15 Humorous Ways to Ask Someone About Their Grade in School


It is not bad to be inquisitive. I get why you may want to know the grade your friend or coursemate got in a particular subject. While you may not enjoy any success trying to get grade information out of people, with a bit of humor, you can do it. That’s why I have listed 15 funny ways to ask someone about their grade in school

If The Class Average Is This Low, I Wonder What You’d Get 

We all have that one person in the class who can be considered the class dummy. Now, I will only recommend using this line on someone comfortable with being considered the dummy in class. If they are your friend, better still. Don’t use this on any random classmate. Even with your friend, you’ll have to ensure they are comfortable with it before using it.

  • Not like I mean you are the class dummy but the class average is even too high for you. Forgive me, hahaha
  • This time we have an all-time low. If you are in the higher end of the spectrum, bro, I’ll respect you

What Grade Did You Get? Well, I Want To Pry

What grade did you get? Well, I want to pry” is another funny way to ask someone about their grade in school. The perfect time is to ask them just after they get their sheet. Ask them “What was your grade?” Then follow it up with “I am not trying to pry though but pry I will.” This is going to amuse them.

I Got A C+. Now, You Must Tell Me What Your Grade Is. You Already Heard Mine 

I like to set my friends up like this. You could just tell them what your grade is and use that to force their hand. You can only do this with someone you are close to. By saying, “I got a C+. Now, you must tell me what your grade is. You already heard mine,” they will be forced to say what their grade is. You can do this in the instant they receive their sheet or later on when y’all are hanging out.

  • My grade is B. Do you know what that means? You can’t keep your grade a secret anymore. Hahaha.
  • I got a C. Guess what? One good turn deserves another. You should tell me yours too.

The Way You Are Keeping Your Grade From Me, I Can Only Wonder If It Is As Bad As I Suspected 

The way you are keeping your grade from me, I can only wonder if it is as bad as I suspected” is another funny way to ask someone about their grade in school. This comes in handy when the person seems to be hiding their grades. Even if they aren’t hiding it, they’ll laugh at you having the idea. That last statement in the response is the main emphasis. It’ll crack them up no doubt.

  • Your grade has to be bad. Cause why else would you be hiding it from me?

The Way Your Face Became Gloomy When You Collected Your Script Was Funny. Don’t Worry, We’ve Seen Worse. What’s Your Grade?

Another good way to ask someone about their grade is to say “The way your face became gloomy when you collected your script was funny. Don’t worry, we’ve seen worse. What’s your grade?” This statement is mockery masqueraded in sympathy. The way you can drive the humor is to see it with a funny face or a smirk on your face. A giggle at the end could also make it sound funny. When you do so, you can ask to see their grade if they haven’t shown you already.

There Are Not So Many Reasons Why Someone Would Hide Their Grade. Except You Want To Be The Class Dummy, You Know What To Do 

Weird but funny, threatening to name them the class dummy for not wanting to share their grade is another way to get them to spill what they might be hiding. I once tried it on a shy coursemate and he gave in. It wasn’t funny to him but it made other people laugh. That, at least, helped him loosen up a bit.

Curiosity Kills The Cat But It Is A Good Thing I Am Not A Cat. So, What’s Your Grade?

Humorous Ways to Ask Someone About Their Grade in School

This is another one of my go-to statements when I want to find out something from people. The statement shows that you are curious and aren’t worried about your curiosity because only cats die from curiosity as the saying goes. Cheeky, right?

Wipe That Smirk Off Your Face. My Money’s On B+

You can also engage in a bet to get them to say what grade they got. “Wipe that smirk off your face. My money’s on B+” is an example to use just after they collect their sheet. So you may not necessarily need to use it when you are talking to them later on. If you want to find out at a later time, you could say “I noticed you had this weird cheeky smile on your face when you got your test result. I can bet you had a B cause A is impossible.

With That Look On Your Face, I Am Sure You Got An A. If You Are Smiling With Anything Less, Then You Should Be Prosecuted 

Another funny way to ask someone about their grade is to say “With that look on your face, I am sure you got an A. If you are smiling with anything less, then you should be prosecuted.” From the context of this statement, you can tell that the scenario should be just after y’all get your results. The part that will be a cracker would be the Prosecution line.

For A Chance To Know My Grades Every Semester, Tell Me Yours Now

Give them an offer like this one and if you have friends like mine, they’ll jump at the offer. “For a chance to know my grades every semester, tell me yours now” agrees to let your friend know what grades you get throughout your college years, provided they tell you what they got in that particular course. You could make it even by saying y’all will be telling each other what grades you have as you go through college.

  • I am going to tell you my grades in every subject if you will tell me yours. Guess what? You can’t say no.
  • I will tell you all my grades this semester if you tell me yours.

I Don’t Like To Gossip But I Told Jake And Samantha That You Had A B+ In Music And They Claimed No One Did. Can You Prove Them Wrong?

This is another way you can find out the grade of your friend in school. Whether or not you were gossiping about them, you can use it to make them feel a bit important before going on to ask them to clear the air about their grade. If there was no gossip, you could use any of the following:

  • Forgive me for prying. I don’t want to gossip about you with the wrong facts. What was your grade in Physics?
  • I told Nate that you were the highest in French class but he thinks I am capping. Prove him wrong. What’s your grade?

You Should Get An Award For Keeping Things To Yourself. However, You Aren’t Keeping This One. What’s Your Grade?

We all have that one person in school or friend who never shares any details about their lives. They always keep stuff to themselves and don’t even share it with friends. If you are dealing with such a person, one of the ways to get their grade out of them would be to force them. A good example of a statement to achieve this task is “You should get an award for keeping things to yourself. However, you aren’t keeping this one. What’s your grade?

  • Your I-aint-telling-no-one-about-my-grade attitude has to end. What did you get in Biology?
  • I know you feel invincible but you are not getting any breathing space from me except you tell me what your grade during the open test is.

You Know It Doesn’t Take Anything From You To Tell Me Your Grade In Physics. Not Like It’s Going To Change For Better Or Worse. So Spill 

This is a funny statement that is supposedly sympathetic but in reality, it is a ploy to get the person to cave. I often deploy it when I know the situation is truly helpless and I am curious to know what it is about. By using it, you can get them to say since it truly doesn’t change the fact that what their grade is will not change if they do. Girls can use this line effortlessly on boys.

For A Chance To Save Your Life, What Was Your Grade On The Last Test We Wrote? Or Don’t You Want To Save Your Life?

Another funny way to ask someone about their grade in school is to say “For a chance to save your life, what was your grade on the last test we wrote? Or don’t you want to save your life?” What makes this funny is that whether they decide to say it or not, they aren’t going to die. You can hold up your pen in their face like it’s a gun while you use this statement. It will end up making them laugh and that could get them just to share so you become one less of a burden for them.

I Am In A Good, Magical Mood. So, Tell Me What Your Grade Is And I May Make It Better If It Isn’t An A

Humorous Ways to Ask Someone About Their Grade in School

To wrap up this piece on funny ways to ask someone about their grade in school, you can act like a magician capable of turning their grade around. This line could help you to indulge them into telling you what their grade is since you want to change it. If they decide not to use your magic, maybe they got an A. Either way, you have your answer.

Final Thoughts 

Trying to know someone’s grade can be a creepy thing especially if you do not have a cordial relationship with the person. Even for friends, not everyone would be confident enough to tell you what grade they got.

By attempting to use humor to extract the information, you can get them to soften up, feel a little more comfortable, and tell you what you need to know. Choose from any of the listed suggestions based on the scenarios and contexts discussed.

Humorous Ways to Ask Someone About Their Grade in School

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