350 Funny Deep Thought Questions That Will Provoke Your Mind


It is not every time that our conversations must go the conventional way. We can spice it up a bit with some funny questions that are going to get people thinking before they provide an answer.

In this article, I have curated a list of 350 funny deep thought questions that will provoke a person’s mind and get them to think before they answer. The questions are hilarious and their answers will follow the same pattern.

350 Funny Deep Thought Questions That Will Provoke Your Mind

  1. Who took the photograph if Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon?
  2. If Newton discovered gravity, were things defying gravity before his discovery?
  3. If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and their sons were the first children, who did they get married to?
  4. Why do we have to choose the President from two candidates but fifty contestants participate in Miss America?
  5. Why can a bird fly and a fly can’t bird?
  6. Water is made of two molecules of Hydrogen and one mole of oxygen. How is the oxygen trapped to create water?
  7. When a deaf person has a case in court, are we still going to call it a hearing?
  8. How was the first clock set to be correct since they were invented after time began?
  9. Why do doctors leave the room when you are about to change since they are still going to see you naked?
  10. Would you believe a chronic liar who tells you they are a chronic liar?
  11. Elon Musk supports Trump but Trump wants to stop the usage of electric cars in the United States. What do you suppose will happen at the end of the day?
  12. Ever heard the phrase “nonstop flights”? Well, if flights eventually come to a stop when they get to their destination, why do airlines use the phrase to describe some of its flights?
  13. Who arranged the alphabet in this current order? What if there’s an alternative order?
  14. If man has escaped the Earth and landed on the moon, why do you think the flat Earth theory guys still think the government is lying?
  15. If the media only shows us what they want us to see, how do we know our views about life aren’t flawed either?
  16. Why can’t the government just print enough money and share it with the masses so that we can end poverty forever?
  17. If you could change anything in the world today, say you have the power to do anything and it’d happen, what would you do?
  18. Your wife’s in labor and your favorite team is playing the most important game of the season. Are you watching the game or staying with your wife?
  19. Why do drugs meant to cure illnesses have side effects that need other drugs to cure them?
  20. Why are they called apartments when they are actually together?
  21. How do we tell if the English language we speak today is flawed or has errors?
  22. Who invented the English language?
  23. How are you sure that the person who designed how words should be pronounced knew what they were doing?
  24. What is the difference between a ‘slim chance’ and a ‘fat chance.’?
  25. Why do we sit on “stands” and it is not normal to stand on “seats”?
  26. Look and see are similar words right? But why does ‘overlook’ and ‘oversee’ mean two different things?
  27. If AI would take our jobs, why are students still going to college?
  28. When was the election to make the President of the United States the most powerful person on Earth held?
  29. As an immigrant, would you support a candidate with conservative views because they are qualified or a left-wing candidate just to be safe?
  30. Is there a reason garments are put in a suitcase and suits are put in a garment bag?
  31. If the pronouns for men are He, His, and Him, why aren’t the pronouns for women She, Shis, and Shim?
  32. If both men and women have the same number of ribs in their rib cage, why do we call people “missing ribs”?
  33. Why do the day break and the night fall?
  34. What makes a bath towel dirty if we are clean when we use it?
  35. If there’s no ham in a hamburger, why do we still call it that?
  36. Did you know that it wasn’t the French who started making French Fries? Shocking, right?
  37. Given the shape of boxing rings, shouldn’t they be called boxing squares?
  38. If it is called a basketball because it goes through a basket, shouldn’t football be called netball?
  39. What’s going to happen to your emergency funds when you die?
  40. If Christopher Columbus discovered America, what did he actually find and what was he looking for?
  41. Anxious attachment people like avoidant attachment people but they are always incompatible. How can they make things work out?
  42. Why did the US not have any system of monarchical rule like almost every other country of the world?
  43. What’s the most bizarre narrative you wish you could get rid of?
  44. Isn’t it funny how we work every day, all year, just to do the things guys in the Stone Age did daily?
  45. Why is life expectancy getting lower by the day? Can’t we increase it?
  46. If there’s an offer to say you could leave the world and no one would be hurt, would you take it?
  47. What would be the title of the book if one was written about your life?
  48. Do you think COVID-19 was merely a government propaganda? What are your thoughts really?
  49. If we are supposed to believe everything we learned in Biology, why do people want us to think that there are more than two genders when Biology clearly says there are males and females only?
