20 Fun Questions to Ask Corey Mylchereest


If you have not followed him during his early days as an actor in plays, you must have taken note of Corey Mylchreest after his role as King George III in Queen Charlotte.

For those looking for questions to ask Corey Mylchreest, I have listed and explained 20 fun recommendations you can try.

Whether you are a journalist or just a fan, these questions will help you make the most of your interactions with Corey Mulchreest.

Table of Contents

Was There Anything More Than Just Shooting Scenes With India Chemristt Because The Chemistry Is Spot On?

If there is one question Corey must have heard so much, it is how he built the chemistry with India Chemristt. Anyone who’s watched Queen Charlotte will understand what I am saying.

Aside from the movie, if you’ve seen them at shows and interviews, you’ll wonder how two people can behave that way having just met barely days before the production of the movie started.

Even I would love to hear it from him “Was there anything more than just shooting scenes with India Chemristt because the chemistry is spot on?

The New Wave Of Popularity You Are Enjoying. Is It Bringing More Money Or Is The Fame Enough For You?

Corey’s rise to stardom and popularity might be considered fast. He only just graduated from Art School at the close of the lockdown in 2020 and he’s landed a very huge role with others yet to be announced.

One of the questions I think he’ll laugh at before asking would be whether his sudden rise to fame is translating into a fat bank account. Let’s not deny it. What’s passion without profit?

Is There An Actual Charlotte In Your Life?

Even though Corey has not really allowed his private life to fall to the mercy of the public, there’s one thing many have wondered – is Corey Mylchreest in a relationship?

He seems to have always evaded the question. Instead of asking it that way, we can ask him “Is there an actual Charlotte in your life?” Well, that’s cheeky enough, right?

Did Growing Up In East London Prepare You For The Role Of King George III?

Corey played the role of King George III to perfection. One might wonder if this has anything to do with his background, growing up in East London or attending the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

There’s only one way to find out.

Ask him if growing up in East London prepared him for the role or not. If his answer is no, then suggest whether his alma mater contributed to his exceptional acting on the Netflix series.

How Do You Deal With People Walking Up To You And Gasping As They Behold A Celebrity?

I laughed at myself when I came up with this question. Partly because of the way I infused the old English vibe and the idea of people gasping.

Anyway, we are talking fun questions to ask Corey Mylchreest so this one shouldn’t be out of place.

He is already a celebrity at least among those who have seen his plays and movies.

What Would You Guys Do If You Were Stuck In A Castle With India For A Year Without Access To Phones, Wifi, And So On?

This is one way to note how fun and creative Corey can be. Imagine being stuck in a castle with a woman as beautiful as India.

A lot of minds will race to several things but I am sure Corey’s answer would be thoughtful. So, when you get the chance. Ask him this question.

If You Were To Have A Royal Wedding, What Would Be The Color Of The Decoration And Cake?

This is another interesting question to ask Corey Mylchreest. It attempts to just find out what his taste in color is.

I am sure he’d indulge in answering a question like this even though I am not sure what colors I’d want my decoration or cake to be like.

Do You See Yourself Building The Kind Of Chemistry You Had With India With Another Actress Or Should We Enjoy The Current Experience And Not Look Forward To Another?

On screen, we have not seen Corey and another female actress. There’s no harm in wondering whether he will be able to build the kind of chemistry he had with India on the set of Queen Charlotte with another actress.

You’ve Always Acted In Plays And Royal Family Drama. Have You Fancied Acting In Kicking Doors In Afghanistan Or Fighting Crime In Detroit Kind Of Movies?

I am truly not a fan of royal family drama. My kind of movies are usually war and terrorism movies, crime-fighting, sci-fi, and so on.

If I have the chance to speak with Corey, I am sure this would be one of the questions I’d ask him. Just curious to know whether he’d consider a switch in genre or what do they call it in movies.

Is Your Relationship Status Still Private Because Of India Chemristt Or You Do Not Like Putting Your Private Life Out?

