120 Funny Kahoot! Questions to Ask


Kahoot! is a popular online game-based learning platform that allows users to create, share, and play quiz-style games, referred to as “kahoots.”

Basically, Kahoot! is used to create quizzes for several purposes. These questions come in eight different forms such as multiple-choice, true/false, type answer, slider, puzzle, poll, word cloud, and open-ended questions.

While these questions are usually formal, it is possible to use humor to achieve whatever purpose you desire with the questions. This is why I have curated 120 funny Kahoot! questions to ask. I have divided the questions into the eight types of Kahoot! questions that you can ask.

Funny Mutiple-Choice Kahoot! Questions 

The following are some of the funny Kahoot! questions to ask under the multiple-choice category. These questions come with options that can be chosen and they’d all be correct. In essence, more than one answer can be chosen from the under-listed options.

They are:

What Do You Call A Fake Noodle?

  1. Impasta
  2. Fake-etti
  3. Noodly-who
  4. Noodle-nope

What do you call a newborn Kangaroo?

  1. Newborn kangaroo
  2. Joey
  3. Calf
  4. Kid

What is the most difficult-to-use project management tool ever built?

  1. Trello
  2. Asana
  3. Monday.com
  4. ClickUp

What was the scarecrow given an award for?

  1. Being outstanding in his field
  2. Having a great personality
  3. Cracking some corny jokes
  4. Being full of straw-telligence

Which of these is orange and sounds like a parrot?

  1. A carrot
  2. A pumpkin
  3. A trumpet
  4. A tangerine

Funny Kahoot Questions to Ask

What is the reason scientists never trust atoms?

  1. Because they make up everything
  2. They’re too small to see
  3. They explode under pressure
  4. They’re always bonding

What is the perfect way to refer to cheese that is not yours?

  1. Nacho cheese
  2. Stolen cheese
  3. Gouda gone wrong
  4. Cheddar-thief

If you find an alligator in a vest, what are you going to call it?

  1. An investigator
  2. A dressed gator
  3. A fancy reptile
  4. A gator with style

What will the Indian Ocean say to the Atlantic Ocean?

  1. Nothing, they just waved
  2. “Water you doing?”
  3. “I sea you!”
  4. “Let’s make waves!”

How many bones do sharks have in their body?

  1. Zero
  2. 52
  3. 152
  4. 789

How many times does an American with sweet tooth open their fridge in a single night

  1. 2
  2. 22
  3. 30
  4. 57

Which animal has a poop that’s shaped like a cube?

  1. Elephant
  2. Mosquito
  3. Wombat
  4. Kangaroos

Which animal has a fingerprint that is almost like that of a human being?

  1. Koala
  2. Gorilla
  3. Monkey
  4. Sloth

What countries have a national anthem that has no lyrics?

  1.  Spain
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Kosovo
  4. San Marino

A group of Unicorns is called what:

  1. Blessing
  2. Marvel
  3. Family
  4. Mates

True/False Kahoot! Questions to Ask

  1. A tomato is a fruit. (True/False)
  2. Penguins can fly. (True/False)
  3. Goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. (True/False)
  4. The average person swallows eight spiders a year while sleeping. (True/False)
  5. Bananas grow on trees. (True/False)
  6. A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance.” (True/False)
  7. Cows moo in different accents. (True/False)
  8. Pigs can’t look up at the sky. (True/False)
  9. An octopus has three hearts. (True/False)
  10. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. (True/False)
  11. Franc is the currency used in France. (True/False)
  12. The planets in the solar system go around the sun in a circular way. (True/False)
  13. Turtles come out of their shells to rest for a bit. (True/False)
  14. The color of the Airplane’s black box is bright orange. (True/False)
  15. Lion King was shot in live action. (True/False)

