20 Cool Replies to “Let Me Holla at You”


When you holla at a person, it means that you want to check up on them or you are just saying “hello,” It is slang used to ask a person “What’s up?” or acknowledge someone’s presence.

When you now directly speak to someone and tell them, “Hey, let me holla at you,” it means you have something to tell them and you would want them to come over and give you their attention.

It is popular among residents who live in a low-class neighborhood. When you say it to someone that you know, it means that you wish to speak with them or relay a piece of important information to them.

However, most street guys say it to random girls passing by who they want to flirt with or hit on. It is a very informal way of doing any of the above and is mostly considered street slang. In this article, we will be giving you twenty (20) cool replies to say to someone who says, “Let me holla at you.” Add these replies to your vocabulary to improve your conversation skills and form better relationships.

Table of Contents

Well, My Time Is Not Free So That Will Be $50 An Hour.

This statement embodies the saying, “Time is money,” and it gives people the vibe that you don’t like your time being wasted which makes you look cool and important.

  • “Well, my time is not free so that will be $50 an hour.”
  • “You are not cheap shawty.”

If You Are Looking For A Girl To Easily Pick Off The Street, I’m Not Her.

Cool Replies to Let Me Holla at You

Because street boys use the statement, “Let me holla at you,” to try to pick on girls, this statement is a cool way to reply to them if you are a girl.

  • “If you are looking for a girl to easily pick off the street…”
  • “Yeah?”
  • “…I’m not her.”

Well, Shawty, If I Looked Anything Like You, I’d Be Standing On The Street Hollering At Pretty Girls Too Instead Of Doing Something Meaningful With My Life.

To some woke people, the best way to look cool is to let them know that they cannot easily walk all over you and this statement is the best way to do that.

  • “…I’d be standing on the street hollering at pretty girls too instead of doing something meaningful with my life.”

Coming All The Way To Holler At Me Means There Must Be Bread Involved, I’m All Ears.

Bread is a street slang meaning money, so this statement points to the fact that the person is calling you to discuss a business that will fetch you both profits.

  • “Coming all the way to holler at me means there must be bread involved…”
  • “There sure is.”
  • “…I’m all ears.”

If It Isn’t My Favourite Person In The World; I’ll Let You Holla At Me Alright.

The implication of this statement is quite straightforward. It shows that the person saying, “Let me holla at you,” is someone you are familiar with and you are pleased to hear from them.

  • “If it isn’t my favorite person in the world…”
  • “I know right?”
  • “…I’ll let you holla at me alright.”

Shawty, I’m Not The Kind Of Girl You Need To Mess With, I’m Naughty By Nature And I Will Beat You At Your Own Game.

The best way to look cool is to let them know that you will not easily be the type of person that anyone can mess with even if it means showing false bravado.

  • “Shawty, I’m not the girl you need to mess with…”
  • “Oh really?”
  • “…I’m naughty by nature and I will beat you at your own game.”

Your Voice Is Too Low, But If You Let Me Come Home With You Tonight, You Will Hit The High Note.

Instead of acting intimated, you can flirt your way out of an uncomfortable situation especially if you are dealing with the other gender.

I Suggest You Ask Questions Before You laugh at A Stranger because I’ma Chew You Out.

Look them straight in the eyes when you say this to let them know that you mean business and you will not easily be messed with.

You Always Stand On Business So I’m Going To Make Time For You, Give Me A Minute.

Cool Replies to Let Me Holla at You

If you are the type that doesn’t appreciate your time being wasted but you are a person who doesn’t like wasting your time hollers at you, then this is the best response to use.

Nah, I’m The Boss At This Hollering Game, But You’re So Fine, You Just Gave Me A Raise.

Well, talk about beating a pizza master at his/her own game. This statement will turn you from a simple boring person to a flirty cool person in a minute.

  • “Nah, I’m the boss at this hollering game…”
  • “Really?”

Unless You Are Interested In Picking Up The Check, You Don’t Have Any Business Hollering At Me.

This cool reply will work better for a lady who has a guy hollering at her. Most guys make an effort for a lady who they have to chase to get.

  • “Unless you are interested in picking up the check…”
  • “Yeah?”
  • “…you don’t have any business hollering at me.”

I Should Be Hollering At You Because You Look So Good You Have My Eyes Popping Out.

If you use this statement, you will not only catch them off guard, but you will also look extra cool while doing it cause people love to be told that they look good.

You Are Hollering At The Right Person, Because I Know How To Handle This Type Of Business.

If someone is hollering at you because they want you to handle something for them, then this is a cool way to let them know that you can handle it.

  • “You are hollering at the right person…”
  • “That so?”

I’m Not Surprised You Are Hollering At Me, I Bet You’ve Never Seen A Fine Fat Dude Packing Like This.

Where is my extra-size dude? I finally have the perfect statement that will make you look cool and funny, just make sure you look good while saying it.

Don’t Get Me Obsessed With You Now Cause When I’m All In, Ain’t Nothing Blocking Me From Loving You.

This friendly threat is a playful way to get an admirer to think that you are cool. It gives off a flirty, confident vibe which you need to increase your flirting game.

You Are Playing A Dangerous Game Hollering At Me Cause I’m So Fine I’ll Make A Player Like You Come Out Of Early Retirement.

If you don’t want your admirer to think that you are timid or that you are not on top of your game, then this is the best cool reply that you can give.

I’m Not Going To Lie, You Got Good Taste So I’ma Give You A Benefit Of The Doubt.

This statement just implies that because they decided to approach you instead of other ladies/gents around, then it shows they have good taste.

  • “I’m not going to lie…”
  • “Yeah?”
  • “…you got good taste so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.”

You Can Only Holler At Me If You Like Eating Out, Cause That’s All I Love To Do.

This cool reply takes flirting to a whole new level. If you are aiming to be outright naughty in your statement, then this is the best reply to use.

If You Are Asking Me To Come Over For A Chat, Then Be Informed That The Only Place I Can Sit On Is Your Face.

This is another naughty reply that will impress your admirer and put you on the list of the coolest people ever.

  • “If you are asking me to come over for a chat…”
  • “Yeah?”
  • “…then be informed that the only place I can sit on is your face.”

Okay, I Promise To Come Over And Give You A Little Piece If You Promise To Be Quiet.

Cool Replies to Let Me Holla at You

This cool reply should be mostly used between people who are already in a relationship. It can also be used by a person who intends to go all out in their flirty game and is willing to follow a stranger to his house.

  • “Okay, I promise to come over and give you a little piece…”
  • “Is that right?”
  • “…if you promise to be quiet.”

Final Words,

Whether you are a pretty girl getting hit on by boys on the street, or a friend is trying to get your attention to speak to you, these replies will ensure that you look cool while responding. Keeping quiet or giving nervous replies should be struck out of the things you need to work on because we got you with these replies.

Cool Replies to Let Me Holla at You

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