20 Fun Questions to Ask Eddie Olcyzk


If you are going to get a chance to speak with Eddie Olcyzk and you are looking for questions to ask him, this article is the resource you seek. In this piece, I have outlined and discussed 20 fun questions to ask Eddie Olcyzk. Let’s get in.

Table of Contents

A Lot Of Young Ice Hockey Players Aren’t Familiar With Your Game. Do You Get Honor And Recognition Among The Younger People?

Eddie retired from playing ice hockey in the year 2000. A lot of young people may not know him or be familiar with him when he played. So, you could ask him if he gets recognition and honor from younger people because it might be rare.

You Have Been Retired For More Than Two Decades, What Do You Miss The Most About Ice Hockey?

And that question you could ask him is how much he misses playing ice hockey. At the time of writing this article, Eddie would have been retired for two decades and 4 years, which is a lot of time for someone who was as active as he was when he played.

I’m sure he would have pretty interesting details about how much he misses hockey and playing the sport.

Coaching Is Like The Natural Path Of Players After A Successful Career. Were You Unable To Deal With The Workload After The Pittsburgh Penguins Or Do You Just Enjoy Your Peace?

We have seen a lot of players across various sports become coaches after retiring from playing. For Eddie, he tried coaching less than 3 years after retiring by coaching the Pitbull Penguins.

Sadly, his time at the club was short-lived as he was fired less than 2 years into his contract. So this question will once likely get him to open up about his desire to not coach or the reason why he has decided not to coach any team.

What Are The Secrets To A Successful Career In Ice Hockey Like The One You Had?

Fun Questions to Ask Eddie Olcyzk

It will be lovely to hear from the mouth of a veteran of the game about what it will take to have a successful career. Eddie is not just a retired ice hockey player he’s a well-decorated one. He won the Stanley Cup and several honors that are up for grabs as a hockey player.

This question would allow him to share a thing or two about what he believes is pivotal in having a successful career as an ice hockey player.

What Was It Like To Become The 16th BlackHawks Player To Be Elected Into The United States Hockey Hall Of Fame?

Eddie Olcyzk is the 16th BlackHawks player to get into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame. This distinguished recognition is one of the hallmarks for hockey players past and present and Eddie is a proud member.

It would be great to know what the recognition means for him and one way to find out is to ask him “What was it like to become the 16th BlackHawks player to be elected into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame?

All Of Your Children Are Former Hockey Players. Did You Influence That Or Did They Choose Their Paths Naturally?

All of Eddie’s children played hockey except his daughter. Nick, Tom, and Eddie III all played hockey, even Eddie’s younger brother.

So, you could ask him if the children’s choice of playing hockey was because they saw their dad. I would like to know if they chose to play hockey because they wanted to and not because they saw their father. What if Eddie forced them?

You Beat A Lot Of Opponents During Your Playing Time And Still Beat Cancer. You Are A Warrior In Suits, Aren’t You?

Fun Questions to Ask Eddie Olcyzk

Eddie was diagnosed with Cancer in August 2017 and after seven months he was declared cancer free. This is quite an incredible feat and he has not just talked about his recovery but is now an advocate for those fighting the disease.

I expect a hearty response if you ask him this question the way I phrased it. Talking about him beating hockey opponents and cancer is something he’d like to share details on.

If You Had To Make One Wish Between A Successful Playing Career And A Successful Coaching Career, What Would You Choose? 

Another interesting question to ask Eddie Olcyzk is whether he would have loved to have a successful coaching career instead of a successful playing career.

I reckon he is going to choose to have a successful playing career rather than a coaching career. Not everyone enjoys being a coach. Well, in Eddie’s case, we can only find out if you ask him.

What’s One Mistake You Made As A Hockey Player That Still Makes You Regret Till Today? 

After a career like the one Eddie had, it can be difficult to think he will have any regrets but then you may be surprised to find that he actually does.

When you ask him this question, he may let you in on something you would have never thought about. There must be a mistake he made that he wishes he could go back in time to correct.

