90 Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners


Interacting with kids can be a lovely experience. While they may not need you to take control over the conversation, to make the most out of it as an adult, you have to ask questions.

Kids can go on and on about a lot of stuff that may not make sense to you but means the world to them. Since you want to talk with them, it is important to ask them questions that will get them to move in a particular direction that you can relate to.

This is why I have compiled well over 70 fun questions to ask kindergartens. To get the most out of your conversation with a child, especially those in kindergarten, you will need to arm yourself with some of these questions.

For a broad range of discussions, I have curated questions about family, their friends, their school, and themselves. These are themes in their lives that they know and can provide answers to.

Let’s get into them starting with fun questions to ask kindergarteners about their family.

30 Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners About Family 

The following are some of the best questions to ask kindergarteners about their families. It includes questions about their parents, siblings, and their home.

Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners

  1. What do you always look forward to doing once you get home?
  2. Who’s your favorite sibling? Why do you love your brother more? Does he give you his toys to play with or share his food with you?
  3. Between your mommy and daddy, who do you like the most? Why do you like your daddy more?
  4. Who buys you the most snacks: Daddy or Mommy?
  5. Who tells you they love you the most in your family?
  6. Do you like Mommy to do your homework for you or Daddy?
  7. What’s the best part about going home from school?
  8. Which of your siblings annoys you? What do they do that annoys you all the time?
  9. Between your grandpa and grandma, who do you love spending time with?
  10. Do you remember who carried you as a Baby?
  11. When Daddy travels, do you wish you followed him or does Mommy make you happy?
  12. Which of your siblings would you want to be in the same class with?
  13. Who do you like playing with the most in your family?
  14. Who gives you the most gifts in your family?
  15. During playtime, who likes to play with you and share their toys?
  16. What do you love about your family?
  17. What is that fun activity you like to engage in with your family? An activity involving all family members
  18. Who’s your favorite uncle and why do you like him so much?
  19. You can only have one guest over for dinner. Which of your uncles or aunties are you inviting?
  20. Who says grace when the family is about to eat?
  21. What’s your favorite meal that Mommy cooks for you?
  22. What’s that special thing you love to do with your family?
  23. Who always helps you with your assignments?
  24. What kinds of outdoor activities do you and your family like to do together??
  25. Who bothers you the most at home?
  26. Do you have pets in the house? Do you like them? What pet do you wish you had?
  27. Do you have a favorite aunt? Why is she your favorite?
  28. Between spending a holiday with your grandmother or your grandfather, which would you choose? Why would you want to spend the holiday with one and not both?
  29. If your other life, would you want your family or do you think you will want to have another family?
  30. Before bedtime, who reads you a story or sings you a lullaby?

Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners

15 Questions to Ask Kindergarteners About Their Friends 

There’s a lot a child would want to say about their friends. In this section of the article, you will find 15 good questions to ask kindergarteners about their friends. Get ready to hear some very bizarre answers from them about what they think of other children like them.

  1. If you had two chocolate bars and you wanted to share one with somebody. Who would you share it with? Are they your best friend?
  2. Who do you like playing with in school? Is she your best friend? Why do you like playing with them?
  3. Who is your best friend in school and why do you like playing with them?
  4. Do you have friends you play with at home after school hours?
  5. Is there someone you wish was your friend but isn’t talking to you at the moment?
  6. Which of your friends made you sad recently? What did they do?
  7. Would you give your lunch to one of your friends in school? Why?
  8. If James came to school one day and refused to sit close to you, how would you feel?
  9. When did you realize that Sandra was your best friend?
  10. Would you want one of your friends from school to live in your house? Why do you want him to live in your house?
  11. Between your friends in school and those at home, who do you like the most? Why do you like them?
  12. Which of your friends would you exchange for a slice of pizza? Why would you want to do so?
  13. What’s your favorite place to go to? Would you like to take any of your friends when you are going? Which of them would you take? Why would you take them?
  14. What do you like about your best friend? Why are they your best friend?
  15. Is there someone you wish you were friends with but aren’t friends with them yet?