  50. What do you think is the worst crime a human can commit and what should be the right punishment for it?
  51. Why do we say Bacon and Cookies when we actually cook Bacon and bake cookies?
  52. If your shirt isn’t tucked into your pants, can you say your pants are tucked into your shirt?
  53. Why does a ‘fire truck’ carry water? Shouldn’t it be called a ‘water truck’?
  54. Why do we say we have a runny nose and smelly feet?
  55. Snails are so slow, right? But why don’t we ever see them coming?
  56. A nonstick pan is designed to not allow anything to stick to it. But how did the coating stick in the first place?
  57. Why do lawyers and doctors call what they do “Practice”? Should they be practicing?
  58. Why do you sink in quicksand slowly?
  59. An author writes a book about failure. If the book does not sell, can we call it a success?
  60. Can a fish be inside water and not drink it?
  61. Why do people ask “Are you sleeping?” when someone picks up the phone at night?
  62. How many months in the calendar year have 29 days in them?
  63. If you could put a false memory in everyone today, what memory would it be and why?
  64. Did you know that the fastest car in the world is the car that is faster than other cars?
  65. What if Bruno Mars is really from the planet Mars?
  66. Did you know that if you bought a bigger bed, you’d have more bed room and less bedroom?
  67. If you are sweating in a sweater, are you then the sweater?
  68. If time is money, how much is 12 hours cause I don’t want to be sleeping through it anymore?
  69. Are oranges called oranges because an orange is orange or is orange called oranges because they are orange?
  70. What do you think would happen to a car when the brakes and accelerator are pressed down at the same time?
  71. Why are there so many words where letters are silent? Why don’t we just remove the silent letters since they are not needed?
  72. Why do we have A batteries but no B batteries? There are even AAA batteries yet no single B batteries
  73. What would you rather be: the size of a bug or a tree?
  74. Do you think fish get thirsty?
  75. How did we start to solve things and come up with equations to solve them?
  76. Why do we need to go to school to learn something that was invented thousands of years ago?
  77. If there’s a speed of light, what is the speed of dark?
  78. Why are they called pineapples when they are not pine or apples?
  79. How do you think the Greek gods will feel seeing people hike Mount Olympus?
  80. When you forget something, a thought, or a memory, where does it go?
  81. When somebody dies in a living room, do we still call it a living room?
  82. Can you have a nightmare while sleeping in the afternoon?
  83. Can you be daydreaming when it is dark?
  84. Don’t you think cereal is soup for children?
  85. Did you know the distance from New York to DC is the same distance from DC to New York?
  86. Don’t you think pregnant women become submarines when they go swimming?
  87. Wouldn’t the world be peaceful if nations solved disputes over a slapping competition instead of going to war?
  88. Why do banks have branches when money doesn’t grow on trees? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
  89. Why do we say “circle back” when we don’t actually cycle back to the person?
  90. If Adam named all the animals, how come scientists are still naming animals today?
  91. What would you rather be afflicted with: farting while you laugh or laughing while you fart?
  92. We have fingertips but not toetips, right? How come we can tiptoe and not tipfinger?
  93. We believe that reincarnation exists. Why don’t we use BRB instead of RIP when bidding farewell to the dead?
  94. Why is it called a building when it has already been built?
  95. If we say “Mike,” why can’t we say “Nike” and not “Mikey”?
  96. Why don’t we just say “Q” instead of “Queue”? Such a waste of letters man
  97. If actions truly speak louder than words, how is the pen mightier than the sword?
  98. Did you know that flammable and inflammable have the exact same meaning? We should just stick with one already
  99. Who named it “Hot dogs” when they are not always hot and don’t have dogs in them?
  100. When a man is trained in midwifery, should he still be called a “midwife”?
  101. Why is it called “life insurance” when it doesn’t insure the owner?
  102. If you switch your gender, what would you do?
  103. What’s one thing you grew up believing that turned out to be different but you wish you didn’t have an idea what the truth was?