Do You Still Hang Out Or Interact With Some Of Your Teammates Or Has Life Separated Y’all?

Fun Questions to Ask Eddie Olcyzk

Even though he had really close friends, I am sure he wouldn’t be in close contact with a good number of them. It will be interesting to know what it has been like for him to be separated from close pals who were his teammates while he played.

Maybe they’ve stayed in touch and haven’t separated as much as I suppose. You should ask this question to find out whether he still has his friends with him.

You Won The Stanley Cup. Is That The Highest Glory For Ice Hockey Players Or Is There Something You Wish You Won? 

If there’s one question I look forward to asking an Ice Hockey player is what they consider the Holy Grail in their career. For those who follow Ice Hockey, you could easily say that winning the Stanley Cup is the highest honor.

Thankfully, Eddie won the Stanley Cup during his playing time so you can ask him if he thinks he clinched the greatest glory in Ice Hockey or whether there was something he would have preferred winning instead.

How Does It Feel Like Working With Your Son Nick On The Same Broadcast Team After Retiring From Hockey?

Eddie and his son, Nick are currently working on the same broadcast team. Not sure they got the chance to play together.

But then, they are working together after both retiring from playing hockey. This question will help you find out what he thinks about working with his son and whether he finds it fun or not.

There Are Rumors You Made A Lot Of Fortune Outside Ice Hockey. Something About Nearly Half A Million Dollars From Horse Racing. How True Is That? 

It isn’t a rumor but just to avoid sounding all-knowing let’s ask the question this way. Eddie actually made $500,000 from betting on a horse race. That’s quite a fortune if we are being sincere. Ask him to find out how true it is or what he thinks about winning the bet.

Eddie, How Did You Find Out You Were Going To Be Fired During Your Time As The Coach Of The Pittsburgh Penguins?

There is going to be a funny backstory about Eddie’s sack from the Pittsburgh Penguins. I have seen and heard a lot of stories about managers and coaches getting sacked and I can say for free that there’d be some juicy details about Eddie’s story. You can get a glimpse of how it was like for Eddie to know he’s just been fired.

During Your Playing Time, Was Chirping A Thing? How Often Did You Get Chirped Or Did You Chirp?

Even I was born just after Eddie retired, so if I had the opportunity, I would most likely want to ask him something like this. Chirping is the word for roasting in ice hockey. I can’t say if chirping was a thing, so Eddie will be a good resource person for this gist. If it was, then you can ask him how often he chirped or what it was like for him to be chirped.

What Is The Biggest Shock You Have Ever Received During Your Playing Time? 

Another interesting question to ask Eddie Olcyzk is “What is the biggest shock you have ever received during your playing time?” I am sure he’d have a bizarre story to tell so brace yourself for it.

What Memory Of The Game Do You Hold Very Dear Till Today?

I am sure there is something that happened during his time as a player that he still remembers with a smile. It could be when he made the first draft, got into the Hockey Hall of Fame, or when he won the Stanley Cup. Find out what it is by asking this question.

You Were A Center When You Played. Is There A Position You Wish You Played In Aside From The One You Did Play In? 

Eddie played as a Center but what if there is a position he envied or wished he played in? This is a good question to ask him as well.

Try finding out his reasons for wanting to play in another position, if he considered it, and you may be in for a hearty laughter.

Between Winning The Stanley Cup Twice As A Coach Or Being The All-Time Scorer For Your Team, What Would You Choose? 

This is another hilarious question to ask Eddie Olcyzk. It presents two very lovely options that border his time in retirement and when he played. When I thought about it and put myself in his shoes, I could hardly pick an option.

What Current Player Plays Like You And Reminds You Of Your Time As A Player?

Eddie is still involved with hockey to date so he must have watched a couple of Ice Hockey games and seen some exceptional players.

It would be interesting to know which current player has impressed him and who he considers to be on the path to greatness like the one Eddie threaded.

Final Thoughts 

I am sure you have found enough suggestions about questions to ask Eddie Olcyzk. Which one(s) are you going with? Let me know in the comments section.

Fun Questions to Ask Eddie Olcyzk

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