Type Answer Kahoot! Questions to Ask

  1. What is a bear that does not have teeth called? Answer: Gummy Bear
  2. What animal do you think would be the most rude one if all of them could talk? Answer: A parrot
  3. What’s a cat’s favorite color? Answer: Purr-ple
  4. In summer, what name would you call a snowman? Answer: A puddle
  5. What’s the best way to catch a squirrel? Answer: Go up a tree and behave like a nut
  6. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit? Answer: A necktarine
  7. Crossing a snowman and a vampire is going to give you what? Answer: Frostbite
  8. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? Answer: I-scream!
  9. How many teeth does an aardvark have? Answer: None.
  10. How many bricks was the Empire State Building built with? Answer: 10 million bricks
  11. What is the only sport that has been played on the moon till date? Answer: Golf
  12. What animal is there that can hold its urine for eight months? Answer: The wood frog
  13. Do identical twins have the same fingerprints? Answer: No, they don’t
  14. What animal can hold its breath the longest? Answer: Cuvier’s beaked whale
  15. How many penises does a male snake have? Answer: Two

Slider Kahoot! Questions to Ask 

  1. How much do you hate pizza (1: It disgusts me, 10: I could kill for a slice)
  2. Estimate how many times you’ve laughed this week.
  3. Rate how much you believe in aliens (1: Not at all, 10: Abducted last night).
  4. How many hours of sleep do you think a sloth gets? (Slider from 1 to 24)
  5. Guess how many people have tried to dance like a chicken at a party (1 to 100).
  6. Rate how likely you are to trip over your own feet while walking.
  7. How many dad jokes have you thought of today?
  8. How many times have you said “oops” this week
  9. Rate how capable you are to keep a straight face during a very funny story.
  10. How funny do you think the CEO is
  11. How much do you like your job here (1: I absolutely hate this place and all the people in it, 10: This is my dream job and I am happy with it)
  12. How often would you want to miss work/school (1: Most definitely always, 10: Never, I love my job)
  13. How much do you hate corporate jargon? (1: Nobody should use them, 10: It is fine though)
  14. Rate how much you hate team bonding exercises. (1: I am tired of pretending to love people I work with, 10: There’s no problem with that)
  15. Extra work on weekends. (1: I could be charged with murder, 10: Anything for the growth of the company)

Puzzle Kahoot! Questions to Ask

Put these in order from most annoying to least annoying:

  1. Ants
  2. Parrots
  3. Mice
  4. Ostriches

Arrange these foods in order of how unhealthy they are (from least to most):

  1. Ice cream
  2. Pizza
  3. French fries
  4. Cheeseburger

Sort these animals by which would most likely steal your lunch:

  1. Squirrel
  2. Dog
  3. Cat
  4. Bear

Put these fruits in an order by how much they make you smile:

  1. Bananas
  2. Apples
  3. Grapes
  4. Oranges

How much do these characters annoy you, starting from most annoying to least annoying:

  1. Your little brother/sister
  2. Your pet
  3. A mosquito
  4. The CEO

Arrange these animals in order of who’s most likely to be a good team member:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Hamster
  4. Horse

Sort these cartoon characters by how much they make you laugh:

  1. Bugs Bunny
  2. SpongeBob
  3. Daffy Duck
  4. Goofy

Order these beverages from least to most refreshing:

  1. Soda
  2. Water
  3. Lemonade
  4. Iced tea

Arrange these types of candy by how much you would be willing to share them:

  1. Chocolate
  2. Gummy bears
  3. Licorice
  4. Hard candy

Put these activities in order of how much you’d procrastinate doing them:

  1. Homework
  2. Cleaning
  3. Exercise
  4. Watching TV

In order of most important to not urgent, what changes should be made to the administration of the company:

  1. Fire the HR
  2. Vote out the CEO
  3. Make Mondays work-free
  4. Add a 10% raise to salaries

For the next set of questions, provide the options that are suited:

  1. What lecturers are the most annoying in the faculty?
  2. Who’s the most frustrating team member to work with?
  3. What is the most ridiculous request the boss has ever made to you?
  4. Who should get the award for the most difficult staff member?
  5. Who’s most likely going to get fired first?

