20 Common Expressions for Relief


When you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious about something, you want to experience relief as soon as possible.

You could be waiting for a test result or news about your admission into college or worried about your presentation. There are a lot of reasons why we feel stress and anxiety.

The moment we feel relieved, we want to express it especially if you have other people worried about the same thing as well.

If this happens to be you, I am going to show you 20 ways you can express relief or state that you are now calm after a worry-filled episode.

20 Common Expressions for Relief

If you want to let someone know that you now feel better after being worried or under pressure, these are some examples you can use:

  1. I can finally breathe again
  2. What a load off my mind
  3. Thank goodness this is now over
  4. Phew! That was a very close call
  5. I was very worried and I am happy it turned out just fine
  6. You won’t believe how relieved I am
  7. What a relief to hear that
  8. Finally, some good news
  9. I can now stop worrying
  10. It is almost like a weight is off my shoulder
  11. It is behind me now
  12. Didn’t go as planned but happy it is over still
  13. Safe to say that everything is now as normal as it should be
  14. That is a settled case now
  15. Everything turned out just fine
  16. Cheers to never experiencing such again
  17. Tonight, I’d sleep better
  18. This is better than I expected
  19. All the effort did pay off
  20. Now I can focus on other things

I Can Finally Breathe Again

Expressions for Relief

You may sometimes feel like you were holding your breath while something lasted. When it is over, it is almost as though you are breathing again.

It could be after you get news of the successful surgery your friend went through or getting news that a relative’s health is now better.

What A Load Off My Mind

Worrying about something is like having a load on your mind. The thought of the problem just seems to linger and no matter how hard you try to push it aside it stays there. Its overstay can actually feel like a burden, a load on the mind.

So, you can use this phrase as well to express relief when the issue is finally resolved.

Thank Goodness This Is Now Over

At the end of a school year or the completion of a project that was literally nerve-wracking, you may want to express your relief with a phrase like this. If whatever was stressing you had a natural time duration, being appreciative like this can help communicate your relief.

Feel free to use this suggestion when the event or stressor was scheduled to end at a particular time but you had to endure through it.

Phew! That Was A Very Close Call

Expressions for Relief

Seeing a game and maybe the opposition had you at the edge of your seat with the way they were advancing towards your team’s goal.

When the attack didn’t end in a goal, you could describe it as a close call. Another case of a close call is avoiding an accident. These are two good scenarios to use “Phew! That was a very close call.”

You could also say, “That was close” or “They almost had us.”

I Was Very Worried And I Am Happy It Turned Out Just Fine

We get worried over the outcome of an event because we aren’t sure how it will turn out. It could be when you try a new recipe or when you prepare to host a presentation.

Your worry could get the better part of you and affect others. You can make them understand that you were just worried by saying “I was very worried and I am happy it turned out just fine.”

You Won’t Believe How Relieved I Am 

Your friend had to go through a challenging experience and somehow it had you worried as well. Or maybe someone in your family was stressed by something and there was nothing you could do to immediately change it.

Then, the news of it being resolved or over hits you, you could let them know that you were worried but are now relieved with a statement like this.

What A Relief To Hear That

If someone calls to tell you the good news about something that was a problem or that has been a burden for y’all, you could respond with “What a relief to hear that.” It could also be used after hearing of the completion of a project or discharge from a clinic.

Finally, Some Good News

Finally, some good news” is going to work in the same scenarios where you used the previous response. It is about expressing relief when you hear that what you were anxious about was over or it turned out well.

That’s good news and if you have been waiting to hear such news, then it makes this suggestion fit perfectly.

I Can Now Stop Worrying

You have been worrying and now you see that you don’t need to worry anymore, what better way to express your relief than by saying “I can now stop worrying.” It would even make sense when you say it to someone who has always asked you to not worry.

It Is Almost Like A Weight Is Off My Shoulder 

A strained relationship might be giving you so much concern that it feels like you are moving around with a weight. It could be your best friend, a sibling, a coursemate, or a colleague at work who you are at loggerheads with.

When you guys finally come to terms, a good way to express your relief is to say you feel like a weight has been taken from you.

It Is Behind Me Now 

The outcome of what you were worrying about might not be good. It could be that you were worried about the results and your worries were valid.

Well, you probably can’t change anything that has happened so it is best to just let it remain in the past which is where a conclusion like “It is behind me now” becomes handy.

Didn’t Go As Planned But Happy It Is Over Still 

Not everything goes as planned. Some things just don’t give us the desired outcome no matter how much we try or how hard we stress over it. “Didn’t go as planned but happy it is over still” is another way to express relief especially when what you were worried about didn’t happen to your favor. It is also an attempt to stay positive.

Safe To Say That Everything Is Now As Normal As It Should Be

You can use this phrase when you have been feeling overwhelmed with work. Maybe you had more orders than you usually did or your company was going through a major restructuring.

Once everything settles down, you can use the phrase “Safe To Say That Everything Is Now As Normal As It Should Be” to express that things have finally returned to a manageable and expected state.

That Is A Settled Case Now

When what has been stressing you is a conflict, “That is a settled case now” is an example of an expression that suggests relief. It could be a legal dispute, a disagreement with your family or friend, a financial dispute with a vendor or service provider, resolving an insurance claim, and so on.

Everything Turned Out Just Fine 

Sometimes you are just glad that everything turned out fine after you’ve been stressed for a while. This example is a good way to express relief in this manner.

It could be that you were wondering what your results would look like at the end of the semester and see that even though it wasn’t all good, it didn’t turn out as bad as you suppose.

Cheers To Never Experiencing Such Again

Cheers to never experiencing such again” is another good way to express relief when something that was a worry is over and you pray it is not something to worry about ever again.

It could be the period after a job loss before you get a new one, after a travel mishap, or a natural disaster, or after speaking publicly for the first time.

  • I am not sure that experience is one I never want to see
  • Let’s raise our glasses to leaving that in the past where it now belongs.

Tonight, I’d Sleep Better

Another common way to express relief would be to say “Tonight, I’d sleep better.” Probably the event or issue kept you up and prevented you from sleeping.

Like preparing for final year exams or having to present an annual report. These could keep you from sleeping or resting as you should. So, when it is over, you can talk about how you are going to start sleeping better from then on.

  • Now, I will catch up on all the time that I spent burning the midnight candle.
  • I didn’t have a good sleep for the past three weeks. It’s time I do so

This Is Better Than I Expected

The outcome you were concerned about getting could turn out less than what actually happened. “This is better than I expected” is when you now realize you have been overly worried for nothing only to see that you shouldn’t have been worried.

  • This exceeded my expectations. I now see that it wasn’t worth worrying
  • The way this turned out was better than I envisaged

All The Effort Did Pay Off 

Expressions for Relief

All the effort did pay off” is another good way to say you are relieved. When you had to prepare for an exam or having to stick with a budget to build your credit score.

At the end of the day, you can say that everything you did to achieve that paid off quite well. Even though the efforts seemed daunting, now that you have the result, you do not mind at all.

Now I Can Focus On Other Things

If you have gone through a stressful experience or a concerning series of events but there’s more you will do, this is a way to express your relief. Imagine being at work and you had a challenging week or period. When it is over, you know there will still be work to do. So, you just say “Now I can focus on other things.”

You can use this if you were decluttering your house or after the completion of a project or when you hit a milestone in life and would be moving to do other things or pursue other goals.

Final Thoughts

When you want to express relief, there are a lot of scenarios that can influence your answer. But I am sure the suggestions I have presented will help you to talk about how you are relieved no matter the circumstance.

Expressions for Relief

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