  104. Between having more money and having more time, which would you want?
  105. If there are two pills, A takes you back to 10 years ago with everything you know now but B takes you into the future with $1 million, what pill are you taking?
  106. Who gave words their meaning?
  107. How are words created?
  108. Would you want to be the President of the United States for 24 hours or be invisible?
  109. If you are invisible and you shut your eyes, would you be able to see through your eyelid?
  110. Can someone disappear with a trace or vanish into fat air?
  111. Why do we drive on driveways but cannot park on parkways?
  112. If your dog could talk, what do you think they’d want to say to you?
  113. Were some people born to be really wealthy while others were condemned to be paupers all their lives?
  114. What if everything we have believed were all lies and we have lived in a false reality all our lives?
  115. What’s the worst thing you’ve done in a relationship that when you look back today you just want to call yourself “dumb”?
  116. Have you ever thought about how life would have been a lot easier if it wasn’t this difficult?
  117. If you were given the power to create yourself, what would you change about who you are currently and why would you change those things? What would you add and why?
  118. Does it frighten you that there was a time when insects were much bigger than human beings? Do you think you’ll have survived those times?
  119. Isn’t it funny that a candidate from the ruling party wants to continue ruling and is promising citizens a better life?
  120. Feet for hands or hands for feet?
  121. If we came from monkeys, apes, and chimpanzees, how come they are still here? Are those the ones waiting to evolve?
  122. You know some fish can change their gender as they age, right? Imagine humans could do the same. Would you feel uncomfortable finding out that your partner was formally a man?
  123. What’s that one villain in the movie that played their part so well, that you preferred the villain over the hero?
  124. Have you ever committed suicide before and can you share your experience if you have?
  125. Think about it. How long do you think it would take for a giraffe to throw up?
  126. Don’t you think white people should glow when they are in the dark?
  127. People who wear braces, how does it feel when they kiss other people?
  128. If animals had the ability to speak or interact like humans, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
  129. If you were to be a shoe, what kind of shoe do you think you are going to be?
  130. If age is just a number, why do companies require years of experience before giving people employment?
  131. If someone is color blind, does it mean they don’t see colors or they see red as blue?
  132. If God forgives us when we sin, why can’t He just forgive the devil so we can all be free?
  133. Why is it called a code name when we all get to know what each President is called while they are in office?
  134. Does putting your cat in a fridge makes it a cool cat?
  135. What is the difference between stalking someone and trying to find out what’s going on in their lives?
  136. What’s one occupation you can’t believe people do?
  137. People who have Alzheimer’s disease, do they forget to wipe their butt after using the toilet?
  138. In an interview, would you admit to having mental problems, if you did?
  139. If you had a third ear, in what part of your body would you want it to be placed?
  140. What would you prefer: get caught when you tell a lie or tell the truth but have no one believe you?
  141. Apart from aliens and dinosaurs? What is one thing you have been forced to believe in that might likely be untrue?
  142. You are on a death row. What dishes would your final meal consist of?
  143. Gun to your head, what’s the most unbelievable lie you’ve told and who did you say it to?
  144. If your mom and wife switched bodies and you had to slap one of them to restore them to normalcy, who are you slapping: your wife in your mom’s body or your mom in your wife’s body?
  145. Which part of your body would you be comfortable with losing and why that part?
  146. Suppose you were forced to replace your right arm for a kitchen utensil, what utensil would that be?
  147. Why do we sing hymns in churches but never hers and say Amen but never Awomen?
  148. Would you prefer to fight a one-horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  149. Have you ever wondered what it would mean to be morally depraved?
  150. What is the last thing you did that made you think about yourself and whether you are starting to be evil?
  151. Would you like to be famous but broke or be rich but blind?
  152. You have the opportunity to live to the age of 90 while maintaining the mental or physical capabilities of a 30-year-old during the last 60 years of your life. Which would you choose?
  153. If your life was to be shot as a movie and your parents would watch it, what parts of it would you want to be edited out?
