20 Clever Comebacks for Being Called a Rat


When someone calls you a rat, what exactly do they mean? The term “rat” when used as a noun broadly means a double-crosser, a liar, or someone filled with so much hate.

On the other hand, when used as a verb, it can be used to say that the person has betrayed or snitched on someone. A person can be called a betrayer or a snitch for various reasons – some are justifiable while some are not.

This blog does not encourage anyone to betray friends or family, but if you have to give a piece of private information that could help someone, don’t hesitate to give it.

Nevertheless what clever comebacks can you give when someone calls you a rat? This article covers the best comebacks you can give to a person who calls you a rat. This way, you don’t need to simply seethe when someone calls you a rat wishing you had the cleverest comeback to give.

Table of Contents

Well, That Rat Just Saved Your Life, So Feel Free To Thank Me Anytime You Decide To Stop Being Ungrateful.

As I wrote in the intro, sometimes you are forced to give information that could save someone’s life even if it means that they may feel like you’ve betrayed them.

If that is the situation you find yourself in, then this is the best comeback to use.

I Learnt From The Best Snitch In The Business – You!

Well, this comeback is most suitable when the person accusing you of being a rat is infamous for being a rat themselves.

I mean, the best way to learn how to be a rat is to learn from someone. So, the next time they accuse you of being a rat, don’t hesitate to remind them that they are the model you copy to become who you are.

If You Are Looking For A Rat, Then I Suggest You Look In The Mirror, At Least It Doesn’t Lie.

Most times when people call us names, it is mainly a projection of how they truly feel about themselves.

I mean, they can’t be comfortable pointing a finger at someone else when they have four pointing back at you for the same crime they accuse you of.

Well Then, You Had Better Watch Your Back So I Don’t Bite.

Another great strategy to respond to a person who calls you a rat is not to deny it but to make them more scared of you by appearing threatening. This comeback will have more effect if you look them straight in the eyes while standing up close to say it.

I Have Better Things To Do Or People To Hate On Than Hating On Someone Who Has Not Figured Out What They Want To Do With Their Life.

This comeback is mostly suitable when someone accuses you of hating them while you rarely even think about them. Some people like feeling extremely important so they assume that everyone hates them or is after them.

Imagine someone walking up to you and saying that an action you took shows that you hate them, meanwhile, you were not even thinking about them at all.

If You Don’t Want To Worry About Being Ratted On, Then Stop Being Sneaky Or Naughty.

Instead of admitting their fault and apologizing for it, trying to change or make amends, they try to gaslight you by calling you a rat.

You Can’t Continue Wearing Dresses And Auras That Attract Rats, And Be Complaining About Them.

Well, nobody should blame you for being attracted to them when they wear or do things that attract you to them. A dirty environment easily attracts rodents like rats, so a person has to be dirty to attract a rat.

For this comeback to be effective, you need to be comfortable with referring to yourself as a rat.

I Will Remember To Return This Compliment When I Hear A Juicy Tale About You.

Clever Comebacks for Being Called a Rat

If you are not a snitch and a person accuses you of being one, the best thing is to live up to the name. So, let them know that the next time, you hear something about them that is worth telling, you will be sure to rat it out.

Oh Well, This Is A Free World, Everyone Has A Right To Be Wrong.

This comeback is the best way to let them know that even though they are wrong for calling you a rat, you don’t care. After all, it’s a free world and everyone is allowed to make mistakes once in a while.

I May Be Wrong, But I Don’t Remember Telling You That Your Opinion Mattered.

Anyone can call you a rat behind your back, but for them to call you that to yourself, you must have asked for their opinion. This comeback is mostly used if you are indifferent about what people think about you.

I’d Rather Be A Rat Than Be A Two-Faced Beyatch Who Refuses To Make At Least One Of Their Faces Pretty.

Most people will not be satisfied with a comeback unless it has some insult in it that will hurt the other person as well. So, if you intend to hurt the other person for calling you a rat, this is the best comeback to use.

Oh Do Tell – Rat Poison Or Snake’s Venom? I Know What I Will Choose Any Day And Any Time.

Usually, when a person finds a rodent in their dwelling place, they do everything possible to get rid of it including poisoning it. On the other hand, when they see a snake, they get scared because it may likely spit its venom.

So, the next time they call you a rat, give them the above choice and advise them to think clearly before they do, ‘cause it may come back to hunt them.

You Keep Abusing Your Body Parts By Spilling Sh*T Through Your Mouth Instead Of Through Your A**.

If you decide to go hardcore with the insult, then this is the best comeback for you. Note that after using this comeback, there is no coming back from it cause the other person will probably h*te your guts.

 If You Are Trying To Insult Me, Maybe You Should Start By Not Stating The Obvious.

The best way to piss a person off is to own whatever reputation they give you and let them know that you don’t care at all. Forcing someone to try harder if they want to piss you off will very well set them off.

This comeback exposes the person’s inability to think of an intelligent insult, but just coming up with something so basic.

I Wish You Were Intelligent Enough To Do Your Research Before Coming To Point Fingers, But We Can’t All Be Intelligent Now, Can We?

This clever comeback is a polished way of calling someone stupid, ‘cause if they cannot be intelligent, it means that they are stupid after all. This comeback will hit in the right place if you say it with the right amount of nonchalance.

You are indirectly telling the person that if they had asked the right questions to the right people, they would find the person they are searching for instead of carelessly pointing fingers at anyone.

Hey, We All Have The Right To Be Stupid At Times, But It Is Illegal To Abuse The Privilege, Back Off!

This comeback is way stronger and more threatening because it is you telling the other person off in an insulting and violent way. Well, you can raise your voice while at it so that they know that you mean what you say.

Also, ensure that there is no fear in your eyes so that they don’t call you comeback bullsh*t and do the opposite.

I Was Told That You Are Below Royalty, But I Didn’t Know You Dine With Rats In The Gutter.

The only way to easily identify a rat is to see what they look like and you can find rats in the gutter. So, if someone decides to go low by calling you a rat, then go lower by reminding them that they had to get down to your level to know what a rat looks like.

It Takes One To Know One, I Mean, Only Birds Of The Same Feather Can Easily Identify Themselves.

If you have a Philippine sense of humor, you will understand the rationale behind this comeback statement.

Nevertheless, it’s a way to tell the person calling you a rat that they had to belong to the family of rats to easily identify what one looks and behaves like.

Ignoring You Will Be More Compliment Than You Will Ever Get In Life, So I’m Going To Do You This Solid And Ignore That Statement.

Sometimes, the best comeback you can give to a person is to ignore them and make them feel stupid. Of course, it will piss them off but that is the whole point of giving a comeback.

If you want to get the exact reaction you are looking for, you may want to look them in the eye, and then walk away after you are done speaking.

I Know Black Don’t Crack, But Say That One More Time, And Find Out If That’s True.

This comeback is most suitable if two black people are involved, and the intention is to get physical. This comeback goes beyond just saying words, it also involves using one’s fist to pass a message.

Before you use this comeback, ensure that you can beat up the other person or you can at least get enough punches in before they beat you up.

Final Words,

Just because you have exhausted the twenty (20) comebacks in this article does not mean you cannot think of other clever comebacks that you can give when someone calls you a rat.

This comeback can be a guide to other heavier comebacks, and it will involve you thinking on your feet. If you can think of something, drop them in the comment section as we would love to hear from you.

Clever Comebacks for Being Called a Rat

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