50 Ways to Ask Someone to Take A Picture With You 


If you want someone to take a picture with you, no rule of thumb decides how you can go about it. Different people have their reservations when it comes to taking pictures and your approach may be a turn-off for some. While we cannot fix people’s responses to your request, we can suggest ways to present your photo op proposal such that it would be a bit difficult for them to resist.

In this article, I will show you 50 ways to ask someone to take a picture with you. I have taken into consideration some scenarios where you might want to take a picture with someone and you’ll find the appropriate statements to use. Whether you are at an event, a party, a reunion, a social gathering, in school, etc, these suggestions will help you communicate your intentions.

These are some tested and tried ways that can help you get a picture with someone:

  1. Make me the happiest person today by agreeing to take a picture with me
  2. Can you do me the honor of having a snapshot with you?
  3. I want to save this memory for later. Let’s take a picture together
  4. I am honored and excited to be meeting with you. Having a picture with you would make it even more surreal
  5. My kids knew you were coming. They begged me to take a picture with you if I saw you. You are an idol to my family
  6. Allow me to borrow this woman for a moment. I just want a picture with her. I promise to return her unhurt.
  7. This outfit of yours is a bang. I need to have a picture of us with you in it
  8. Please, don’t decline me. I want to have a picture with you, please
  9. There’s no better way to end this event than with a picture of you with me and the guys
  10. I have no idea when we will meet again. So, let’s make use of this moment. Can we take a photo?
  11. This backdrop is stunning. Don’t you think? A snapshot in front of it will be amazing. Let’s try it
  12. What is a trip to Paris without a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower? What do you say?
  13. A picture would be the climax of what a lovely evening we just had. Say cheese
  14. I have an idea. We could recreate that picture from our childhood days. It is going to be stunning
  15. This reunion requires a lot of pictures to save the memories. I want to have one with you first before I do any group photos
  16. We see almost during blue moons. I doubt I’ll see you anytime soon. I propose we take a picture now though. It’d help me not to miss you too much
  17. I will be damned if I do not take a picture with you
  18. For documentation purposes, we would like for you to join us for a photo op
  19. Your presentation was solid. Can I take a picture of you and your exhibition?
  20. What better way to prove that I had the honor of meeting with the man himself than a snapshot? Allow me to indulge you
  21. We don’t have a picture together with this trophy. I need one with you my star player
  22. Look up, and smile at the camera.
  23. The success of this musical begs to be archived. Please let’s take a picture together
  24. You know there’s one thing that’s going to make my day – a shot with you for the Gram
  25. I know you are in a hurry to run along but if you wouldn’t mind sparing me a minute for a quick photo
  26. Oi, let’s have a picture of us doing our thing. Shall we?
  27. I’ve just found the most Instagrammable spot you’ll ever see here. Come let us take pictures already Ways to Ask Someone to Take A Picture With You 
  28. You look gorgeous. I am mesmerized, ngl. We’ve got to take a picture
  29. I can’t believe I do not have a picture of you after so many years together. Let’s have one, right now, please
  30. I know you aren’t one to take pictures but you’ll make an exception for me today
  31. Ways to Ask Someone to Take A Picture With You 
  32. I think you are the best dressed today. There’s almost no competition for you. I’d do anything to have a picture with you
  33. Allow me to steal for you a quick photo, would you?
  34. Sandra asked for pictures. Let’s take some to send to her
  35. Leaving already? Thanks for coming. We should have a picture before you leave!
  36. Our photographer is exceptional and he’s fast. All I am saying is let’s take a photo and we won’t waste your time
  37. I didn’t get a chance the last time we met. This time, I wouldn’t pass on the chance
  38. I need something to make me remember this remarkable experience. A photo with you will do just that
  39. See how our outfits complement each other. One would think we planned it. What do you say we take a picture?
  40. You are a star already. Before it becomes too difficult to take pictures with you, can I have the privilege now?
  41. I want James to be jealous that he couldn’t make it. A picture will do just that
  42. Sorry for the inconvenience but could you spare me some of your time so we can take a snapshot together just for my publication
  43. Don’t sit idly. Come, let’s take a picture. You are a part of this success and you should be seen in our picturesWays to Ask Someone to Take A Picture With You 
  44. I am taking pictures for keepsakes. I need one with you. Don’t worry, I am not sharing them without your permission
  45. Even though we just met, I feel we should take a photo. If you don’t find it creepy
  46. Babe, why shouldn’t we take a picture right here and now?
  47. If I don’t get to see you again, I should get something to hold on to as my memory of you. That’s why we should take a picture together
  48. Come, strike your best pose for the camera. Come on, give it all you’ve got
  49. How would you attend my wedding and leave without taking a picture with me?
  50. I can never have enough of taking pictures with you. I want one now
  51. Oh my. You are the absolute epitome of gorgeousness. I won’t pass on the opportunity of having a snapshot with you. Grant me this wish.

Final Thoughts

It is important to note that the goal is not to try and convince them to do something against their wish. They can decline your offer if they’ve got better things to do. If the person isn’t photogenic, he or she can say no to you because they don’t think they’d look good enough in the picture.

Also, timing is important. You may be asking for a picture when they are busy doing something they consider more important. Looking at these, there are several reasons why someone may decline your invitation for a picture. You must understand their sentiment and why they may not be willing to do so. Respect their decision and don’t come off as being pushy.

Ways to Ask Someone to Take A Picture With You 

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