  154. What’s the most annoying quote you have heard that’s possible?
  155. What’s the most ridiculously, embarrassing moment you have ever experienced?
  156. What is something you would regret not saying to someone if you died today? Why haven’t you told them yet?
  157. What’s the most interesting fact that’s useless if you think about it?
  158. all you have to eat for 5 days are eggs and chocolates, how would you spread them provided they will be enough for those 5 days in equal proportions?
  159. Would the heads of kids grow physically bigger when they are taught Shakespeare?
  160. When feminists look into the mirror, do they hope to see an equal woman or a better woman?
  161. Don’t you think it is easier to remember fat people since they would likely take up more memory space than slimmer folks?
  162. Would you rather pee a marble or poo a tennis ball?
  163. Between having a skin like that on the scrotum and sweating out poop, which would you choose?
  164. Before Charles Darwin, no one had ever evolved until he invented evolution. Don’t you think it is safe to call him the “inventor” of evolution rather than its father?
  165. If someone needed to die for the whole of the world to be saved, would you agree to do it or choose one of your friends?
  166. What’s the funniest idea about life that you think is true?
  167. You’ve been in a coma for 50 years. When you wake up, what’s the first question you would want to ask?
  168. If you did not have to worry about making money, what would you be doing with your life?
  169. You need to hide a dead body, which of your friends are you calling to help you with the mission?
  170. Do you want to know how you’ll die or when you’ll die?
  171. What would you rather experience, a journey to your past to change something or a revelation of how your future is going to be?
  172. If you knew how you’d die, would you try to outsmart death?
  173. You won a prize after doing something which has two options. The first option is to get the chance to live in your dream country alone for the rest of your life while getting $50,000 monthly. The second option is going to live on the moon with the one person you love the most. Which option are you taking?
  174. Two movies have been shot about you without your consent. Movie A has interviews with your friends about actual events in your life. Movie B has A-list actors portraying you and other people in your life like a biopic movie. Which of these movies would you want to watch first?
  175. Imagine you could become five again and have to live through the years having your mind as an adult now, what things would you change?
  176. Which of these would you believe: your friend became an adult movie actor, your mom was caught for substance abuse, your dad has another family in Africa, or a female teacher from school installed cameras in the male bathroom?
  177. You are on your deathbed and you can only make one statement to the people by your bedside but it has to be funny to save your life, what are you going to say?
  178. If you could live forever, when do you think you are likely going to be bored?
  179. There are two pills. The blue pill keeps you at 70 forever while the red pill allows you to be born in another location every time you die. Which of the pills are you taking?
  180. Would you rather eat a human being or take only oatmeal for the rest of your life?
  181. How can you hide a giraffe you illegally acquired?
  182. What is heavier: 50 grams of a bird’s feathers or 50 grams of metallic gold?
  183. If you could prevent one of these events, which would you want to stop: the atomic bombings in Japan or World War II?
  184. Do you think humans control their brains? Don’t our brains control us?
  185. Why is it called “Real Estate”? Should there be “Fake Estates”?
  186. Why didn’t we just agree on one word between flammable and inflammable or noninflammable and nonflammable since they all mean the same thing?
  187. What side of a backpack should be called the front?
  188. If sloths spend 80% of their lives living upside down, doesn’t it tell us that there’s something wrong with what we thought was the upside of sloths?
  189. Do you pronounce the “s” or the “c” in the word “scent”?
  190. Will you consider a straw to have one hole or two holes?
  191. Your belt holds up your trousers but the belt loops in your trousers hold up the belt. Who’s doing the actual work, your belt or trousers?
  192. On Earth, dirt is called “earth.” If we are on Mars, what would we call the dirt there?
  193. When poison expires, does it become more potent or useless?
  194. For someone who hasn’t heard any language before, say they were deaf from birth, what language would they think in?
  195. What’s an event in history that you think is just so ridiculously funny and you wish to go back in time to see things for yourself?
  196. Where does wind start from?
  197. What do you think goes on in the minds of dogs?
  198. Who is more dumb: someone who says ATM machine or someone who says hot water heater?
  199. If you tied a hand grenade around a space rocket and the rocket got launched, does it mean the grenade is a rocket-propelled grenade?
