100 Fun Questions to Ask for a Giveaway


Surprises can be thrilling, but they can take the opposite direction if the present, gift, or service is not something desirable to the person being surprised.

In the same vein, it is a great idea to nurture an intention to do a giveaway, whether the individual you want to present an offer to is close to you or you desire that the giveaway be used as a promotional item.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to ask questions so you’ll meet a pressing need to really do something significant for them through your giveaway plan.

This article gives you a guide to 100 fun questions you can ask when considering a giveaway. Some questions here are more like a questionnaire to give you skeletal plans that will boost your business, build a more cordial relationship, or drive you safely to your destination.

100 Fun Questions to Ask for a Giveaway

  1. If you earn three times your salary, where would you prefer to shop, and what would you get?
  2. Have you tried a product manufactured by my brand before? Can I know what you think about it?
  3. How frequently do you use bike riders to get things across to you? Or you don’t use them at all?
  4. What service provider do you use for your data subscription? Will you tag them as efficient and responsive to your needs?
  5. How much more money do you need to clear your debt? Who knows if help can come from someone or a financial agency?
  6. Exercise books, journals, diaries, and planners—which is first on your list of priorities? And why is it more pressing than others?
  7. Do you like to visit the cinema, or do you prefer to see movies at home? Which would you prefer if you’d get a discount if you’re going outdoors?
  8. Is there any place you would love to visit at this point in your life? Like anywhere in the world that a plane can get to.
  9. What flavor of ice cream do you prefer? Do you want it this weekend?
  10. Do you still have it in mind to purchase that blue dress you saw online, or would you love to check for something similar in a store offline?
  11. What will you like for dinner tonight? Anything you want. A yummy meal, a nice snack, or a dessert.
  12. You once told me that you liked scrunchies. If you had the opportunity to purchase two, what color would you go for?
  13. Will your breakfast go well with a cup of coffee? The one I often drink?
  14. Is there any religious book you desire to get? If yes, who is the author, and what’s the title?
  15. Which favorite meal can you eat in public without feeling shy? One that you can get your hands dirty for and has the potential to soil your dress.
  16. Which notable story can best describe your childhood experience? And what would you improve on at the moment?
  17. What made the concert you attended yesterday the best you have gone to so far? Is there anything that stands out for you?
  18. How would you love to spend your upcoming holiday? I would love to know. Do you have any detailed pictures in mind?
  19. What’s your favorite pastry, and how do you enjoy it? Is it with a drink, and what kind exactly?
  20. What do you prefer to do when you’re not out for work? You can’t rest all day, so can I get a hint of how you spend your free time?
  21. Which show keeps you company the most? And what part of it do you love and keep falling in love with every time you watch?
  22. Why do you love the rainy season? Do you always need to get something special to keep you cozy?
  23. Among the various colors displayed, which do you prefer for your brand, and how does it resonate with the objectives you have in mind?
  24. Is this satisfying, or do you suggest we improvise? I now agree with you that we should see things from different standpoints. What else should we consider?
  25. What do you spend your free time doing? Or have you barely had free time recently?
  26. Why do you like TV shows? Which is your favorite?
  27. What type of movie do you like? Have you ever thought of what fascinates you about them?
  28. Among the basic cutlery sets, which is most important to you? If you have a choice to grab anyone for a full-week camp experience, which one will you go for?
  29. What is your favorite topping, and what will you get in place of it when it is not available?
  30. Do you love gifts? What’s the surprise gift you got that you can never forget?
  31. What do you want to improve about your physical look? Why do you think it’s so important to work on it?
  32. When you close your eyes, what gift do you wish you had without having to run a helter-skelter?
  33. What’s your dream picture of relaxation? I will get a super realistic picture, right?
  34. If you had the opportunity to give someone something nice, what would you give them?
  35. Do you have a favorite dessert? What is it?
  36. Do you unwind through meditation alone, or have you always wanted to include something but couldn’t?
  37. Do you love paid outdoor engagements? What turns you off about them, and what would you say has been missing from the ones you’ve attended?
  38. Coffee or beverage?
  39. Where do you prefer your dream house to be located? Don’t limit your opportunities. I’m sure you have an idea already that anything is possible, don’t you?
  40. Would you love to try a meal from another country? It mustn’t be a full-blown meal, but anything edible that you enjoy. Can I know about it?
  41. Where would you choose to live after your program that has kept you away?
  42. What are some lacunae you observed in this environment? Do you believe they can be fixed?
  43. Do you wish you got a free product, or would you rather go with a free service?
  44. Would you choose candy over mints? What is the motivation behind your choice?
  45. What is the most frequent food you have had for lunch? Or you’ve never taken note before?
  46. What is the first thing you are likely to get when you step into the supermarket?
  47. Where would you love to eat on a special day like your birthday? If you don’t fancy being official or you’ll love it at home, may I know why too?
