20 Funny Questions to Ask a Dancer


Step into the spotlight, and you will discover that dancers are typically fun. Their liveliness is often expressed by the steps they take, and they tell their stories by the moves they make.

It often takes practice, precision, flexibility, and much more creativity to be a dancer. Oftentimes, if you’re not creative, flexible, and able to think on your feet, you may bore a dancer with your energy.

This is one of the reasons why you should spice up your conversation with a dancer by asking funny questions. If you’re not sure of the questions to ask, there are a lot of creative ideas you can try in this article. Below are 20 funny questions to ask a dancer:

Table of Contents

1. What Dance Move Have You Vowed Not To Try Anymore Because It Makes Your Joints And Bones Scream For Help?

funny questions to ask a dancer

Although the question at face value describes a joint screaming dance move, it is also a moment of shared laughter.

Especially if the dancer uses their gesture and body clues to describe exactly how they felt during that painful dance experience. After sharing their story, you may get to understand why they vowed not to try the dance again.

2. Have You Stumbled On The Dance Floor Because You Set One Of Your Feet For The Other? Did You Feel Embarrassed, Or Did You Include It In The Dance Step?

Mistakes are prone to happen during rehearsals or performances; however, dancers react to this situation in different ways depending on their mindset, their philosophies, and practically how they handle issues.

You can get to know what a dancer will do when they trip on stage by asking them a question. Probably they’ll include creativity in their moves to make up for their mistakes.

3. What Ridiculous Skill Do You Suggest That Dancers Need To Keep Their Energy Going?

This question is a humorous, energy-boosting one. If you want to play around with a dancer’s ridiculous skill for energy, you can ask them this question.

You should have it at heart that this question intends to spark creativity and entertain at the same time. So, allow them to share a ridiculous skill they have learnt over time that has helped them to keep their energy going and get set to laugh loudly.

4. Aside From Shapewear And Disco-ball Jumpsuits When It Comes To Costumes, What Is Your Favorite Outfit During Any Dance Party? 

You can throw questions to a dancer concerning their personal style and the fashion that interests them. If they keep wondering where to begin from, you can mention some fashion style that you think might interest them and ask which they prefer to put on during any dance party.

Make them feel free as they talk and further ask more hilarious questions to pop their bubbles.

5. What Hilarious Dance Move Have You Ever Displayed On Stage That Made Your Audience Cheer In Joy And Laughter?

This fun question is about a dancer’s hilarious stage moment. It seeks to know the moves a dancer made that caused their audience to cheer and shout for joy.

If need be, ask them what inspired the dance and if they continued the step over and over again so that their audience will keep the sparks of joy alive.

6. Have You Joined Any Choreography Team To Perform On Stage Before, Even After Missing Almost All The Rehearsals? Don’t You Think You Were The One Everyone Was Laughing At?

You can ask a dancer a unique response that, in a way, teaches them how to grow character-wise and act better by asking them this question.

As much as it provokes fun, this question also promotes honesty. Furthermore, as a dancer hears this question, their mind flashes back to the scene where a lot of people laughed at their performance, and they tend to question themselves if they were on track at that point or not.

7. Do You Display Nervous Energy When Dancing Before Your Crush Or Your Boss? Or Have Beautiful Looks Diverted Your Moves Before?

funny questions to ask a dancer

Dancers are not ignorant and innocent when it comes to the subject of having people they secretly admire. Their newly-found crush might be a cute-looking person they cited in the audience during their performance.

Whatever it is, the question is channeled towards asking a dancer about how they manage performance anxiety when their crush’s eyes are directly towards them.

8. Have You Had A Dance Show Where You Almost Requested That The Ground Be Opened For You To Step In Just As They Requested You Dance Openly?

This is a ridiculous question to ask a dancer if they have ever gotten to a state where they had a dance show where they displaced pre-performance fright.

Surprisingly, the question tilts towards asking a dancer if they ever felt shy when asked to dance openly in a show.

In another way, the question may be all about a dancer narrating their early days experiences. You can further ask them to demonstrate their reaction at that time.

9. What Is Your Deepest Dance Secret That Sounds So Ridiculous?

Having a conversation about dance habits and dance secrets is a super humorous way to engage a dancer. Simply ask them about their deepest dance secret, especially an incredible one that sounds almost unbelievable to everyone who hears it.

When you ask a dancer this question, they might come back to their creative and entertaining selves.

10. Which Animal Do You Suggest Has The Tendency To Dance Best? Why?

This question is an imaginative dance comparison between different animals in order to know which of them has the tendency to dance best. You can do this in order to encourage creative thinking and spur a dancer to use the power of their minds.