  200. What do you think Lightning McQueen pays for health insurance or life insurance?
  201. What was first: an egg or a chicken?
  202. All of these Physics equations, what if they are just man-made orchestrations without any real usage but just to stress our minds?
  203. If you stick one end of a garden hose into the other side and keep pushing it through, does the end being stuck come out of the other end?
  204. If I was consistently inconsistent, would you say I was inconsistent or consistent?
  205. What’s a question that you think is too funny and every time you think about it you cannot help but find it even more hilarious?
  206. If an immovable object and an unstoppable force were to collide, which of them would move?
  207. How many trees would you say make up a forest?
  208. Who invented math or did we just find it?
  209. The voice in your head, is it you telling yourself things or you hearing things in your head?
  210. Wouldn’t you say that it was the brain that named itself?
  211. Our planet is in space along with other planets, so, what is space in?
  212. When you cut a sandwich in two, would you get two sandwiches or two halves of a sandwich?
  213. Between a young man who shaves off his hair, an old man who can no longer grow much hair, and a species who do not have the ability to have hair, who’s the most bald?
  214. Are we not inhaling farts that have diffused into the air?
  215. Shouldn’t barbers be good at mowing lawns? Isn’t it just different locations but the same function?
  216. Would you prefer to possess super speed, but only while moving backward, or be able to teleport, with no control over the destination?
  217. What’s weird: pouring milk before cereal or wetting your brush before applying toothpaste?
  218. Don’t you think if we defeated global warming that the people who say it was all a lie would claim they were right?
  219. Why do many hands make the work easier but too many cooks spoil the soup?
  220. Since music is made up of vibrations, don’t you think a vibrator should be a musical instrument?
  221. There’s always a first time something happened, wouldn’t it be wrong to say “there is nothing new under the sun”?
  222. What if the increase in evil is because of the increase in good?
  223. Don’t you think the best rule is to not break the rules?
  224. Isn’t it concerning that we can’t tell what underwater smells like?
  225. What ability would you like to have: switching your farts for burps or burps for farts?
  226. Can someone have a cardiac arrest while they are doing cardio exercises?
  227. Do you think it would be cool if water had more viscosity like honey?
  228. Why do crunchy foods become stale as they get old and soft food become more crunchy as they get old?
  229. Would you like to be known during your lifetime or be known for dying remarkably?
  230. Isn’t it concerning that horses are considered better swimmers than seahorses?
  231. Don’t you think fishes laugh at us when they see us trying to swim and sympathize with us just like we do when we see them outside water?
  232. Would you prefer to go back to your past and continue living from the past or go to the future and live there?
  233. If you had to do one thing every time you were tense, what would you choose: sneezing or pooping?
  234. Is dying of exhaustion a relief?
  235. Won’t dragons have a hard time blowing off the candles on their birthday cake?
  236. Isn’t it safe to call men the passive income of women?
  237. Since we don’t know what we have till we lose it, does this apply to losing one’s memory?
  238. If you could stop time or go back in time, which superpower would you like to have?
  239. What if our perception of life was a lie and the truth doesn’t exist?
  240. If you knew where your barber barbs, would you change to the barber that barbs your barber?
  241. What’s the proof that there’s a future lying ahead?
  242. Why is it hard for us to forget something when someone actually asks us to do so?
  243. How will AI be smarter than humans when humans create them?
  244. If there was a holistic cure for smoking-induced illnesses, wouldn’t it create more smokers?
  245. Did you know your brain can decide to keep you asleep even when you want to wake up?
  246. Would Siamese twins go to jail if only one of them was convicted of murder?
  247. When you perceive your own fart, aren’t you putting it back inside you?
  248. Isn’t it funny that we keep streaks just because it is disappointing to end them and not because we are getting anything out of it?
  249. Is our numbering system not influenced by the fact that we have ten fingers and toes?
  250. What’s the difference between an archivist and a hoarder?
  251. Would you refer to social media influencers as celebrities too?
  252. Shouldn’t artificial intelligent machines be considered artificial plagiarisers since they depend on other people’s work?