  48. For how long will your subscription last? Do you have a plan on the ground to renew it?
  49. Tell me about your favorite jingle for any product at all. What made you fall in love with it?
  50. What do you intend to get for yourself before the year runs out? Most preferably, something that isn’t edible.
  51. What’s your take on manual grinding or making use of machines to grind your vegetables?
  52. Do you often need a wallet to store your money? Or do you think there is no need for one?
  53. What entices you the most about the place where you can stay all day long?
  54. Are you a fan of fast food? What can replace it for you?
  55. When it comes to making your choice of shoe, would you go for brand over quality or the other way around?
  56. What equipment makes swimming fun for you? Do you need to get it for yourself?
  57. What is the beverage you cannot do without? Would you rather say you are not addicted to any?
  58. What makes you enjoy every moment at your favorite spot?
  59. What do you require to celebrate your next birthday? Do you need any special drinks at all?
  60. Would you love to visit the beach on the weekend?
  61. What do you want to improve about your immediate environment? I think we should discuss your sitting room, in particular. Is that okay?
  62. Would you desire a discount on furniture or a slash in the price of electrical equipment?
  63. What do you need to get set for your fun time at the picnic? A bag or a basket?
  64. Would you like to take the course about health and wellness? Do you think it will add to your wealth of experience and provide you with a certificate that will draw you closer to your dream job?
  65. Cookies or biscuits? Which one would you go for anytime, any day?
  66. What keeps you so active all day? Do you think anything else can replace it?
  67. If you were given a free photoshoot session, would you change your mind and take pictures during your birthday celebration this year?
  68. How much do you like your red velvet cake? With toppings or without so much sugary content?
  69. What do you enjoy most about the summer? You shouldn’t force yourself to like someone about it, you know?
  70. What would you love to give your sibling on his next birthday? Maybe something unisex.
  71. Is it absurd for you to return from shopping with a nice-smelling deodorant you didn’t pay for?
  72. Will having a slash in the cost of foodstuffs motivate you to consume more protein-rich meals?
  73. Have you paid for a class on Instagram before? Do you prefer it to a seminar?
  74. Do you like pie? What’s your favorite ingredient?
  75. What would you love to leave the shopping mall with if you had a discount? Whether edible or not?
  76. When do you intend to get a new house? Or haven’t you thought about getting it anytime soon?
  77. Would you love to have a full food tray to yourself, or would you prefer a fruit basket for the weekend?
  78. On your priority list, what do you think you need urgently? Something that you can’t entirely pay for at the moment, I mean.
  79. What do you want to get before your next meeting with your friends?
  80. If you were given a day off by the weekend, where would you love to go? Your choice should be most likely somewhere in town.
  81. Would you like to get a beauty product at a physical store? Or do you trust online stores to be the best?
  82. What is your favorite brand of footwear? Will it be possible to try something else?
  83.  Share a significant achievement from your life and take us through the process.
  84.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  85. What’s your favorite childhood memory, and do you wish to recreate it again if given the chance?
  86. What’s one thing on your bucket list you’re determined to accomplish this year and what’s the cost for it?
  87. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?
  88. Do you have any talents or unique skills that no one knows about? Share them with us!
  89. Who inspires you the most in your life, and how have they influenced you?
  90. Tell us about a challenge you’ve overcome recently and the steps you took to tackle it.
  91. Where do you see yourself in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to achieve those goals?
  92. What book has got you thrilled and has taught you a lot about life, at the exact time you needed it which felt like a miracle?
  93. What is a moment in your life that you are most proud of, and what made it so special?
  94. Do you have a personal motto or quote that you live by? Share it with us and explain why it is your best.
  95. If you could go back in time and change one decision, what would it be and why?
  96. Describe your perfect weekend. What activities would you do, and who would you spend it with?
  97. What was your first job, and what did you learn from the experience?
  98. Share a cultural tradition from your background that you cherish and continue to practice.
  99. What’s the kindest thing someone has ever done for you, and how did it leave you feeling?
  100.  What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever tried, and would you eat it again?

Final Words

You may get a shockingly awkward response even after going through a lot to provide a giveaway or discount on a product or service offered.

This reply could be due to the fact that you do not know the exact preferences of your customers, potential customers, or the individuals you decide to give them.

Asking questions about their likes, preferences, and most treasured choices will make your efforts more satisfying to them. It gives them a great feeling, just like the way you felt when you had a burden taken off you or a pressing need of yours was met and you didn’t see it coming.

So, it’s great to ask questions so you get a glimpse of what they desire to get in order to have a fulfilling giveaway.

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