Poll Kahoot! Questions to Ask 

What’s a popular way to eat potatoes that you think is gross?

Options: A) Mashed B) Fried C) Baked D) Raw

Suppose you could be any fictional character, which of the following would you like to be?

Options: A) Harry Potter B) Sherlock Holmes C) SpongeBob D) Darth Vader

Pizza is nothing without toppings but what toppings do you think ruin pizza the most?

Options: A) Pineapple B) Pickles C) Pepperoni D) Anchovies

You have a pet dragon. Which of these names would you give to it?

Options: A) Sparky B) Fluffy C) Smaug D) Puff

If you had to do a dance to save your life, which one of these would you try?

Options: A) The Robot B) Moonwalk C) Macarena D) Floss

Which one of these animals is the funniest to you?

Options: A) Sloth B) Penguin C) Cat D) Ostrich

Who is the weirdly funny TV host you have seen?

Options: A) Trevor Noah B) Ellen DeGeneres C) Zach Galifianakis D) Jimmy Falon

What’s an ice cream flavor you’d like to eliminate from the list?

Options: A) Chocolate B) Vanilla C) Mint chocolate chip D) Bubblegum

What season is good for extreme napping?

Options: A) Winter B) Summer C) Spring D) Fall

Funny Kahoot Questions to Ask

What is the best way to binge-watch movies and TV shows?

Options: A) Alone B) With friends C) All day D) In pajamas

Funny Open-Ended Kahoot! Questions 

  1. You could be a fruit, what would you want to be and why choose that fruit?
  2. Describe the most ridiculous outfit you’ve ever worn.
  3. What is your favorite way of spending the day off?
  4. If there is going to be a vampire invasion. What three staff members would you want to have on your team?
  5. What would your superhero name be, and what’s your power?
  6. Do you have an experience when you were embarrassed in public? Can you share it?
  7. What’s the funniest conversation that you’ve ever overheard?
  8. If you get the chance to create a holiday, what would you call it and what would be its purpose?
  9. In the most humorous way possible, what is your dream job like?
  10. Explain the most hilarious prank you have ever done or seen.
  11. Spell the word used to describe the fear of long words
  12. What’s the most ridiculous excuse in your arsenal for when you miss work or run late for a meeting?
  13. Would you want a constant supply of coffee to the office or a day added to the weekend?
  14. How was your first day at the office?
  15. Describe what you hate the most about coming to work
  16. What’s your favorite joke?
  17. What’s a funny sound you can make?
  18. Name a silly animal.
  19. What’s your go-to dance move?
  20. Share a unique way to say “hello.”
  21. What is the best nickname you’ll give to a lazy person?
  22. If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you want to have?
  23. What’s the nastiest thing you do but find pleasure in doing?
  24. Who’s most likely to attend a Zoom meeting with their shorts or underwear?
  25. Would you rather eat the oldest thing in the office or replace the janitor for a day?
  26. If you were in charge of HR, describe your ideal employee
  27. What’s the weirdest reason that made you vote for a presidential candidate?
  28. Have you ever had a crush on a female superior before?
  29. What’s the most useless motivational quote you’ve heard?
  30. What have you used the office WiFi to download before that wasn’t official?
  31. What is a dicey secret or mystery you would want to know the secret about?
  32. Is there an affair you suspect in the office/class?
  33. If songs were still on disks, what’s a song you will break?
  34. What do you think Pluto will say to Earth for revoking its planetary status?
  35. What’s the most hilarious WiFi name you’ve seen?

Final Thoughts

There you have it. 120 funny Kahoot! questions that can work for a variety of purposes. You can use these questions when talking to friends, colleagues, or coursemates.

I have divided them into categories so that you know where each one fits and how you can create them accordingly.

You should also understand the context for each of these questions as some of them are suited for certain scenarios as I hinted during the piece.

Save this page for when you have to create a Kahoot! quiz.

Funny Kahoot Questions to Ask

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