  253. Since we can’t see in darkness, what if there are things lurking around in the darkness of the universe?
  254. Why is it that we grow hair in places we don’t want as we age and lose hair in places we want?
  255. If it didn’t hurt, would you rather fall down the stairs or get hit by a motorcar?
  256. Why is 270° ignored but 90°, 180°, and 360° are widely used?
  257. Do we really save people’s lives or just delay when they die?
  258. Do pets see themselves as members of the family or just feel they are getting free food from you?
  259. Isn’t it funny that the Pride flag actually uses a straight Rainbow?
  260. Do you know that 9 to 5 is literally twice as long as 5 to 9?
  261. Would you be happy if we had cars that won’t move when the seatbelts aren’t in use?
  262. Would you rather know how to figure out a problem or know what to do to solve it?
  263. Have you thought about what it would feel like you actually wash a brain?
  264. Isn’t it an irony that fast food is becoming expensive and people now eat healthy foods because it is cheaper?
  265. Burger comprises of protein, carbs, and vegetables. Why do you think we make them feel unhealthy?
  266. Is tipping employees not the reason businesses don’t pay well or as they should?
  267. Would you be comfortable to let a surgeon perform surgery on you if it was their first time even though they were the best-graduating students in their class?
  268. Why is it that alcohol adverts never show drunk people? Do they not expect people to be drunk when they take their products?
  269. What’s your take on finance that will get anyone out of being poor?
  270. Why does 3 am feel more like midnight than when it is 12 am?
  271. Do you think men are largely becoming weaker than we were thousands of years ago?
  272. Would you like to have your fart sound like the chirping of a bird or you burp like the roaring of a lion?
  273. If you had to change your name to something funny and weird but it must relate to your character and personality, what would your new name be?
  274. Why does food taste better when you aren’t cooking?
  275. Don’t you think education is man’s attempt to make his life better but it ended up making it more complex?
  276. You know that an A in school grade is higher than a B, right? Did you know that B is higher than A in music?
  277. Are vegans not just selfish trying to make meat eaters feel bad for something they once partook in?
  278. If potato is a vegetable, isn’t it safe to say chips are a salad?
  279. If protesters protest against protesting, are they not doing the very thing they stand against?
  280. Why is it easy to know that you have a bad memory but very difficult to come to terms with the fact that you have a good memory?
  281. If you had to delete one of pizza, burger, or shawarma, which of these would you be willing to let go of?
  282. Would you rather study fishery to make $100,000 per year or philosophy and make $20,000 per year? Does that mean you value money over knowledge?
  283. Of what use is a steak knife in a vegan’s kitchen?
  284. Xavier was capable of making things move with his mind. Why didn’t he try using his powers on his leg?
  285. If you could get away with a crime, what crime are you committing?
  286. Do you enjoy the thrill of shooting and death in movies?
  287. Which of these will you be comfortable not having internet, water, or electricity?
  288. What is a better replacement for the idiom “The pen is mightier than the sword” in our world today?
  289. If it is okay to be far left and far right, why should it not be okay to be in between?
  290. Why was the alphabet reordered on computer keyboards? And wouldn’t it be wise to stick to that order after all?
  291. Animals sniff butts to get information about other animals. Don’t you think humans should have adopted this method?
  292. Would you rather choose between being sticky all over your body or feeling endlessly itchy all over forever?
  293. Which option would you prefer: having legs as long as your fingers, or having fingers as long as your legs?
  294. Would you rather be in a perpetual state of slight thirst, no matter how much you drink, or in a constant state of slight tiredness, no matter how much you sleep?
  295. What skill is better or what would you want to know how to do to be fluent in all languages or be a master of every instrument?
  296. Don’t you think we are aliens to other aliens?
  297. We kill animals without their consent. Aren’t we murderers after all?
  298. Why do we measure things relative to sea level instead of the lowest point on Earth?
  299. What if oxygen is actually slowly killing us, and when we experience a lack of it, we’re actually going through withdrawal symptoms?
  300. Imagine having unlimited resources, time, and land at your disposal to create anything your heart desires. What would you build?