15 Fun Questions about their School

A child in kindergarten will have a lot to say about school. The experience might be unsettling for some children. You can use these questions to find out what the child thinks about their school and schooling in general.

  1. What do you like about your previous school that you don’t see in this new school?
  2. Are you happy with your teachers? Who is your favorite teacher?
  3. Did someone at school annoy you recently? Who was that?
  4. Do you have a favorite subject? Why do you like it so much? What other subjects do you like?
  5. On the playground, when you go out for recess, what’s that one activity you love to engage in? Why do you like doing that?
  6. What’s one thing you’ve learned in school that you like so much?
  7. What is your favorite subject in school and what do you enjoy learning about?
  8. When you are coming to school, do you jump with excitement about the idea or do you wish you could stay at home?
  9. Why do you think school is important?
  10. What have you come to love about school and what do you hate the most about it?
  11. If you had to choose one subject that should not be taught anymore, what would it be?
  12. Can you describe your experience in this school in one word?
  13. What do you like the most about schooling here?
  14. If you could change the name of this school to a cartoon you’ve seen, what would you change it to?
  15. Why do you think you come to school?

30 Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners About Themselves

Now, for the final category of questions to ask kindergartens, we will be asking them some personal questions. These questions will help you understand the child and give you a glimpse into their personality, character, and thought process.

Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners

  1. What’s your favorite part of your body? Why do you like it so much?
  2. When you are unhappy or sad, what do you do that makes you happy again?
  3. If mommy or daddy corrects you, how does it make you feel?
  4. What’s your favorite cartoon character? Why do you love it?
  5. What would you want to be if you could be anything in the world?
  6. What power would you want to have if you could have any superpower? Why do you want to have that power?
  7. What’s your favorite dessert and would you share if you had a tiny piece left and your best friend was hungry?
  8. Do you like playing in the snow or do you love it when the sun is out?
  9. What makes you laugh so hard?
  10. When the rain is falling, do you wish Mommy would allow you to run into it and play?
  11. Have you fallen ill before? Who took care of you?
  12. Are you strong? How strong are you?
  13. Who is someone you have seen either on TV, in your family, in school, or in the neighborhood that you want to be like?
  14. If Santa gave you three wishes for three things you want, what would you wish for?
  15. What is that one location you wish to go to?
  16. What’s on your list to give to Santa?
  17. What if you had the ability to transform into any animal? Think about it for a moment. What animal would you want to be?
  18. Who would you want to care for when you grow old? How do you want to show them you care for them?
  19. When you are with your friends, what games do you guys like to play?
  20. Between New Year, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas, what’s your favorite holiday of the year?
  21. Where did you spend your last holiday? Did you have fun? Would you like to go back there?
  22. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
  23. Has someone ever done something for you that you weren’t expecting? What did they do? How did it make you feel?
  24. When you grow old, what do you want to become?
  25. How much money is plenty of money?
  26. If you had to change something in the world today, what would you want to change?
  27. Where have you been to that you will love to always visit?
  28. Let’s say you could be any animal in the world. What animal would you be? What is your reason for wanting to be that animal?
  29. What is something that always brings smiles to your face?
  30. What is a secret you’d rather keep to yourself?

Final Thoughts

These questions are not exhaustive and by that I mean you should see them as a means to an end and not an end in themselves.

You may need to find out something about the child before you ask them some of these questions and also there could be the need to ask a follow-up question after each.

For instance, before you ask the child who they’d like to spend their holiday with between their grandparents, you will need to be sure the child knows his or her grandparents and has spent a holiday with them. That’s one example.

Also, you may need to explain what you mean by a question so that the child can fully understand and answer. Don’t be harsh on them to provide responses to some questions.

They are children and might not be interested in the conversation you want to have with them. This too is fine.

Fun Questions to Ask Kindergarteners

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