Furthermore, when they come to a conclusion about which animal dances best, you can ask them why they came to that conclusion.

11. If You Are To Do A Dance A Danceathon, Will You Do An Electric Slide Or Zombie Dance All Through?

A danceathon, as the name implies, refers to an extended period of dancing. So, when you bring the issue of a danceathon up, you can back it up by asking a dancer the kind of dance they will do all through if they are enlisted for a danceathon.

You can limit the dance styles to electric slide and zombie dance as outlined in the question.

12. Can You Show Me Exactly How You Will Shake On Stage If Your Leg Gets Injured Before A Dance Show You’ve Practiced For A Year To Perform?

It is fun to know that someone is resilient and passionate about doing the things they set out to do. When someone like a dancer has an injury to their leg, the majority of advice they tend to get may be to take some time off.

However, you can ask a dancer if they have been in that situation before, and if their answer is affirmative, ask them to show you exactly how they danced.

13. What Funny Impression Did You Give A Protocol Officer Backstage Before Your Last Performance?

This question is simply about funny backstage encounters. It seeks to get information on how you treat protocol officers backstage. The impression a dancer gives their protocol officer will give you a hint of their mood before a presentation.

However, the story might not go as intended, especially if the protocol officer delivered beyond or not up to their job description. But what matters is that the whole question session is a fun time!

14. Do You Need To Chew Mint Before Mounting The Stage In Order For You To Get A Minty Step?

funny questions to ask a dancer

You can ask a dancer funny questions about their pre-performance rituals, that is, seeking to know if they need to chew mint before mounting the stage, all because they desire a minty step.

If they ask you what a minty step is, simply put something together as a response, keeping in mind that fun should be the order of the day. The fun in the question is relating the mouth to the feet that make exceptional moves.

15. Can You Share Details About Your Dance Performance That Went Sour Since You Had To Do An Acapella Dance Without Music?

After a series of rehearsals with music, a dancer may be forced to dance without music if the DJ’s mixer or sound system refuses to function when it is their turn to perform.

You can ask a dancer with whom you’re in a conversation if they have experienced it before and how it felt like to do an Acapella dance.

16. What Is The Most Pronounced Lesson You’ve Learnt As A Dancer? Something Ridiculous That Looks Almost Unbearable.

Right while having fun, you can alert a dancer to share the lessons they’ve learned in their career, especially the ones that encouraged them to be more resilient.

Embedded in their lesson should be something ridiculous that sounds unbearable, but they scaled through somehow.

17. What Hilarious Moves Did You Make To Capture The Heart Of An Emotionally Blunted Person With Your Dance Moves?

Some people do not get tickled by comedies or cheer when they watch dance moves that send signals to their spine.

They may be indifferent or emotionally blunted, and every person who performs on stage should take note of such people.

Nonetheless, things can change depending on how this set of people views the performers. So, you can ask a dancer if they’ve got any dance moves to impress people who are emotionally blunted.

18. What Funny Hack Made You Learn A Dance Style Quickly?

This question is all about winning over audiences with dance. You can request that they share their funny source of inspiration that sounds ridiculous to the public but has been their hack to learn a new dance style quickly.

To make it more fun, they should show you a video or practice it before you so that you can cheer them on.

19. Similar To Musicians, Can You Do A Dance Shout-out To Someone Without Going Off-dance On Their Special Day?

funny questions to ask a dancer

Musicians with lovely and intriguing voices sing songs as shoutouts to people on their special days. You can ask a dancer if they have thought of using their skill to do a shout-out to someone on their special day and if they went off-dance, just like musicians can go off-key in the process.

The question encourages a thoughtful gesture and at the same time pokes fun.

20. If Your Shoe Sole Comes Loose During A Dance Performance, How Can You Creatively Incorporate The Mishap Into The Choreography And Make It A Memorable Part Of The Show?

Beyond improvisation, you can ask a dancer this question to know if they are active and always on the move to turn mistakes into performance opportunities.

It is a ridiculous scenario that calls for creativity and quick thinking. Anyways, as you all laugh at the situation, ensure that you remind them to be mindful of their outfits, including their shoes, to prevent any form of embarrassment that may surpass their creativity.

Before You Go

The questions outlined and explained in this article are to encourage storytelling, spark creativity, and much more to capture entertaining moments.

Before asking a dancer any of these questions, it is important to know their personal preferences and what they would want to share before asking contextual questions.

If you’re not familiar with them, ask about something generic but generic. In the end, your questions should be fun in order to explore the silly aspects of dance.

funny questions to ask a dancer

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