  301. What makes your all-time favorite book/movie/game so special to you?
  302. What’s the toughest decision you’ve made to achieve your dreams? Or have you not seen a dream come true yet?
  303. If you are thinking out loud, are you still thinking or just talking to yourself?
  304. When people who were born blind dream, what exactly do they see?
  305. If the universe is truly expanding, what exactly are we expanding to?
  306. Do you think free will exists considering the events happening around us? Why do you think so?
  307. What is the first number that when spelled its letters are actually in alphabetical order? (The answer is Forty)
  308. What’s a useless skill you have got and how did you find out you could do it?
  309. What’s something people believe that you know is just a false reality?
  310. What if the government was lying to us and using news outlets to make us believe things that are untrue so we can live in fear?
  311. Would you rather be famous for doing something evil or live a quiet but mediocre life?
  312. If you had to donate a million dollars to poor kids in Africa and saw a huge investment deal that would fetch you 100 million dollars in 20 years, would you give to the charity or make the investment?
  313. What’s an opinion about dating that will rattle the thought patterns of a lot of people?
  314. What is the worst thing someone has done on a date that made you leave or almost leave them?
  315. Do you prefer to hang the toilet paper in the overhand position, like a considerate companion, or do you prefer the underhand position, which some might view as less considerate?
  316. If picking your nose and eating it had health benefits, would you do it?
  317. Would you take a billion dollars if the condition was that you were going to lose your ability to hear?
  318. Is there someone who hates you the most and do you always hate them that much?
  319. How long would you keep a pepperoni pizza before you lose control and devour it?
  320. Do you think people who hate their exes have a problem?
  321. If you could have a lifetime supply of a particular beverage if water was going to be scarce, what beverage would you go for?
  322. What should be the litmus test for truth? How do you find out if someone is lying?
  323. How do you get a visitor who has overstayed in your home to leave?
  324. When would you decide to stop fighting the current and go with the flow?
  325. If you had to choose your friends based on just two qualities, which of these would you want: smart friends or thoughtful friends?
  326. Which would you prefer: an alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse?
  327. What’s the one meal you think is overrated and what meal do you believe is underrated?
  328. If there was nothing wrong with eating human meat, would you eat it?
  329. What’s the worst thing you think you have done?
  330. What would you rather have, a vampire invasion or werewolves?
  331. Is there a movie with an ending you wish you could change? What movie is that?
  332. You got a Genie but you have only one wish, what are you asking the Genie?
  333. Did you know that gravity has an impact on light and time? (Gravity actually bends light and makes time move slower)
  334. If you knew you were going to be humiliated by a friend, would you rather flip the humiliation on them or avoid it completely?
  335. Do you think it is better to be free or to be taken good care of?
  336. If it was possible to travel back in time and tell a historical figure what their legacy was going to be like, who would you do so to?
  337. Have you ever stolen before and got caught? What exactly did you steal?
  338. What’s the craziest topping you have seen on a meal or snack?
  339. Do you use corporate jargon or feel they are jargon that should be stopped?
  340. If you could effortlessly become an expert in any subject, what would you choose?
  341. You have to fight a ferocious animal to death. What animal are you choosing and why?
  342. If you were given the option to receive a quick payday today or ensure a secure future for your grandchildren, which would you pick?
  343. Is there something you really wish was socially acceptable or something you hoped to be able to do and not have people judge you for doing it?
  344. No one has seen a dinosaur before, why do we now believe they existed?
  345. Isn’t it cruel the way we have pushed Native Americans from their home?
  346. Why does the clock go clockwise and not in the opposite direction?
  347. What do you think the Earth would be like if there was no rule and order and you couldn’t be punished for wrongdoing?
  348. What’s the most overused phrase in your vocabulary?
  349. Before the Big Bang, what was existing?
  350. If you could eliminate a musician or music genre, who or what would you eliminate and why?

Final Thoughts

These questions are surely going to get the person thinking and their responses will be hilarious. You should save this page so you won’t be at a loss for ideas when you need to get conversations going.

Funny Deep Thought Questions That Will Provoke Your Mind

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