Well, it could be that Corey’s relationship status is being kept private because of how quickly he rose to stardom with his chemistry with India Chemristt.

Instead of just assuming, you can ask Corey “Is your relationship status still private because of India Chemristt or you do not like putting your private life out?” So, that we are clear on what is going on. LOL.

India Claimed You Stink In A Tiny Mic Interview. Does That Have Anything To Do With Any Intimate Occurrence? 

Fun Questions to Ask Corey Mylchereest

As outlandish as this may sound, India actually said that in an interview. Yes, and you can find it on TikTok.

Well, based on that, we can ask him if that confession by India or whatever it was came from them being intimate.

Do You Still Audition For Roles Or Are You Now An A-Rated Actor?

There are certain actors that come to the minds of producers and directors when they have a role to play.

These are usually the established guys or what you might call A-rated actors. Other actors may have to audition before they play a role.

Well, they are the upcoming guys. Corey had to audition for the role of King George III. So, it is not out of place to ask him this question.

Between Acting For The Screen And On The Stage, Which Is Most Exasperating?

For someone who still acts plays as much as he has begun to enjoy screen time, Corey is one person to give anyone details about what it feels like to do both.

This question attempts to find out which he finds more difficult: acting on a stage or TV. I once heard him talk about how difficult it was to start acting for the screen. This should be an interesting one.

What Is The Funniest Thing You’ve Had To Do On Set Or Stage And How Did It Go? 

I have tried both acting on the stage and on the screen and a lot of hilarious things happen backstage.

One time, I had to say something that was entirely not on the script because I had forgotten my lines and everyone was rushing to close the set that day.

It was not taken out and I still think of it and laugh. So, Corey will definitely have a hilarious experience too. Find out.

Do You Think Your Rise To Stardom Was Fast? 2020 You Graduated And By 2022 You Are A Mainstream TV Actor

Just for the fun of it, this question attempts to find out what Corey thinks about the speed with which he rose to stardom.

I think it will be interesting for him to recount his experience from 2020, after graduating to the time he got on the set of Queen Charlotte.

What’s That One Thing You Are Terrible At That Might Be Surprising To A Lot Of People?

I won’t be surprised if you are one of those people who think celebrities are invincible. There are a lot of random things you will be shocked to know that your faves cannot do.

For instance, Oprah Winfrey doesn’t know how to fill gas into her tank. Hence, the question “What’s that one thing you are terrible at that might be surprising to a lot of people?” is going to be revealing and hilarious as well.

Do You Get Stage Fright At This Point Or Have You Defeated Your Demons?

Some of these guys still struggle with stage fright and you might not believe what they have to do before they gain a bit of confidence to do the things we love them for.

You can ask Corey to talk about his – if he has any. I am sure he still has his war with stage fright so it should be interesting to find out.

Is There Something That Gives You The Flair For Royal Family Drama?

Maybe Corey is crafting a name for himself in the niche. Who knows? You can find out by asking him if there’s something that makes him want to do royal family drama more than other roles. It could be a passion or just his training.

Suppose Acting Took Too Long To Deliver On The Goods, What Would We Have Known Corey Mylchreest For?

A lot of the people we know today, doing stuff in certain fields, had other passions. However, because it was taking too long for them to get to the peak of their career or they didn’t see the prospects anymore, they switched paths.

Corey is almost already an established figure in the royal family. It will be exciting to know whether he has other plans in mind.

Have You Had An ‘I Messed Up’ Moment Before? What Was It About?

Mistakes are inevitable in life and some might be more grievous than others. This question attempts to find out if there’s a mistake Corey has made, either in his career, life, or relationship, that he looks back at and regrets.

Final Thoughts 

When you get the chance to meet Corey Mylchreest, I am sure you have enough questions to ask him.

I have added explanations to each question so that you understand the logic behind it or the idea I am trying to communicate. I believe you’ll have a lovely interaction with Corey if you get the chance.

Fun Questions to Ask Corey Mylchereest

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