions while some just have to think of something to stay motivated.

For drunk people, it’s the thought that at least they will get to drink at the end of the day that motivates them.

  • What motivates you to start the day regardless of how hard it may seem?
  • Knowing that the day will end with beer is all the motivation that I need.

Can you tell us different things that mix well with whiskey?

This question is targeted at the fact that when one takes whiskey, they tend to make very bad decisions. Hence, while whiskey can be mixed with other drinks, it is advisable not to mix it with decisions.

  • Can you tell us different things that mix well with whiskey?
  • Everything except decisions.

What do you think people get cured of when they drink a lot?

Drunk people believe that alcohol can cure anything albeit temporarily which is why most people get addicted. This question is culled from the humorous belief that whatever alcohol cannot cure is then incurable.

  • What do you think people cure when they drink a lot?
  • Everything; whatever whiskey cannot cure is incurable.

What do you think it takes to run a house or a business?

To a sober person, running a home or business would involve lots of passion and management skills, but a drunk person would beg to differ. They believe that it takes love and lots of whiskey instead which is the idea behind this funny question.

  • What do you think it takes to run a house or a business?
  • Love and lots of whiskey.

Why do people turn to alcohol when they are overwhelmed by life?

Usually, when you share your problems with people, they are likely to judge. In this question, alcohol is now likened to a friend who will never judge but would rather drown your sorrows for you.

  • Why do people turn to alcohol when they are overwhelmed by life?
  • ‘Cause alcohol understands, and doesn’t drown them with questions.

You are on medication, but still taking alcohol, don’t you think it will hurt you?

If one is on medication, it is not usually advisable for them to take alcohol as it can hurt them but to a drunkard that implies intensifying the effect of the drug.

  • You are on medication, but still taking alcohol, don’t you think it will hurt you?
  • Well, it was said that alcohol would intensify the effects of my medication.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve said to a person who gave you good alcohol?

This question allows a drunk person to share the funny thing that they’ve said to a person while drunk.

  • What’s the funniest thing you’ve said to a person who gave you good alcohol?
  • This tastes like I will be leaving with this bottle.

What do you think the government should prioritize inventing for its alcohol-loving citizens?

Just as the government is working to invent or approve any invention that will make life easier for its citizens, drunk people should also be asked for their opinion on what the government should invent.

  • What do you think the government should prioritize inventing for its alcohol-loving citizens?
  • How to stop a hangover.

Have you ever tasted a bad whiskey and what do you do when you taste one?

A drunk person believes that there are no bad whiskeys, there are just some that are better than others but no bad ones.

  • Have you ever tasted a bad whiskey and what do you do when you taste one?
  • There are just whiskeys that are not as good as others.

What Is The One Thing You Will Never Believe No Matter How Much It Has Been Said?

Funny Questions to Ask a Drunk Person

This question is aimed at knowing an obvious fact that a drunkard has refused to believe even though it may be true.

  • What is the one thing you will never believe no matter how much it has been said?
  • That I’ll only take one beer or one glass of vodka/whiskey during an event.

Final Words

As you use these questions, remember that the person you are asking is intoxicated. As such, his/her answers will not be given clear-headedly and may be hilarious, so laugh away.

Funny Questions to Ask a Drunk Person

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